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This application is built for the Attendy Project for IEOR 171: Technology Firm Leadership and Organizational Behavior at University of California, Berkeley.

Setting Up The Environment

Since our project is currently under development, we don't have an online version ready. However, you can test it locally by following the intructions below.

Clone the repository

In bash, run:

git clone
cd all-in-flask

Create a new virtual environment

Install the requirements.

pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Copy the .env.example file to .env, and edit it to match your database.

  2. Run source .env to apply the environment variables (or even better, use autoenv)

  3. Run the migrations.

python db upgrade
  1. Seed the database.
python dbseed

Seeding will load survey.json into SQLite.

  1. Expose your appliction to the wider internet using ngrok.

To actually forward incoming calls, your development server will need to be publicly accessible. We recommend using ngrok to solve this problem.

$ ngrok http 5000

Once you have started ngrok, update your TwiML app's voice URL setting to use your ngrok hostname. It will look something like this:

Start the development server

python runserver

Once ngrok is running, open up your browser and go to your ngrok URL. It will look like this:
