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Classifying motorcycle year, make and model from images with a CNN

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My Data Journey with Motorcycle Classification




Data Tuning


Final Model

Further Research



It always starts the same way. The forum post is accompanied by a photo of some random motorcycle. What bike is this? Experts and novices alike scramble to find the year, make and model of the motorcycle pictured. Wouldn't it be nice to easily classify a motorcycle from an image? This project seeks to do just that.

Using the power of pre-trained convolutional neural networks, we can customize the models to classify the year, make and model of motorcycle images. What kind of performance can we expect? Is it even possible? Motorcycles can be very similar between various models and years. We will find that we can routinely achieve around 70% top-3 accuracy with a relatively small data set. We will also find that to increase accuracy, we would likely need to greatly increase the size of the data set collected in this project. Along the way, we will look at methods to collect and process data, while building a suitable model for classification.

In the end, we will find that model tuning, data transformation, and data augmentation have, at best, incremental benefits. In fact, the best time I spent on this project involved performance tuning Pytorch itself to achieve faster modeling times.

Throughout the last eight weeks, I conducted myriad experiments. Not all are included in this document or code repository. Most experiments test data with fifty targets over fifty epochs. Some will include more epochs as needed. Fifty targets was the sweet spot between a low number of targets with high accuracy and a high number of targets with low accuracy.

** Please note. Only selected code examples are included in this document. To see all code, look through the Jupyter notebooks and the two python packages in the git repository. The notebooks are numbered in order needed to run all of them. They all include output. This means you can see the code and results in the Github repository.

** Since I do not have license to publish the data I used, data is not included in this repository. Though, the code to obtain data is. See notebooks 1 and 2. Notebook 2 will require a Microsoft Azure account and an API key for their cognitive services. As with any automated image download, issues can occur. The most common are bad images and images with long names. These are easily resolved and script output points to the issues.

** To run the Jupyter notebooks, a little setup is required. Libraries are listed in each of the notebooks. I recommend using Anaconda and creating a virtual environment. Utility functions and classes are included in randomdatautilities and modeling. They can be installed with pip -e.


I could not find any existing free data sets for motorcycle classification. There were commercial options, but prices were not listed. In the end, I decided to create my own data set. After a lot of experimentation, I found that had a very consistent naming convention for motorcycles and included just about every commercial motorcycle ever made. This was a good start.

Obtaining Data


  • Notebook 1: All code to obtain the first 700 images with 366 classes.

  • Notebook 2: Code needed to obtain 2800 images across 366 classes. (Uses randomdatautilities.downloads from this repository).

The initial data set consisted of 700 images across 366 classes. This was simply too few images per class. To augment the initial data, I utilized the Bing search API and finished with 2800 images.

For more information on the process of obtaining data, see Obtaining data.



  • Notebook 3: All code to pre-process the data.

    Throughout this process, I often came back to notebook 3. This is where I created clean data sets that fit various scenarios. First, I ensured there were at least three images per class, so we would have one image for training, validation and testing. Later on, I wanted to see what would happen if I made the images square by padding the top and bottom. Near the end of the project, I wanted to test classes that had eight or more images, then seven or fewer. These results will appear later under Data Tuning.

    The most interesting code from this notebook segments images into train, validation and test. It allows us to easily segment images per class with a proportion dedicated to each. With that done, it was time for some exploratory data analysis.

Figure . Segmenting images to train, validation and test.



  • Notebook 4: All code to perform EDA.

    First up was figuring out how many images we had per class. While it varied greatly, as shown by the first image, the histogram showed most classes had at least eight images.

Figure . Images per class.

Figure . Histogram of images per class.

Figure . Classes with the least and most images.

It was easy to display and resize certain images using Python's PIL library.

Figure 9. A resized Indian Motorcycle.

Data Tuning

With a small number of images per class, data transformations are critical to model performance. Also, balancing the data, can have significant impacts. In order to efficiently test various configurations, I created a Python package with constants and functions for creating Pytorch data loaders. One of the more interesting features is the TargetSampler. This allows us to create data loaders that will return training, validation and testing data sets that all have the same classes. It allows us to subset the data, without worrying about any differences in classes.

Figure 10. Sampler to ensure subsets have the same classes.



  • Notebook 5: Code to test various data transforms. (Utilizes modelingfunctions.dataprocessing, modelingfunctions.modeling and modelingfunctions.utilities.)

I tested several different transforms. The most basic was a default transform that simply resized and cropped the images. The more complex transforms included data augmentation by performing random transforms like color jitter and rotation. Data augmentation is common when data is limited. Furthermore, I tried wider, smaller and larger transforms. Data augmentation at 244x244 resolution provided the best results.

For more inforamtion on data transformations, see data transformation.

Figure 14. Complex transforms.



  • Notebook 6: Code to test various data balances. (Utilizes modelingfunctions.dataprocessing, modelingfunctions.modeling and modelingfunctions.utilities.)

    I wanted to test how the model performs when only selecting classes with at least eight images and conversely, with fewer than eight. I found that the more images per class, the better the model performed.

    For more information on data balance, see data balance


Most of the experiments shown in this document utilize transfer learning through ResNet-34. This model is a popular convolutional neural network containing pre-trained weights. Early on, I created functions and code that would build and train the network. It became burdensome to copy and paste the code between notebooks, so I moved the code into a python package. All results in this document utilize code from the package.

The most interesting code from this package replaces the final fully-connected layer of ResNet with a custom layer used to classify motorcycles. Here we see a combination of linear layers and Relu functions. We also include batch normalization in the final model for generalization. We will discuss that more in a future section.

Figure . Replaced fully-connected layer in ResNet.

