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2_Features of

File metadata and controls

118 lines (89 loc) · 6.74 KB

Features of ollama-instructor

ollama-instructor uses the chat method of Ollama to request the LLM on the Ollama server for a response to a prompt. ollama-instructor's chat_completion and chat_completion_with_stream extend the chat method to support the following features:

  • pydantic_model: This arguments is a Pydantic BaseModel. As Pydantic brings type checking and validation to Python, it is a great way to define the wanted output of your model and provide a JSON schema to instruct the LLM on what and how to structure its output to pass validation.

  • retries: With nested Pydantic models or smaller LLMs you may run into issue getting a valid response in the first try. Therefore, and to support smaller LLMs ollama-instructor provides the retries argument. This argument is an integer that defines how many times the LLM should be retried if it fails to return a valid response. With each retry the LLM will be confronted with the ValidationError to return a new response.

  • allow_partial: Can be either True or False. If set to True, the LLM will return a partial response if it fails to return a valid response (even after all retries). This is useful for smaller LLMs that may not be able to handle all the information in the prompt/context. All wrongly set values in the response will be set to None or its default value (if set in the Pydantic BaseModel).

  • format = '': This argument is a native argument of the chat method of Ollama but was not supported until verion 0.4.0 in with ollama-instructor, as format= 'json' was forcing the LLM to respond in JSON, what made the outputs reliable. With the release of version 0.4.0 you can use '' as value for the argument format. With this set the LLM will be instructed to reason step by step before responding the final JSON in a code block. The code block will be extracted from the response and validated against the Pydantic model.

Note 1: You can have an overview of all available arguments of Ollama's chat method by looking into the documentation: Ollama API and Ollama Python Client.

Note 2: For more information about the "WHY?", the idea and concept of ollama-instructor see the README in the docs folder.

The methods: chat_completion and chat_completion_with_stream

You may already figured out that there are two methods available for ollama-instructor: chat_completion and chat_completion_with_stream. The difference between the two is that the first one returns a single response, while the second one returns a stream of the response. With Ollama's chat method your are able to set the argument stream to True or False. I wasn't able to find a way to set the stream argument in the chat_completion method. Therefore, I decided to create two methods that are very similar but with different names.

In most of the cases I will use chat_completion for examples but you can use chat_completion_with_stream if you want to get a stream of the response as both methods have the same arguments and above mentioned features of ollama-instructor.


The chat_completion method of ollama-instructor is able to receive the value '' for the argument format. This enables the reasoning capabilities of LLMs and can be used for more complex tasks or JSON schemas. Especially for smaller models this could be beneficial.

How is this done?

By setting format = '' the LLM is not forced to respond within JSON. Therefore, the instructions are crucial, to get a JSON anyway. But with format = '' the capabilities of LLMs to reason step by step before answering can be used. When you set format = '' the LLM will be instructed differently (have a look into the code in file ''). After the step by step reasoning the LLM is instructed to respond within a code block starting with ´´´json and ending with ´´´. The content of this code block will be extracted and validated against the Pydantic model. When comments within the JSON code block occur, the code tries to delete them.


Here is an example for the usage:

import rich.markdown
from ollama_instructor.ollama_instructor_client import OllamaInstructorClient
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import List
from enum import Enum
import rich

class Gender(Enum):
    male = "male"
    female = "female"
    other = "other"

class User(BaseModel):
    name: str
    email: str
    age: int
    gender: Gender
    friends: List[str]

client = OllamaInstructorClient(

response = client.chat_completion(
            'role': 'user',
            'content': 'Extract the name, email and age from this text: "My name is Jane Smith. I am 25 years old. My email is My friends are Karen and Becky."'


from rich.console import Console
from rich.markdown import Markdown
console = Console()
md = Markdown(response['raw_message']['content'])

Output of the reasoning which is stored in response['raw_message']['content']:

Task Description: Given a JSON schema, extract the named properties 'name', 'email', 'age' and 'gender' from the provided text and return a valid JSON response adhering to the schema.


 1 'name': The name is mentioned as "My name is Jane Smith".
 2 'email': The email is mentioned as "My email is".
 3 'age': The age is mentioned as "I am 25 years old".
 4 'gender': According to the text, 'Jane' is a female, so her gender would be represented as 'female' in the JSON response.
 5 'friends': The friends are mentioned as "Her friends are Karen and Becky", but according to the schema, 'friends' should be an array of strings, not an object with a title. However, the schema does not explicitly state that each friend must have a unique name, so both 'Karen' and 'Becky' could be included in the 'friends' list.

JSON response:
   "name": "Jane Smith",
   "email": "",
   "age": 25,
   "gender": "female",
   "friends": ["Karen", "Becky"]

Output of the extracted JSON within response['message']['content']:

   "name": "Jane Smith",                                    
   "email": "",
   "age": 25,
   "gender": "female",
   "friends": ["Karen", "Becky"]

Note: This feature is currently not available for chat_completion_with_stream. I try to make this happen.