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Byces.Calculator is a .NET library that calculates mathematical and boolean expressions


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A simple .NET calculator that solves expressions

  1. Usage example
  2. Building expressions
  3. Available operators
  4. Available functions
  5. Available variables
  6. Building your own functions and variables
  7. Benchmark
  8. Future goals
  9. Feedback and bugs

Usage example

ICalculator calculator = new CalculatorBuilder().Build();

string expression = "2 + 5 * 3";
var mathResult = calculator.GetDoubleResult(expression);

if (mathResult.IsValid) // true
    Console.WriteLine(mathResult.Result); // 17

Building expressions

Before showing some syntax examples, here are some observations:

  • Numbers, variables, operators and functions are not case-sensitive
  • The calculator is not sensitive to whitespace by default and using it has a low impact on performance
// You can use signs to represent negative and positive numbers
string expressionExample1 = "-5 + +5";

// You can use parentheses to set priorities in the expression
string expressionExample2 = "((2 + 5) * 2) * 3";

// You can also represent numbers like this
string expressionExample3 = "1E+3";

// This is an expression with two operators and two functions
string expressionExample4 = "fact(2 + 3) * fact3";

// You can also use implicit multiplication
string expressionExample5 = "2(5)";

Available operators


Operator Description Examples
Add Sums two numeric values x + y or x add y
Subtract Subtracts one numerical value from another x - y or x sub y
Multiply Multiplies two values x * y or x mul y
Divide Divide one number by another x / y or x div y
Power Powers one number by another x ^ y or x pow y
Root Calculates the x root of y x √ y or x rt y
Modulus Returns the remainder of a division x % y or x mod y

Logical and Comparison

Operator Description Examples
And Returns true if both values are true, otherwise false x && y
Or Returns true if any of the values are true x || y
And bitwise Bitwise AND operator, works for bool and number x & y
Or bitwise Bitwise OR operator, works for bool and number x | y
Equal Returns true if the two values have the same value x == y
Not Equal Returns true if the two values are different x != y
Greater Returns true if the first number is greater than the second x > y
Greater Equal Returns true if the first number is greater than or equal to the second x >= y
Less Returns true if the first number is less than the second x < y
Less Equal Returns true if the first number is less than or equal to the second x <= y


Operator Description Examples
Semicolon Does not return any value, it can only be used in functions to pass multiple parameters fun(x; y)

Available functions


Function Description Examples Parameter limit
Add Sum the numerical values add(x; y; ...) Min: 1 | Max: Undefined
Factorial Calculates the factorial of a number fact(x) Min: 1 | Max: 1
Min Returns the smallest value passed into the function min(x; y; ...) Min: 1 | Max: Undefined
Max Returns the largest value passed into the function max(x; y; ...) Min: 1 | Max: Undefined
Square root Returns the square root of x √x or sqrt(x) Min: 1 | Max: 1
Cube root Returns the cube root of x cbrt(x) Min: 1 | Max: 1
Logarithm (base y) Calculates the logarithm of x (base y) log(x; y) Min: 2 | Max: 2
Logarithm (base 10) Calculates the logarithm of x (base 10) log(x) Min: 1 | Max: 1
Ceiling Returns the ceiling of a number ceil(x) Min: 1 | Max: 1
Floor Returns the floor of a number floor(x) Min: 1 | Max: 1

Logic and Comparison

Function Description Examples Parameter limit
Not Inverts the boolean value !x Min: 1 | Max: 1
If Check the x condition. True returns the y, otherwise the z if(x; y; z) Min: 3 | Max: 3


Function Description Examples Parameter limit
Cosine Gets the cosine of a number cos(x) Min: 1 | Max: 1
Sine Gets the sine of a number sin(x) Min: 1 | Max: 1
Tangent Gets the tangent of a number tan(x) Min: 1 | Max: 1
Cosine Hyperbolic Gets the cosine hyperbolic of a number cosh(x) Min: 1 | Max: 1
Sine Hyperbolic Gets the sine hyperbolic of a number sinh(x) Min: 1 | Max: 1
Tangent Hyperbolic Gets the tangent hyperbolic of a number tanh(x) Min: 1 | Max: 1
Radian Convert degrees to radians rad(x) Min: 1 | Max: 1
Degree Convert radians to degrees deg(x) Min: 1 | Max: 1


Function Description Examples Parameter limit
Random Same functionality as Random.Next random(x) or random(x; y) Min: 1 | Max: 2

Available variables


Variable Description Examples
Pi Represents the PI value π or pi
Euler Represents the Euler value e or euler
Infinity Represents the Infinity value or infinity
Not a number Represents the 'Not a number' NaN


Variable Description Examples
True Represents the boolean true true
False Represents the boolean false false

Building your own functions and variables

Currently, the classes you can inherit are: FunctionItem, NumberItem and BooleanItem

Remember that you need to provide the assembly where the custom functions and variables are located

The library currently supports ServiceProvider to construct functions and variables, you can use transient and singleton services.