Model Selection

One thing to note on all results is that they are stochastic. ResNet with random data transformations is not a deterministic model. This means we may run the exact same experiment twice and get different results. Normally, we would seed the random generator, but I chose not to. This allowed me to see how the results would vary. I tested various optimization functions and ADAM optimization greatly outperformed everything else. All results in this document use ADAM optimization.



  • Notebook 7: Code to test various models. (Utilizes modelingfunctions.dataprocessing, modelingfunctions.modeling and modelingfunctions.utilities.)

ResNet is a complicated convolutional neural network that provides world-class results for image recognition. It comes in several flavors, each one more complicated. My testing showed the most promising results from ResNet-34. This model provided better accuracy than the less complicated models and better generalization than the more complicated models.

Figure 17. ResNet-18 and ResNet-34

Figure 18. ResNet-101 and ResNet-152.



  • Notebook 8: Code to test various methods of generalization. (Utilizes modelingfunctions.dataprocessing, modelingfunctions.modeling and modelingfunctions.utilities.)

Generalization entails modifications to the model to ensure it does not only fit the training data, but validation and test data as well. There are three common methods used in convolutional neural networks, batch normalization, dropout and none. Dropout randomly ignores some proportion of the features. This provides generalization by only using a random set of features during each epoch. While this is good for generalization, it requires more epochs for training and often lowers accuracy. Batch normalization takes a different approach.

Instead of ignoring features, it normalizes the output of one layer before passing it to the next. This ensures that during each epoch, the model is using the same distribution between all layers. With no generalization, we simply pass data as it is. My experiments showed that batch normalization was probably the best. Just like in other experiments, there was not a clear winner, but something that seemed to generalize better, while still having room to improve with more training. More importantly, batch normalization showed a steadily decreasing validation loss.

Figure . Batch normalization vs. no generalization.

Figure . Droput 20% vs. 40%.

Model tuning

Once we had the final model, including data transforms and normalization. We then needed to tune the model. There are two hyperparameters that should be tuned using ResNet-34 with ADAM optimization, learning rate and batch size.

Learning rate


  • Notebook 9: Code to test various learning rates. (Utilizes modelingfunctions.dataprocessing, modelingfunctions.modeling and modelingfunctions.utilities.)

  • Notebook 10: Code to test learning rate decay. (Utilizes modelingfunctions.dataprocessing, modelingfunctions.modeling and modelingfunctions.utilities.)

Learning rate is the first hyperparameter to tune. I tested rates as high as 0.003 and as low as 0.001. In general, I found that lower learning rates had less variation between epochs, but the effect was not nearly as dramatic as I expected. There was a lot of randomness from one epoch to the next.

The image below shows the difference between lr=0.001 for 100 epochs and lr=0.0005 for 200 epochs. Both have similar patterns. Though, 0.0005 has slightly smaller peaks and valleys. I also tested learning rate decay. It did not perform well. See notebook 10 for the results. Finally, I tested lr=0.003 and let it run for 200 epochs. That provided promising results. In the end, I decided to stick with lr=0.0005, as it should provide the most consistent results, considering the variance we saw from epoch to epoch.

Figure . Learning rate 0.001 vs. 0.0005.

Figure . Learning rate 0.003.

Batch Size


  • Notebook 11: Code to test batch size. (Utilizes modelingfunctions.dataprocessing, modelingfunctions.modeling and modelingfunctions.utilities.)

    Throughout most of this work, I assumed batch size only impacted the physical performance of the model. Larger batch sizes would take less time to train than smaller ones. I found out that the ADAM optimizer changes with batch size, as the gradients are calculated after each batch. Using a batch size of 64 worked best. 128 showed more variance after 75 epochs and 32 showed an increasing validation loss.

Figure . Batch size 128 vs. 64.

Figure . Batch size = 32.

Final Model


  • Notebook 12: : Code to run the final model. (Utilizes modelingfunctions.dataprocessing, modelingfunctions.modeling and modelingfunctions.utilities.)

    It has been a long journey, but we are now at the point where we can see the final model. This is a ResNet-34 model, using ADAM optimization and batch normalization. We use a batch size of 64 and a learning rate of 0.0005. Towards the end of 200 epochs, it consistently hits above 40% accuracy and above 70% top-3 accuracy. This is the best results from any model shown previously. Not bad.

Figure . The final model.

Further Research

I am not sure if further research is the correct term. While we found many ways to impact our results, nothing was completely consistent. Some of our sub-optimal models may provide a better result at epoch 200 than our best model. There is just too much inconsistency. To improve this model, much more data is needed. We have 366 classes and they mostly only cover motorcycles made between 2016 and 2018. A comprehensive set of classes would number in the thousands. Yet, we have proven that a convolutional neural network can be trained to classify motorcycles. A governmental or commercial application is likely plausible with more data.


Our goal was to classify images of motorcycles by year, make and model. We utilized Pytorch transfer learning with a ResNet convolutional neural network. Early attempts stalled below 40% accuracy. Through data transformation, model building and model tuning, we consistently achieved above 40%, with greater than 70% top-3 accuracy.

While these results are encouraging, they would likely greatly improve with much more data. With so few images for so many classes, we needed to utilize data augmentation. This augmentation created a large variance in loss and accuracy from epoch to epoch. This created a situation where stopping at 199 epochs might increase accuracy by up to 5% over stopping at epoch 200.

This was a satisfying project. I learned a lot about convolutional neural networks and PyTorch. As a bonus, I learned about parallel programming and image manipulation in Python. Though, I will not likely continue this project, I now have the skills to tackle other challenges.


Classifying motorcycle year, make and model from images with a CNN






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