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Alternative Spotify UI made in Rust using Spotify API


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Spotify Rust

spotify_rust can control your Spotify playback without having to use your mouse.

spotify_rust is made of two elements :

  • An API for Spotify, spotify_api , controlling playback, searching for tracks, albums or playlists, and much more.
  • A client in text user interface, spotify_rust, directly in your terminal, to browse your spotify Library and play tracks.

Example for using the API

// Creating the handle
let mut handle = EasyAPI::new();

// Getting a refresh token

// Getting the currently playing track and artist names, if there is a track playing right now
let current_artist_name = match easy_api.get_currently_playing_artist().unwrap() {
    Some(artist) =>,
    None => "".to_string(),
let current_track_name = match easy_api.get_currently_playing_track().unwrap() {
    Some(track) =>,
    None => "".to_string(),

println!("You are now listening to {} by {}", current_track_name.as_str(), current_artist_name.as_str());

Getting Started

Just clone the repository and cargo run!

Keep in mind before using this that we are in a very early stage, and drastic changes can occur anytime. It is not recommended to use the API until the beta stage.


Before you can run there are some prerequisites:

  • The Rust compiler
  • A Spotify client id/secret pair, and a refresh token

Client ID / Secret

If you plan to use the API alone, you can register your application at Spotify. You will get your spotify client id and secret pair.

Generate a base64 of <client:id>:<client:secret> and put the result in a file named base_64_secret on the root of the repository.

If you plan to use only the terminal client, sorry but you will have to wait for binary packages to be released.

Refresh token

To get the refresh token, for now its a bit more complex. You will have to open a browser and paste that URL in your navigation bar with <YOUR_CLIENT_ID> as your client ID.<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2Fcallback&scope=user-read-private%20user-read-email%20playlist-read-private%20playlist-read-collaborative%20playlist-modify-public%20playlist-modify-private%20user-follow-modify%20user-follow-read%20user-library-read%20user-library-modify%20user-read-private%20user-read-birthdate%20user-read-email%20user-top-read%20ugc-image-upload%20user-read-playback-state%20user-modify-playback-state%20user-read-currently-playing%20user-read-recently-played

Authorize the application to use your data, and you will be redirected to localhost with a token in the URI. Then you will have to POST the token in a specific request to finally have your refresh token.

All the procedure is documented here :

An automated process has been developed for the application. You will only have to enter the cliend ID and secret, then log on in a friendly interface while all the background token retrieval process is going on.


Run cargo doc --open to build and open the documentation on the browser directly.

The data structures are the same as in the Spotify API , available here

You can find the rust structures in the model directory, under spotify_api/src/model.

Running the tests

cd spotify_api to get in the library module.

You can run the tests with cargo test.

Built With

External crates:

  • base64 for encoding the application credentials pair.
  • clap for the command line interpreter
  • curl for sending HTTP requests.
  • failure
  • percent-encoding to encode search queries in percent encoding.
  • serde_json for JSON parsing.
  • tiny_http for the automated refresh token generation process
  • term-painter for colorful stdout during the automated refresh token generation process
  • termion for the text user interface
  • text_io for easy user input
  • tui for the text user interface
  • webbrowser for the automated refresh token generation process


Thank you for your support !

Please read the Contributing file before contributing.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Alternative Spotify UI made in Rust using Spotify API







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