Obs: It is worth remembering that the created instances (Variables, Functions and Operators) are created only once per calculator.


internal sealed class CustomVariable : NumberItem
    // You can add multiple strings
    public CustomVariable(): base("MYCUSTOMVARIABLE")
    * If a variable is constant or a function is pure. You can set this 
    * property to true, this will optimize a calculator that uses the 
    * option to cache expressions
    public override bool Pure => true; // Default is false
    public override double GetValue()
        return 10;

internal sealed class CustomFunction : FunctionItem
    public CustomFunction(): base("?")
    public override int ParametersMin => 1; // Default is 1
    public override int ParametersMax => 1; // Default is -1 (No limits)
    public override bool Pure => true;
    public override Variable Operate(ReadOnlySpan<Variable> variables)
        return 2 * variables[0].Double; // The struct Variable already does the implicit conversion

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        Type type = typeof(CustomVariable);
        ICalculator calculator = new CalculatorBuilder()

        string expression = "?MyCustomVariable + 10";
        var mathResult = calculator.GetDoubleResult(expression);

        Console.WriteLine(mathResult.Result); // 30

Benchmark (100,000 iterations)

In the Benchmark below, 100,000 iterations were made for each method

BenchmarkDotNet v0.13.12, Arch Linux
AMD Ryzen 5 3500X, 1 CPU, 6 logical and 6 physical cores
.NET SDK 8.0.102
  [Host]     : .NET 8.0.2 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2
  DefaultJob : .NET 8.0.2 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2

Method Options Mean Error StdDev Allocated
NumberOnly Default 7.873 ms 0.0076 ms 0.0064 ms 12 B
Random Default 38.121 ms 0.1426 ms 0.1334 ms 53 B
SimpleCalculation Default 23.906 ms 0.1208 ms 0.1130 ms 23 B
EulerPlusEulerPlusEuler Default 33.412 ms 0.0941 ms 0.0735 ms 49 B
ComplexCalculation Default 63.722 ms 0.0783 ms 0.0733 ms 92 B
HeavyCalculation Default 633.367 ms 5.0311 ms 4.7061 ms 736 B
HeavyCalculationNoWhiteSpace Default 622.123 ms 0.6197 ms 0.5797 ms 736 B
ManyParenthesesCalculation Default 119.524 ms 2.2572 ms 2.4151 ms 147 B
FactorialCalculation Default 77.468 ms 0.3160 ms 0.2956 ms 105 B
SquareRootStringCalculation Default 18.776 ms 0.0658 ms 0.0616 ms 23 B
SquareRootCharCalculation Default 13.621 ms 0.0721 ms 0.0674 ms 12 B
AddFunctionCalculation Default 34.724 ms 0.0325 ms 0.0288 ms 49 B
AddOperationCalculation Default 23.851 ms 0.0384 ms 0.0360 ms 23 B
NumberOnly CacheExpressions 7.273 ms 0.0595 ms 0.0557 ms 6 B
Random CacheExpressions 22.307 ms 0.0606 ms 0.0538 ms 23 B
SimpleCalculation CacheExpressions 9.341 ms 0.0842 ms 0.0746 ms 12 B
EulerPlusEulerPlusEuler CacheExpressions 11.500 ms 0.0525 ms 0.0438 ms 12 B
ComplexCalculation CacheExpressions 12.127 ms 0.0457 ms 0.0405 ms 12 B
HeavyCalculation CacheExpressions 61.943 ms 0.7462 ms 0.6980 ms 82 B
HeavyCalculationNoWhiteSpace CacheExpressions 61.483 ms 0.3993 ms 0.3539 ms 82 B
ManyParenthesesCalculation CacheExpressions 75.954 ms 0.5798 ms 0.5140 ms 105 B
FactorialCalculation CacheExpressions 14.111 ms 0.0395 ms 0.0350 ms 12 B
SquareRootStringCalculation CacheExpressions 7.658 ms 0.0664 ms 0.0621 ms 6 B
SquareRootCharCalculation CacheExpressions 6.741 ms 0.0239 ms 0.0224 ms 6 B
AddFunctionCalculation CacheExpressions 8.907 ms 0.0379 ms 0.0354 ms 12 B
AddOperationCalculation CacheExpressions 7.472 ms 0.0289 ms 0.0270 ms 6 B


Name Expression
NumberOnly 3
Random random(1; 10)
SimpleCalculation 2 + 5 * 6
EulerPlusEulerPlusEuler EULER + EULER + EULER
ComplexCalculation 2 ^ 2 + (4 + 5 * (2 √ 9))
HeavyCalculation (2 ^ 2 + (4 + 5 * (2 √ 9))) / (2 ^ 2 + (4 + 5 * (2 √ 9))) / (2 ^ 2 + (4 + 5 * (2 √ 9))) / (2 ^ 2 + (4 + 5 * (2 √ 9))) / (2 ^ 2 + (4 + 5 * (2 √ 9))) / (2 ^ 2 + (4 + 5 * (2 √ 9))) / (2 ^ 2 + (4 + 5 * (2 √ 9))) / (2 ^ 2 + (4 + 5 * (2 √ 9))) / (2 ^ 2 + (4 + 5 * (2 √ 9)))
HeavyCalculationNoWhiteSpace (2^2+(4+5*(2√9)))/(2^2+(4+5*(2√9)))/(2^2+(4+5*(2√9)))/(2^2+(4+5*(2√9)))/(2^2+(4+5*(2√9)))/(2^2+(4+5*(2√9)))/(2^2+(4+5*(2√9)))/(2^2+(4+5*(2√9)))/(2^2+(4+5*(2√9)))
ManyParenthesesCalculation ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((2 + 2))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
FactorialCalculation fact2 + (fact2 + fact(fact2 + 2))
SquareRootStringCalculation SQRT9
SquareRootCharCalculation √9
AddFunctionCalculation ADD(1;2;3)
AddOperationCalculation 1+2+3

Future goals

  • Add more functions, variables and operators
  • Try to increase performance

Feedback and Bugs

If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, feel free to send them!


Byces.Calculator is a .NET library that calculates mathematical and boolean expressions




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