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This is an experimental project providing a very simple (and incomplete) unit test tool written using ES6 features.

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I saw a lot of people very excited with the new changes on babel (6to5) and after talking to some friends at work, I decided to play with some ES6 doing this unit test framework using a lot of its features.

So far it's using several ES6 features together, like:

  • Classes
  • Promises
  • Generators (++ to this one as it solved the async tests order like a charm)
  • Arrow functions
  • template strings
  • parameters destructuring
  • shorthand properties

Reviews, comments and PR are more than welcome! I'll love any feedback.


Clone it!

git clone

Install npm dependencies

npm install

Run npm test to see it working.


Import goiabada and instantiate a new object:

import Goiabada from "goiabada";

var goiabada = new Goiabada();

Write your tests using the test method, catch the assert parameter and write your assertions, then call end() when you're done testing.

goiabada.test( assert => {
    assert.ok( true, "it works!" );

Call start to run the test queue from all the tests you declared.


If you prefer calling only test, without the namespace, you can add this line:

var test = goiabada.test.bind( goiabada );


There's no current browser implementation of Goiabada, but I have plans to make it work, as soon as I can find something clean and simple to make bundle the source files into an UMD source using a single namespace.

Help wanted!



  • ok( value[, message ] ): evaluates the value to true. e.g.: true, 1 or "non-empty string".
  • notOk( value[, message ] ): evaluates the value to false.
  • equal( value, expected[, message ] ): non strict comparison (==).
  • notEqual( value, expected[, message ] ): negative non strict comparison (!=).
  • deepEqual( value, expected[, message ] ): deep equal comparison.
  • notDeepEqual( value, expected[, message ] ): negative deep equal comparison.
  • same( value, expected[, message ] ): strict comparison (===).
  • notSame( value, expected[, message ] ): negative strict comparison (!==).
  • throws( fn[, message ] ): passes when the given fn throws an error.

All assertions return a boolean representing the result, except throws which returns the error.

Assert helpers

  • expect( n ): expects a number of given assertions to run from that point.
    • The last expected assertion will trigger the end() method.
  • end(): when triggered manually, it will close the test and:
    • trigger an error if you still have remaining tests set from expect();
    • trigger an error for each of consecutive assertion in the same test block.
  • remaining: if you call expect(n), this will receive a number value with the remaining tests to run.
  • error: push an error to the test log


  • assertions: the executed assertions
  • passed: the passing assertions
  • failed: the failing assertions

The Logger

You can set a different logger on Goiabada. It's not standardized yet but my goal is to follow the possible conventions from


experimental project providing a very simple (and incomplete) unit test tool written using ES6 features.







No packages published

Contributors 4
