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M1 Setup

LeoTM edited this page Feb 6, 2023 · 79 revisions

New machine

Default apple verification via safari with auto fingerprint bugged

  • brew
  • iterm2
  • zsh, oh my zsh, setopt autocd
  • get brave-browser-nightly, open -a 'Brave Browser Nightly' then verify Apple auth
  • Xcode (stable/rc/beta) most Homebrew formulae need a compiler, a few need a full Xcode install
  • macOS Public Beta Access Utility Profile
  • macOS beta (~12 GB) install eta 1 hr
  • xcode-select --install (CLI tools) eta 125 hrs (βŠ™οΌΏβŠ™')
  • android-studio-preview-canary if boot fail, downgrade to prev canary (android-platform-tools)
  • android-file-transfer, Settings>About>BuildNo(7), Settings>System>DevOps>USBdebugging, adb devices
  • get yarn, then set version berry, yarn set version canary
  • Setting up the development environment per OS (rbenv, JDK)
  • Initial Preview v3: Google APIs System Image (1.3 GB)
  • vpn
  • flux / night shift
  • flipper
  • fastlane
  • scrcpy / vysor
  • ccache
  • rectangle
  • negative
  • github
  • reactotron
  • jenv


npx clear-npx-cache πŸ”« ⚠️

adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081 Metro <-> Android

brew update && brew outdated --greedy && brew upgrade --greedy && brew cleanup πŸ”₯

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