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leshill committed Mar 20, 2013
1 parent bcc15ea commit fd5eece
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Showing 2 changed files with 45 additions and 155 deletions.
101 changes: 0 additions & 101 deletions spec/acceptance_spec.rb

This file was deleted.

99 changes: 45 additions & 54 deletions spec/qunit_spec.js
@@ -1,34 +1,19 @@
var Handlebars;
if (!Handlebars) {
// Setup for Node package testing
Handlebars = require('../lib/handlebars');

var assert = require("assert"),

equal = assert.equal,
equals = assert.equal,
ok = assert.ok;

// Note that this doesn't have the same context separation as the rspec test.
// Both should be run for full acceptance of the two libary modes.
var CompilerContext = {
compile: function(template, options) {
var templateSpec = Handlebars.precompile(template, options);
return Handlebars.template(eval('(' + templateSpec + ')'));
compileWithPartial: function(template, options) {
return Handlebars.compile(template, options);
} else {
var _equal = equal;
equals = equal = function(a, b, msg) {
// Allow exec with missing message params
_equal(a, b, msg || '');
var Handlebars = require('../lib/handlebars');

var CompilerContext = Handlebars.createFrame({
compile: function(template, options) {
var templateSpec = Handlebars.precompile(template, options);
return Handlebars.template(eval('(' + templateSpec + ')'));
compileWithPartial: function(template, options) {
return Handlebars.compile(template, options);

suite("basic context");
var assert = require("assert"),
equal = assert.equal,
equals = assert.equal,
ok = assert.ok;

function shouldCompileTo(string, hashOrArray, expected, message) {
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, hashOrArray, false, expected, message);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,6 +73,8 @@ function shouldThrow(fn, exception, message) {
ok(caught, message || null);

suite("basic context");

test("most basic", function() {
shouldCompileTo("{{foo}}", { foo: "foo" }, "foo");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,8 +102,8 @@ test("boolean", function() {
test("zeros", function() {
shouldCompileTo("num1: {{num1}}, num2: {{num2}}", {num1: 42, num2: 0},
"num1: 42, num2: 0");
shouldCompileTo("num: {{.}}", 0, "num: 0");
shouldCompileTo("num: {{num1/num2}}", {num1: {num2: 0}}, "num: 0");
shouldCompileTo("num: {{.}}", 0, "num: 0");
shouldCompileTo("num: {{num1/num2}}", {num1: {num2: 0}}, "num: 0");

test("newlines", function() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,7 +175,7 @@ test('literal references', function() {

test("that current context path ({{.}}) doesn't hit helpers", function() {
shouldCompileTo("test: {{.}}", [null, {helper: "awesome"}], "test: ");
shouldCompileTo("test: {{.}}", [null, {helper: "awesome"}], "test: ");

test("complex but empty paths", function() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -321,11 +308,11 @@ test("helper block with complex lookup expression", function() {
var string = "{{#goodbyes}}{{../name}}{{/goodbyes}}";
var hash = {name: "Alan"};
var helpers = {goodbyes: function(options) {
var out = "";
var byes = ["Goodbye", "goodbye", "GOODBYE"];
for (var i = 0,j = byes.length; i < j; i++) {
out += byes[i] + " " + options.fn(this) + "! ";
var out = "";
var byes = ["Goodbye", "goodbye", "GOODBYE"];
for (var i = 0,j = byes.length; i < j; i++) {
out += byes[i] + " " + options.fn(this) + "! ";
return out;
shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, helpers], "Goodbye Alan! goodbye Alan! GOODBYE Alan! ");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -386,7 +373,7 @@ test("block helper should have context in this", function() {

test("block helper for undefined value", function() {
shouldCompileTo("{{#empty}}shouldn't render{{/empty}}", {}, "");
shouldCompileTo("{{#empty}}shouldn't render{{/empty}}", {}, "");

test("block helper passing a new context", function() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -464,7 +451,6 @@ test("block helper inverted sections", function() {

