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distributed systems bully algorithm & distributed mutex

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Learning project to understand how to implement the bully algorithm and a distributed mutex with docker containers

This project implements the bully algorithm as well as a distributed mutex with docker containers Several containers are served, each of which is accessible over a REST API For more information about that, take a look at the code comments and the swagger documentation task swagger.

Details about the implementation of the Bully algorithm and the distributed mutex are shown below


  1. GO installation getting started - run project binary
  2. Docker installation getting started - be able to run docker containers
  3. Task installation doc - build tool Taskfile.yml
  4. Go Swagger installation doc - swagger api documentation


execute commands within the project root directory

Check commands

task --list
task: Available tasks for this project:
* build:        Build docker container
* run:          Start docker container
* sdown:        Stop docker-compose scenario
* sup:          Start docker-compose scenario
* swagger:      Generate swagger.yml and start local server
* update:       Update project dependencies

Run commands

// run listed commands
task <task>
// like
task build

Stop Docker container leonardpahlke/gobully:latest

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q --filter ancestor=leonardpahlke/gobully:latest --format="{{.ID}}")


  • docker container as user in the network to run the bully algorithm
  • bully algorithm scenario with docker-compose simulated
  • detailed swagger documentation Swagger yml with go-swagger

Project folder structure

── goBully
├── api
│   └── swagger.yml             // swagger api dcumentation
├── assets
│   └── goBully.jpg             // pictures and stuff
├── cmd
│   └── main.go                 // starting point of the application
├── internal
│   ├── election
│   │   ├── election.go         // election private functions
│   │   └── election_client.go  // election public functions
│   ├── identity
│   │   ├── register.go         // user register workflow
│   │   └── user.go             // user definition
│   ├── api
│   │   ├── doc.go              // rest general documentation info
│   │   ├── rest_client.go      // api setup
│   │   ├── rest_election.go    // election rest endpoints
│   │   ├── rest_mutex.go       // mutex rest endpoints
│   │   └── rest_user.go        // user rest endpoints
│   └── mutex
│       ├── mutex.go            // mutex private functions
│       └── mutex_client.go     // mutex public functions
├── pkg
│   └── request.go              // rest http calls
├── .gitignore
├── docker-compose.yml          // docker-compose szenario
├── Dockerfile                  // docker container script
├── Taskfile.yml                // build scripts
├── go.mod                      // go module information
├── go.sum                      // go module libary imports

Project Dependencies goBullyDependencies

Bully Algorithm implementation

Scenario info:

  • user1 -> null
  • user2 -> user1
  • user3 -> user1

If a user connects to another (register to network), new user information gets send to all network participants



  • receiveMessage() // get a message from a api (election, coordinator)
  • receiveMessageElection() // handle incoming election message
  • sendMessageElection() // send a election message to another user
  • receiveMessageCoordinator() // set local coordinator reference with incoming details
  • sendMessagesCoordinator() // send coordinator messages to other users

Election details

receiveMessageElection - election message received

  1. filter users to send election messages to (UserID > YourID)
  2. if |filtered users| <= 0 2.1 YES: you have the highest ID and win - send coordinatorMessages - exit 2.2 NO: transform message and create POST payload 2.3 add user information to local callbackList 2.4 GO - sendElectionMessage(callbackResponse, msgPayload) 2.4.1 send POST request to client 2.4.2 if response is OK add client to client who have responded responded 2.5 wait a few seconds (enough time users can answer request) 2.6 Sort users who have called back and who are not 2.7 if |answered users| <= 0 2.7.1 YES: send coordinatorMessages 2.8 remove all users how didn't answered from userList 2.9 clear callback list
  3. send response back (answer)

Mutex implementation

It goes like this with 3 clients (A,B,C):

  • Client A wants to enter the critical section
  • A sends request with his clock to A,B,C
  • B is currently in the critical section, does store the request
  • C is idle and sends reply-ok
  • A sends himself an reply-ok
  • C wants to enter the critical section & sends request to A,B,C
  • A waits for the mutex and his request has a lower clock, therefore stores the request
  • B is in the critical section, therefore stores the request
  • B finishes his critical section
  • B sends reply-ok to the stored requests of A and C
  • A got all required reply-ok and may now enter the critical section
  • C still waits.
  • A has finished his critical section and sends reply-ok to the stored request of C
  • C got all required reply-ok and may now enter the critical section


Mutex details

requestCriticalArea - tell all users that this user wants to enter the critical section

  1. set state to 'wanting'
  2. increment clock, you are about to send mutex-messages
  3. create a request mutex-message
  4. create a response channel for every user (including yourself)
  5. create new object to manage responses of this request (containing all user response channels)
  6. add new requestResponseChannel to replyOkwaitingList
  7. GO - send all users the request mutex-message
  8. wait for all users to reply-ok to your request
  9. remove the waiting reponses object from the list
  10. enterCriticalSection()

sendRequestToUser - send request message to a user

  1. send POST to user and wait for reply-ok answer
  2. start checking if user answered

checkClientIfResponded - listen if client reply-ok'ed and check with him back if not

  1. GO - clientHealthCheck() - sends periodic beats to check whether the user has responded
  2. receiving message send through the channel
  3. if message is reply-ok, return
  4. ping user mutexState
  5. wait some time to get response back
  6. if answered: loopback to 2.
  7. remove user from waiting list
  8. delete user from local user management (inactive)


distributed systems bully algorithm & distributed mutex







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