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Ansible Role EPICS IOC

CI Latest tag Latest release BSD License

This Ansible role clone and install EPICS IOCs.


  • ansible >= 2.10
  • molecule >= 3.0

Role Variables

epics_ioc_pkg_version_debian_git: ""
epics_ioc_pkg_version_debian_make: ""
epics_ioc_pkg_version_debian_procserv: ""
epics_ioc_pkg_version_debian_telnet: ""
epics_ioc_pkg_version_debian_netcat_openbsd: ""

Package versions for Debian. Leave empty for the latest

epics_ioc_pkg_version_redhat_git: ""
epics_ioc_pkg_version_redhat_make: ""
epics_ioc_pkg_version_redhat_procserv: ""
epics_ioc_pkg_version_redhat_telnet: ""
epics_ioc_pkg_version_redhat_netcat_openbsd: ""

Package versions for RedHat. Leave empty for the latest

epics_ioc_git_username: "user"

Default git username. Used if not set

epics_ioc_git_useremail: ""

Default git useremail. Used if not set

epics_ioc_carepeater_systemd_executable: "/usr/bin/caRepeater"

Specify caRepeater absolute path executable

epics_ioc_carepeater_systemd_path: "/etc/systemd/system"

Specify caRepeater systemd service path

epics_ioc_carepeater_systemd_state: started

Specify caRepeater systemd service state

epics_ioc_carepeater_systemd_enabled: true

Specify caRepeater systemd service enabled

epics_ioc_carepeater_systemd_port: 5065

Specify caRepeater port to be run

epics_ioc_env_epics_ioc_log_port: 7004

Specify IOC log port. Used if not defined at the epics_ioc_repos list items.

epics_ioc_carepeater_systemd_user: nobody

Specify caRepeater user to be run

epics_ioc_group_name: softioc

Specify EPICS IOC group name

epics_ioc_user_name: softioc

Specify EPICS IOC user name. Used as the default if not defined at the epics_ioc_repos list items


Specify EPICS IOC GID. Leave empty for automatic assignment

epics_ioc_systemd_state: started

Specify IOC systemd state. Used as the default if not defined at the epics_ioc_repos list items

epics_ioc_systemd_enabled: true

Specify IOC systemd enabled. Used as the default if not defined at the epics_ioc_repos list items

epics_ioc_systemd_coresize: 2147483647

Specify IOC coresize. Used as the default if not defined at the epics_ioc_repos list items

epics_ioc_systemd_enable_console_port: true

Specify IOC enable console port. Used as the default if not defined at the epics_ioc_repos list items

epics_ioc_systemd_console_port: 4051

Specify IOC console port. Used as the default if not defined at the epics_ioc_repos list items

epics_ioc_systemd_enable_unix_domain_socket: true

Specify IOC enable unix domain socket. Used as the default if not defined at the epics_ioc_repos list items

epics_ioc_systemd_procserv_timefmt: "%c"

Specify IOC procServ time format. Used as the default if not defined at the epics_ioc_repos list items

epics_ioc_systemd_procserv_start_script: "st.cmd"

Specify IOC start script. Used as the default if not defined at the epics_ioc_repos list items

epics_ioc_systemd_notify: false

Specify IOC systemd notify unit type. Used as the default if not defined at the epics_ioc_repos list items

epics_ioc_epics_base_dir: /usr/lib/epics

Select where EPICS base libraries are installed. Used as the default if not defined at the epics_ioc_repos list items.

epics_ioc_overwrite_release_file: true

Select if we want to overwrite the RELEASE file or not. Used as as default if not defined at the epics_ioc_repos list items.

epics_ioc_release_filename: RELEASE

Select default name of the destination RELEASE file, if not defined at the epics_ioc_repos list items.

epics_ioc_clone_path: "/usr/local/lib/iocapps"

Select epics IOC clone path (as well as install). Used if not defined at the epics_ioc_repos list items.

epics_manage_user: true

Select is we need to manage EPICS IOC user. Used if not defined at the epics_ios_repos list items.

epics_manage_autosave_dir: true

Select is we need to manage EPICS IOC autosave directory. Used if not defined at the epics_ios_repos list items.

epics_ioc_boot_dir: "iocBoot/ioc{{ epics_host_arch }}"

Select epics IOC boot directory. Used if not defined at the epics_ioc_repos list items. epics_host_arch will, in most cases, be defined at "epics" role

epics_ioc_autosave_base_dir: "/var/lib"

Select epics IOC autosave base directory. Used if not defined at the epics_ios_repos list items.

epics_ioc_logrotate_rotate: 30

Select the number of rotated log files to keep on disk. Used if not defined at the epics_ios_repos list items.

epics_ioc_logrotate_size: "10M"

Select the size a log file has to reach before it will be rotated. Used if not defined at the epics_ios_repos list items.

epics_ioc_logrotate_compress: true

Select whether to compress the IOC's log files when rotating them. Used if not defined at the epics_ios_repos list items.

epics_ioc_epics_ioc_modules: []

Select which EPICS modules are going to be templated in RELEASE file. Used as a default if not defined at the epics_ios_repos list items.


 - ASYN=/usr/lib/epics
 - CALC=/usr/lib/epics
 - STREAM=/usr/lib/epics
epics_ioc_repos: []

Groups of repositories to clone and install. This should be set when calling the role.

Check the task/clone-install.yml or the next section for all actions available.

Example Playbooks


- hosts: all
  - import_role:
      name: "{{ playbook_dir }}"


- hosts: all

    # Extra packages to install in the target system
      - epics-asyn-dev
      - epics-stream-dev
      - epics-calc-dev

      - name: tekScope EPICS IOC
        # URL of repository
        # Repository name
        repo_name: tekScope
        # Repository branch/tag/commit
        repo_version: master
        # Tries to save the repository local changes before fetching.
        # Options are: true, false. Leave empty for false
        repo_stash: true
        # Destination of cloned repository
        clone_path: /tmp
        # Only clone repository and don't try to install it.
        # Options are: true, false. Leave empty for false
        clone_only: true
        # Install repository via make command.
        # Options are: true, false. Leave empty for false.
        # If set to true, will assume clone_only = true, as well.
        install_via_makefile: true
        # List of EPICS Modules to add to the IOC RELEASE file
          - ASYN=/usr/lib/epics
          - STREAM=/usr/lib/epics
          - CALC=/usr/lib/epics
        # Select if we want to create/override the IOC RELEASE file.
        # Options are true, false.
        # Default is defined with the same  global variable name.
        epics_ioc_overwrite_release_file: true
        # Name of the overriden IOC RELEASE file.
        # Default is defined with the same global variable name.
        epics_ioc_release_filename: RELEASE
        # Location of EPICS base directory.
        # Default is defined with the same global variable name.
        epics_base_dir: /usr/lib/epics
        # Location of EPICS IOC boot directory. Relative to IOC top directory.
        # Default is defined with the same global variable name.
        epics_ioc_boot_dir: ""
        # Select if we need to manage EPICS IOC user.
        # Default is defined with the same global variable name.
        epics_manage_user: true
        # Select if we need to manage EPICS IOC autosave directory.
        # Default is defined with the same global variable name.
        epics_manage_autosave_dir: true
        # Name of the IOC owner. Must exist in the target system.
        # Select "epics_mange_user: true" for automatic user creation
        # Default is defined with the same global variable name.
        epics_ioc_user_name: ioc
        # IOC user name UID.
        # Leave empty or omit for automatic assignment
        # State of systemd unit.
        # Options are: started, restarted. reloaded, stopped.
        # Is set to started and the systemd unit is changed somehow
        # the unit will be RESTARTED. If you don't want this behavior
        # set this to reloaded.
        # Default is defined with the same global variable name.
        epics_ioc_systemd_state: started
        # Enabled status of systemd unit.
        # Options are: true, false.
        # Default is defined with the same global variable name.
        epics_ioc_systemd_enabled: true
        # IOC systemd unit "Requires" dependency list.
        # Leave empty or omit to undefined
        # IOC systemd unit "Wants" dependency list.
        # Leave empty or omit to undefined
        # IOC systemd unit "After" dependency list.
        # Leave empty or omit to undefined
        # IOC systemd unit "RequireMountsFor" dependency list.
        # Leave empty or omit to undefined
        epics_ioc_systemd_requires_mounts_for: []
        # EPICS IOC systemd procServ coresize
        # Default is defined with the same global variable name.
        # IOC systemd procServ console port enable.
        # Options are: true, false.
        # Default is defined with the same global variable name.
        epics_ioc_systemd_enable_console_port: true
        # IOC systemd procServ console port number.
        # Default is defined with the same global variable name.
        # IOC systemd procServ unix domain socket enable.
        # Options are: true, false.
        # Default is defined with the same global variable name.
        # IOC systemd procServ unix domain socket path. Relative to "/run"
        # Default is "softioc-{{ IOC name }}/procServ.sock"
        # IOC systemd procServ time format.
        # Default is defined with the same global variable name.
        # EPICS IOC startup script name. Relative to the IOC boot
        # directory.
        # Default is defined with the same global variable name.
        epics_ioc_systemd_procserv_start_script: "st.cmd"
        # EPICS systemd notify option. Requires the IOC to call
        # "systemd-notify --ready" when the IOC finished booting.
        # Default is defined with the same global variable name.
        # Environment variables shall be passed in a dictionary, if
        # not listed below
        epics_ioc_env: {}
        # Leave empty or omit to make variable undefined
        epics_ioc_env_epics_ca_addr_list: ""
        # Leave empty or omit to make variable undefined
        epics_ioc_env_epics_ca_auto_addr_list: true
        # Leave empty or omit to make variable undefined
        epics_ioc_env_epics_ca_max_array_bytes: 10000000
        # Default is defined with the same global variable name.
        epics_ioc_env_epics_ioc_log_port: 7004
        # Leave empty or omit for undefined variable
        epics_ioc_env_epics_ca_sec_file: ""
        # Leave empty or omit for undefined variable
        epics_ioc_env_epics_ioc_log_inet: ""
        # EPICS IOC autosave base directory.
        # Default is defined with the same global variable name.
        epics_ioc_autosave_base_dir: /var/lib
        # EPICS IOC logrotate. Number of rotated log files to keep on disk.
        # Default is defined with the same global variable name.
        # EPICS IOC logrotate. Size a log file has to reach before it will be
        # rotated.
        # Default is defined with the same global variable name.
        # EPICS IOC logrotate. Whether to compress the IOC's log
        # files when rotating them.
        # Default is defined with the same global variable name.
        # Makfile target to execute when installing the EPICS IOC. Requires
        # install_via_makefile to be set to true.
          - distclean
          - all
        # Whether to remove local repository modifications or not.
        # Default is false
        force_version: true