suite("helpers hash");

test("providing a helpers hash", function() {
shouldCompileTo("Goodbye {{cruel}} {{world}}!", [{cruel: "cruel"}, {world: function() { return "world"; }}], "Goodbye cruel world!",
"helpers hash is available");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -544,20 +530,19 @@ test("GH-14: a partial preceding a selector", function() {

test("Partials with slash paths", function() {
var string = "Dudes: {{> shared/dude}}";
var dude = "{{name}}";
var hash = {name:"Jeepers", another_dude:"Creepers"};
var string = "Dudes: {{> shared/dude}}";
var dude = "{{name}}";
var hash = {name:"Jeepers", another_dude:"Creepers"};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {'shared/dude':dude}], true, "Dudes: Jeepers", "Partials can use literal paths");

test("Partials with integer path", function() {
var string = "Dudes: {{> 404}}";
var dude = "{{name}}";
var hash = {name:"Jeepers", another_dude:"Creepers"};
var string = "Dudes: {{> 404}}";
var dude = "{{name}}";
var hash = {name:"Jeepers", another_dude:"Creepers"};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {404:dude}], true, "Dudes: Jeepers", "Partials can use literal paths");

suite("String literal parameters");

test("simple literals work", function() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -674,30 +659,35 @@ test("Unknown helper in knownHelpers only mode should be passed as undefined", f
var result = template({}, {helpers: {'typeof': function(arg) { return typeof arg; }, hello: function() { return "foo"; }}});
equal(result, "undefined", "'undefined' should === '" + result);

test("Builtin helpers available in knownHelpers only mode", function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile("{{#unless foo}}bar{{/unless}}", {knownHelpersOnly: true});

var result = template({});
equal(result, "bar", "'bar' should === '" + result);

test("Field lookup works in knownHelpers only mode", function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile("{{foo}}", {knownHelpersOnly: true});

var result = template({foo: 'bar'});
equal(result, "bar", "'bar' should === '" + result);

test("Conditional blocks work in knownHelpers only mode", function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile("{{#foo}}bar{{/foo}}", {knownHelpersOnly: true});

var result = template({foo: 'baz'});
equal(result, "bar", "'bar' should === '" + result);

test("Invert blocks work in knownHelpers only mode", function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile("{{^foo}}bar{{/foo}}", {knownHelpersOnly: true});

var result = template({foo: false});
equal(result, "bar", "'bar' should === '" + result);

test("Functions are bound to the context in knownHelpers only mode", function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile("{{foo}}", {knownHelpersOnly: true});
var result = template({foo: function() { return; }, bar: 'bar'});
Expand All @@ -717,11 +707,12 @@ test("lambdas resolved by blockHelperMissing are bound to the context", function
shouldCompileTo(string, boundData, "");

suite("built-in helpers");

var teardown;
suite("built-in helpers", {
setup: function(){ teardown = null; },
teardown: function(){ if (teardown) { teardown(); } }
beforeEach(function() { teardown = null; });
afterEach(function() { if (teardown) { teardown(); }});

test("with", function() {
var string = "{{#with person}}{{first}} {{last}}{{/with}}";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1313,9 +1304,9 @@ test("when inside a block in String mode, .. passes the appropriate context in t

test("GH-94: Cannot read property of undefined", function() {
var data = {"books":[{"title":"The origin of species","author":{"name":"Charles Darwin"}},{"title":"Lazarillo de Tormes"}]};
var string = "{{#books}}{{title}}{{}}{{/books}}";
shouldCompileTo(string, data, "The origin of speciesCharles DarwinLazarillo de Tormes",
var data = {"books":[{"title":"The origin of species","author":{"name":"Charles Darwin"}},{"title":"Lazarillo de Tormes"}]};
var string = "{{#books}}{{title}}{{}}{{/books}}";
shouldCompileTo(string, data, "The origin of speciesCharles DarwinLazarillo de Tormes",
"Renders without an undefined property error");

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