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tabr 0.3.5 release

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@leonawicz leonawicz released this 12 Oct 22:01
· 165 commits to master since this release
  • Added alternate input specification for sf_phrase. Instead of providing the first three function arguments, string, fret and info, separately, you can now provide everything to the first input string as a single character string containing all three components separated by semicolons. This makes it easier to reason about the input by time step rather than by argument.
  • Added chord helpers: chord_root, chord_top, chord_slice, chord_is_major, chord_is_minor.
  • Added notation-frequency conversion helpers: pitch_freq, freq_pitch and other related functions.
  • Added several more functions for inspecting and manipulating noteworthy strings.
  • Code and documentation formatting and style overhaul based on stricter linting rules.
  • Updated documentation and unit tests.