    - role: lerwys.epics_ioc

Install Prerequisites

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Example Commmand

ansible-playbook -i host, -u user -k --ask-become-pass playbook.yml


Tests are performed using Molecule. To run them with python virtualenv, issue:

    bash -c "\
        cd ../ && \
        virtualenv env --python python3 && \
        source env/bin/activate && \
        cd ansible-role-epics-ioc && \
        pip3 install ansible molecule \
            molecule-docker testinfra \
            yamllint ansible-lint flake8 \
            docker && \
        molecule test"

Optionally, you can specify dns servers to be used for both provisioner create and run (docker in our case), by using the following variables:

    export DNS_SERVER1="<DNS server 1>"
    export DNS_SERVER2="<DNS server 2>"

This can be used, for instance, in hosts that have non-default DNS configurations that docker can't access, such as when using local systemd-resolv DNS (e.g., 127.x.y.z) or when DNS servers are set via DHCP with local non-routable IP addresses (e.g., 10.x.y.z).


If you use a host system with SELinux enabled you might get an error when using Ansible like the following:

    "msg": "Aborting, target uses selinux but python bindings (libselinux-python) aren't installed!"

If that happens, it might be because virtualenv does not have access to libselinux and it can't be installed via pip.

A workaround might be to manually copy the librar files into the virtualenv so that Ansible has access to it.

On a Fedra 29 system, using python3-7, the following fixes the issue:

    cp -r /usr/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/selinux env/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/
    cp -r /usr/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/ env/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/

Be advised, that the python versions might differ and the library names, as well.


BSD 2-clause