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Merge tracemonkey to mozilla-central. (CLOSED TREE)
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sayrer committed Aug 4, 2010
2 parents 3888ee5 + 70799ce commit dec08d2
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Showing 49 changed files with 4,202 additions and 4,241 deletions.
66 changes: 0 additions & 66 deletions js/narcissus/js.js

This file was deleted.

285 changes: 152 additions & 133 deletions js/narcissus/jsdefs.js
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
/* vim: set sw=4 ts=4 et tw=78: */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -42,139 +43,157 @@
* separately to take advantage of the simple switch-case constant propagation
* done by SpiderMonkey.
var tokens = [
// End of source.
Narcissus = {};
Narcissus.jsdefs = (function() {

// Operators and punctuators. Some pair-wise order matters, e.g. (+, -)
"\n", ";",
"?", ":", "CONDITIONAL",
"==", "!=", "===", "!==",
"<", "<=", ">=", ">",
"<<", ">>", ">>>",
"+", "-",
"*", "/", "%",
"!", "~", "UNARY_PLUS", "UNARY_MINUS",
"++", "--",
"[", "]",
"{", "}",
"(", ")",

// Nonterminal tree node type codes.

// Terminals.

// Keywords.
"case", "catch", "const", "continue",
"debugger", "default", "delete", "do",
"false", "finally", "for", "function",
"if", "in", "instanceof",
"new", "null",
"this", "throw", "true", "try", "typeof",
"var", "void",
"while", "with",

// Operator and punctuator mapping from token to tree node type name.
// NB: because the lexer doesn't backtrack, all token prefixes must themselves
// be valid tokens (e.g. !== is acceptable because its prefixes are the valid
// tokens != and !).
var opTypeNames = {
'\n': "NEWLINE",
',': "COMMA",
'?': "HOOK",
':': "COLON",
'||': "OR",
'&&': "AND",
'|': "BITWISE_OR",
'===': "STRICT_EQ",
'==': "EQ",
'=': "ASSIGN",
'!==': "STRICT_NE",
'!=': "NE",
'<<': "LSH",
'<=': "LE",
'<': "LT",
'>>>': "URSH",
'>>': "RSH",
'>=': "GE",
'>': "GT",
'++': "INCREMENT",
'--': "DECREMENT",
'+': "PLUS",
'-': "MINUS",
'*': "MUL",
'/': "DIV",
'%': "MOD",
'!': "NOT",
'.': "DOT",
'{': "LEFT_CURLY",
'(': "LEFT_PAREN",

// Hash of keyword identifier to tokens index. NB: we must null __proto__ to
// avoid toString, etc. namespace pollution.
var keywords = {__proto__: null};

// Define const END, etc., based on the token names. Also map name to index.
var tokenIds = {};
var consts = "const ";
for (var i = 0, j = tokens.length; i < j; i++) {
if (i > 0)
consts += ", ";
var t = tokens[i];
var name;
if (/^[a-z]/.test(t)) {
name = t.toUpperCase();
keywords[t] = i;
} else {
name = (/^\W/.test(t) ? opTypeNames[t] : t);
var tokens = [
// End of source.

// Operators and punctuators. Some pair-wise order matters, e.g. (+, -)
"\n", ";",
"?", ":", "CONDITIONAL",
"==", "!=", "===", "!==",
"<", "<=", ">=", ">",
"<<", ">>", ">>>",
"+", "-",
"*", "/", "%",
"!", "~", "UNARY_PLUS", "UNARY_MINUS",
"++", "--",
"[", "]",
"{", "}",
"(", ")",

// Nonterminal tree node type codes.

// Terminals.

// Keywords.
"case", "catch", "const", "continue",
"debugger", "default", "delete", "do",
"false", "finally", "for", "function",
"if", "in", "instanceof",
"new", "null",
"this", "throw", "true", "try", "typeof",
"var", "void",
"while", "with",

// Operator and punctuator mapping from token to tree node type name.
// NB: because the lexer doesn't backtrack, all token prefixes must themselves
// be valid tokens (e.g. !== is acceptable because its prefixes are the valid
// tokens != and !).
var opTypeNames = {
'\n': "NEWLINE",
',': "COMMA",
'?': "HOOK",
':': "COLON",
'||': "OR",
'&&': "AND",
'|': "BITWISE_OR",
'===': "STRICT_EQ",
'==': "EQ",
'=': "ASSIGN",
'!==': "STRICT_NE",
'!=': "NE",
'<<': "LSH",
'<=': "LE",
'<': "LT",
'>>>': "URSH",
'>>': "RSH",
'>=': "GE",
'>': "GT",
'++': "INCREMENT",
'--': "DECREMENT",
'+': "PLUS",
'-': "MINUS",
'*': "MUL",
'/': "DIV",
'%': "MOD",
'!': "NOT",
'.': "DOT",
'{': "LEFT_CURLY",
'(': "LEFT_PAREN",

// Hash of keyword identifier to tokens index. NB: we must null __proto__ to
// avoid toString, etc. namespace pollution.
var keywords = {__proto__: null};

// Define const END, etc., based on the token names. Also map name to index.
var tokenIds = {};

// Building up a string to be eval'd in different contexts.
var consts = "const ";
for (var i = 0, j = tokens.length; i < j; i++) {
if (i > 0)
consts += ", ";
var t = tokens[i];
var name;
if (/^[a-z]/.test(t)) {
name = t.toUpperCase();
keywords[t] = i;
} else {
name = (/^\W/.test(t) ? opTypeNames[t] : t);
consts += name + " = " + i;
tokenIds[name] = i;
tokens[t] = i;
consts += name + " = " + i;
tokenIds[name] = i;
tokens[t] = i;
eval(consts + ";");

// Map assignment operators to their indexes in the tokens array.
var assignOps = ['|', '^', '&', '<<', '>>', '>>>', '+', '-', '*', '/', '%'];

for (i = 0, j = assignOps.length; i < j; i++) {
t = assignOps[i];
assignOps[t] = tokens[t];

function defineGetter(obj, prop, fn, dontDelete, dontEnum) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { get: fn, configurable: !dontDelete, enumerable: !dontEnum });
consts += ";";

// Map assignment operators to their indexes in the tokens array.
var assignOps = ['|', '^', '&', '<<', '>>', '>>>', '+', '-', '*', '/', '%'];

for (i = 0, j = assignOps.length; i < j; i++) {
t = assignOps[i];
assignOps[t] = tokens[t];

function defineGetter(obj, prop, fn, dontDelete, dontEnum) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { get: fn, configurable: !dontDelete, enumerable: !dontEnum });

function defineProperty(obj, prop, val, dontDelete, readOnly, dontEnum) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { value: val, writable: !readOnly, configurable: !dontDelete, enumerable: !dontEnum });

return {
"tokens": tokens,
"opTypeNames": opTypeNames,
"keywords": keywords,
"tokenIds": tokenIds,
"consts": consts,
"assignOps": assignOps,
"defineGetter": defineGetter,
"defineProperty": defineProperty

function defineProperty(obj, prop, val, dontDelete, readOnly, dontEnum) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { value: val, writable: !readOnly, configurable: !dontDelete, enumerable: !dontEnum });

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