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A Go web app that display sample information from the visitor (IP, location, browser HTTP headers ...)


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Who am I ?


A tiny Go web app that display sample information from the visitor (IP, location, browser HTTP headers ...): whoami (Development version: dev). It is a rewriting of one of my previous mini project (whoami-python.)

This app is strongly inspired by


  • Golang 1.19 or higher

Getting started

Prebuilt binaries can be downloaded from the GitHub Releases section, or using a Docker image from the Github Container Registry. See here

Building whoami-go 💿

From source with Go

You need a working go toolchain (It has been developped and tested with go 1.20 and should work with go >= 1.19). Refer to the official documentation for more information (or from your Linux/Mac/Windows distribution documentation to install it from your favorite package manager).

# Clone this repository
git clone && cd whoami-go/

# Build from sources. Use the '-o' flag to change the compiled binary name
go build

# Default compiled binary is whoami-go
# You can optionnaly move it somewhere in your $PATH to access it shell wide

From source with docker

If you don't have go installed but have docker, run the following command to build inside a docker container:

# Build from sources inside a docker container. Use the '-o' flag to change the compiled binary name
# Warning: the compiled binary belongs to root:root
docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/app -w /app golang:1.20 go build -buildvcs=false

# Default compiled binary is whoami-go
# You can optionnaly move it somewhere in your $PATH to access it shell wide

The server is accessible at

With Docker

whoami-go comes with a Dockerfile. To build the image:

docker build -t whoami-go .

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --restart="always" --name whoami-go whoami-go 

The server is accessible at

Running with Docker 🐓

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --restart="always" --name whoami-go

The server is accessible at

Running with Docker Compose 🌵

docker compose up

The server is accessible at

Specifications 🌊


  • GET / display informations from the browser: http headers, public IP, geo locations informations (such as country name, city name, etc ...) and a map

  • GET /index display informations from the browser: http headers, public IP, geo locations informations (such as country name, city name, etc ...) and a map

  • GET /ip display the public ip of the browser

  • GET /port display the remote port of the browser

  • GET /lang display the language of the browser (Accept-Language)

  • GET /ua display the user agent of the browser (User-Agent)

  • GET /raw/go display all the http headers the browser send in a golang fashion format

  • GET /raw/json display all the http headers the browser send in json

  • GET /raw/yaml display all the http headers the browser send in yaml

  • GET /metrics display prometheus metrics if enabled (see configuration below)

Configuration 🌳

whoami-go is a 12-factor app using Viper as a configuration manager. It can read configuration either from environment variables or from a key/value .env file. This .env file represents system environment variables on the machine. This change was made with the ease-of-use with Docker in mind.

Available variables

  • APP_ADDR(default value: :8080)

  • APP_ENV(default value: local). If set to anything other than production, run the pprof server at /debug/pprof/

  • APP_CONFIG_NAME (default .env)

  • APP_CONFIG_PATH (default .)

  • SERVER_FIBER_PREFORK(default value: false)

  • SERVER_FIBER_READ_TIMEOUT(default value: 10s)

  • SERVER_FIBER_WRITE_TIMEOUT(default value: 10s)

  • SERVER_FIBER_IDLE_TIMEOUT(default value: 75s)


  • SERVER_FIBER_PROXY_HEADER(default value: X-Forwarded-For)


  • SERVER_FIBER_DISABLE_KEEPALIVE(default value: false)

  • VIEWS_TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY(default value: ./views/template)

  • VIEWS_TEMPLATE_EXTENSIONS(default value: .html)

  • VIEWS_STATIC_DIRECTORY(default value: ./views/static)


  • HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT (default value: 5s)

  • GEOLOCATION_API (default value: freegeoip). Define which IP GeoLocation API to use (, Valid values are freegeoip or ipapi

  • LOGGER_TYPE (default value: gofiber). Define which logger to use. Valid values are gofiber (default logger) or zap

  • LOGGER_ZAP_LOG_LEVEL (default value: info). Only usable when LOGGER_TYPE=zap

  • LOGGER_ZAP_DEVELOPMENT_MODE (default value: false). Only usable when LOGGER_TYPE=zap

  • LOGGER_ZAP_DISABLE_CALLER (default value: true). Only usable when LOGGER_TYPE=zap

  • LOGGER_ZAP_DISABLE_STACK_TRACE (default value: true). Only usable when LOGGER_TYPE=zap

  • LOGGER_ZAP_ENCODING (default value: json). Valid values are: json or console. Only usable when LOGGER_TYPE=zap

  • MIDDLEWARE_PROMETHEUS_ENABLED (default value: true)



IP info location

