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rootmonk edited this page Mar 20, 2018 · 7 revisions

Codacy Badge Gitter docs

gocloud: Cloud services library.

GoCloud is a golang library which hides differences between different cloud providers' (AWS,GCP,Openstack etc) APIs and allows you to manage different cloud resources through a unified and easy to use API.

Service Types

Compute -- Allows you to manage cloud and virtual servers.

Compute Storage -- Allows you to manage Compute storage.

Container -- Allows users to install and deploy containers onto container based virtualization platforms.

Load balancer -- Allows you to manager Load Balancer service.

DNS -- Allows you to manage DNS service.

Service Providers



Currently, implementations for other cloud providers are being worked on.


Installation instructions for Linux (Ubuntu)

  1. Install golang.

    $ sudo apt-get update -y
    $ sudo apt-get install golang -y
  2. Set GOPATH environment variable. Run gedit ~/.bashrc.
    Copy the following in your .bashrc file:

export GOPATH=$HOME/gopath
export GOBIN=$HOME/gopath/bin
  1. Test your installation by copying the following piece of code in a file. Save the file as gotest.go. Run the file using the command go run gotest.go. If that command returns “Hello World!”, then Go is successfully installed and functional.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    fmt.Printf("Hello World!\n")
  1. Now we need to fetch the gocloud repository and other necessary packages. Run the following commands in order:
$ go get
$ go get
$ go get
  1. Download your AWS, Google and DigitalOcean access credentials and store them in a file in your HOME directory.


    Save your AWS credentials in a file named amazoncloudconfig.json.

      "AWSAccessKeyID": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "AWSSecretKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxx"

    Google Cloud Services:

    Save your Google Cloud credentials in a file named googlecloudconfig.json. The file is downloaded in the required format.


    Save your DigitalOcean credentials in a file named digioceancloudconfig.json.

      "AccessToken": "xxxxxxxxxxxx"

    You can also set your credentials as environment variables.


    export AWSAccessKeyID =  "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    export AWSSecretKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"

    Google Cloud Services:

    export PrivateKey =  "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    export Type =  "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    export ProjectID = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    export PrivateKeyID = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    export ClientEmail = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    export ClientID = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    export AuthURI = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    export TokenURI = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    export AuthProviderX509CertURL = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    export ClientX509CertURL =  "xxxxxxxxxxxx"


    export DigiOceanAccessToken =  "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  2. You are all set to use gocloud! Check out the following YouTube videos for more information and usage examples:

Development setup

$ git clone
$ cd gocloud

Unit tests

$ cd gocloud
$ go test -v ./...