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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

If you want to contribute, it's good to start with this issue to learn about the project.
This Issue/PR make something incompatible with lower version.
priority | critical
priority | critical
Ok let's anything else aside. You absolutly need to fix it because there is nothing that work well !
priority | high
priority | high
This task need to be fix now ! Go work now dumb dev !
priority | low
priority | low
You can wait for that task, that not really important to fix it now.
released on @beta
released on @beta
status | blocked
status | blocked
We need something from the team to work on this issue.
status | help wanted
status | help wanted
Extra attention is needed. Can someone help the dev on that task ?
status | in review
status | in review
This issue need to be reviewed.
status | paused
status | paused
This issue is started by someone, but paused due to other task proprity.
type | bug
type | bug
Something isn't working. Please fix it.
type | build
type | build
Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: gulp, broccoli, npm)
type | ci
type | ci
Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (example scopes: Travis, GitHub Workflow, etc)
type | docs
type | docs
Improvements or additions to documentation (, comments, mockup, etc).
type | feature
type | feature
New feature or request to improve the project.
type | performance
type | performance
A code change that improves performance.
type | poc
type | poc
You have make a Proof of Concept before making a choice. You can try everything you want here.
type | question
type | question
Further information is requested. Please, someone on the project can answer this ?
type | refactor
type | refactor
A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
type | style
type | style
Changes that do not affect the meaning of the codes (white-space, formatting, etc).
type | test
type | test
Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests