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Installation and project setup

Before creating the infrastructure and start processing articles make sure to walk over the following sections of this chapter.

After that go a head to the next chapter Project lifecycle.

Required installations

You can check if installations are met by running sh ./scripts/ or task verify:check.

$ task -l
task: Available tasks for this project:
* deploy:container-image-push: 	Push a golang container to
* deploy:pull-whopper-config: 	Pull kubeconfig to access whopper cluster
* deploy:whopper: 		Deploy whopper infrastructure with pulumi
* destroy:cleanup-project: 	Delete all created it resources
* destroy:whopper: 		Destroy the whopper infrastructure
* init-project: 		Initialize project for production
* kubectl-o: 			kubectl wrapper to interact with operator cluster
* kubectl-w: 			kubectl wrapper to interact with the whopper cluster
* scan:whopper-cluster: 	Kubernetes cluster scan
* test:whopper-cluster: 	Whopper kubernetes tests
* verify-project: 		Run all checks to verify project quality
* verify:code: 			Verify project code
* verify:go: 			Verify project golang code
* verify:install: 		Install and update project dependencies
* verify:ts: 			Verify project typescript code

Additional information can be get by setting the --summary flag.


$ task --summary verify:go
task: verify:go

Verify project golang code

 - Task: verify:check-go-build
 - Task: verify:check-go-mod
 - Task: verify:check-golangci-lint
 - Task: verify:test-go-unit

Used environment variables

A couple of environment variables are required.

  • Export you pulumi access token as environment variable PULUMI_ACCESS_TOKEN.
  • Make sure GOPATH is set. It usually points to /home/<user>/go
  • Set DEFAULT_GOOGLE_PROJECT to your GCP profile id

Install local dependencies

!! Does not work on Windows !! I suggest using Linux or Macos. You can spin up virtual linux machine using VirtualBox or any other virtualization tool.

To install depenencies locally use the task file run task verify:install This will do the following this for you:

  • Install go libraries
  • Install npm libraries locally
  • Clone project googleapi which is used to build parts of the whopper api (see api proto3 file)
  • Compile proto3 golang code

Project lifecycle

The lifecycle of this project is desirbed in more detail in one of the docs documents see docs/project-lifecycle.

Project lifecycle overview

A brief summary of each phase is given in the sections:


Setup infrastructure for the fist time. There are two different types of infrastructure deployments.

  1. Production deployment: The production deployment is on going and uses the pulumi kubernetes operator. The operator watches the main branch for updates. Production infrastructure is build to stay with rolling blue-green updates. The task task init-project is used to set up the project inititially.
  2. Feature test deployment: The feature test deployment is a short term infrastructure test. It is used whenever a commit is pushed to any other branch then main. The infrastructure is deployed, tested and then destroyed. If these phases succeed without any error the feature is considered "bug free" and can be merged to main. The task task deploy:whopper can be used to deploy the whopper infrastructure to a pulumi stack with the name of the current branch.

Operation Phase




Tasks available to clean up the infrastructure:

  • task destroy:cleanup-project to destroy the main project including the whopper infrastructure with the pulumi operator and the operator cluster.
  • task destroy:whopper to the destroy the whopper infrastructure with the stack name of the current branch.

More information can be found in the /docs folder.