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INDEX of repositories

:atom: = code/data repository
📖 = report
🖥️ = dashboard / web app
▶️ = presentation slides

NB: web apps and dashboards are hosted on a free-tier web services, therefore they take more time to load than on a dedicated server

Data Analytics

Product Analysis :atom: 📖
Analysis of time spent on the e-commerce website for purchasing and non-purchasing sessions, segmenting customer base by (1) category of products, (2) new/returning customer, (3) ON SALE / regular price

Marketing Analysis :atom: 📖
ROI (return on investment) and impact of different marketing campaigns on conversion rates, session length, revenues for different days of the week in an e-commerce website

Monetization Analysis :atom: 📖 ▶️
Investigation on reducing freight ratio for an e-commerce website - shipping fees being the #1 reason for cart abandonment.

Salespersons' Performance Analysis :atom:, ▶️, exploration: 🖥️, storyboard: 🖥️
Investigation of factors which influencing a salesperson's performance (e.g. experience, career, geographical distribution)

Coronary Heart Disease Prediction :atom: ▶️ 📖 + web app
Logistic regression showing the predictive value of sex, age, blood pressure, glucose assumption and smoking on the 10-year risk of developing coronary heart disease (Framingham dataset).

Customer Segmentation :atom: 🖥️ (better viewed in full screen mode)
Dashboard to inspect Recency, Frequency and Monetization of individual or segment of customers.

Cohort Retention and Churn :atom:
Lightweight and clean SQL code to calculate retention number/rate using CTEs and window functions.

A/B testing 📖
Notes on A/B Testing. Link to the actual project in the page.


Spectramap :atom: 🖥️
Shiny web app designed to explore the light spectrum reaching plants covered with different commercial greenhouse materials. Also provides daily light integral (DLI) for any location in the world.


Dimensionality reduction dashboard :atom: 📖 🖥️
Shiny web app designed to demo how to interact with clustering solutions of data using different methods (MDS, UMAP, tSNE) and drill down the result to the level of the single datapoint.

Sub-millimeter brain fMRI :atom: 📖
Code developed in bash, python, R for the analyses of sub-millimeter fMRI data on predictive coding.

Cortico-subcortical ribbon atlas based on the Schaefer100

ASD cortico-subcortical effective connectivity study :atom: 📖
Code developed for the analysis of subcortico-cortical interaction in Autism

Other stuff

psaraki-xyz :atom:
Recently launched website/blog

Snippet Sanctuary :atom:
An idea about how to develop a personal repository for code snippets using Shiny.

Three-way plot interaction
Proof-of-concept about how to build a three-way interactive plot in Shiny inlcuding scatterplot, table and images associated with the table, so that acting on any of them changes what is displayed/filtered in the other two.


Index of all repos with short description



