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Kaminia Website Homepage project for Craft CMS 3

Craft setup


  • PHP 7
  • Mysql
  • Apache
  • Composer


  1. Clone this repositorymark
  2. Run composer install --ignore-platform-reqs to install Craft dependencies.
  3. Create an empty MySQL database called craft-starter.test.
  • For MySQL Default Character Set: utf8 Default Collation: utf8_unicode_ci
  1. Copy .env.example to .env and edit the database settings *.
  2. Add a config to your Apache httpd-vhosts.conf (see example below).
  3. Add craft-starter.test to your hosts file.
  4. Start your server and navigate to http://craft-starter.test/admin.
  5. Follow the Craft install instructions on screen.
  6. Once installed navigate in the admin UI to settings > plugins and install "Asset Rev" and "SEOmatic".

* Everyone will also need to use the same security key in their .env file. To generate a new key run ./craft setup/security-key (this will be added to your .env file).

Apache example config

<VirtualHost *:80>
  DocumentRoot "/path/to/craft-starter/web"
  ServerName craft-starter.test
  <Directory />
    AllowOverride All
    Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all


There is no defined build process. But the default template expects CSS and JS to be output to /web/assets/main.css and /web/assets/main.js respectively.

The /assets directory is not commited to the git repository, so deployment will require a build process.