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How to use GPT OCR to study practice tests in course videos more effectively?

leonid20000 edited this page Feb 12, 2024 · 1 revision


Odin Runes is a Java-based GPT client designed to enable seamless interaction with your preferred GPT model directly from your favorite text editor.


  • Avoid Vendor Lock-in: Say goodbye to vendor lock-in with Odin Runes, interact with GPT models without being tied to a specific provider.
  • Text Editor Integration: Interact with GPT models right from your preferred text editor, enhancing workflow efficiency and convenience.
  • Prompt Engineering: Odin Runes facilitates prompt engineering by extracting context from diverse sources, including technologies like OCR, to enhance productivity and save costs.
  • Support for Open-Source LLMs: In addition to gpt-3.5-turbo and gemeni, Odin Runes now allows you to leverage Ollama to execute multiple open-source LLMs locally. By integrating Ollama into Odin Runes, you can take advantage of the diverse range of open-source LLMs available in the Ollama repository, expanding your options for language model models.

Get Started

To get started with Odin Runes, check out the GitHub repository and follow the installation instructions.


Contributions to Odin Runes are welcome! Feel free to submit bug reports, feature requests, or pull requests via the GitHub repository.

Odin Runes is an open-source labour of love, a weekend project embracing the power of community. Consider giving it a star 🌟, if you think it deserves one. Your star helps acknowledge the collective effort behind this project and motivates further improvements.

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