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mpeters committed Mar 2, 2006
0 parents commit 699f270
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Showing 251 changed files with 26,285 additions and 0 deletions.
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
FOR 0.1

+ Test out the build/makedist/install on a clean machine

FOR 0.2

+ Add support for plain TAP

+ document all classes
+ Controller classes
+ document all run modes (templates used, etc)

+ Add a decent logging mechanism

+ import/export projects (all data and reports)

+ Precompile all templates at startup

+ Add paging to other listing pages admin_developers/admin_projects, etc
+ possibly add sortable table as well

+ escape all data that is displayed that could have come from users to prevent XSS

+ view graphs by platform/architecture

+ add help tooltips where appropriate

+ Add 'public' projects
+ allow anonymous test reports from public
?+ add extra 'anonymous' user
+ show listing on front page
+ show test reports to the public

+ rendering in other browsers besides FF

+ capture STDERR and associate with test files (will be done in Test::TAP::Model)


+ add some benchmarks so we can see how things perform as changes are made

+ add CSV download option for tests?
+ for projects?

+ look at using an XML schema that isn't so tied to the internal representation
of Test::TAP::Model

+ add coverage reports
?+ related to smoke tests

+ add benchmarks?

+ add RSS feeds per project

+ look at making skinning easier so that organizations can brand it

+ support for non AJAX browsers

+ support for other databases
+ built in SQLite ?

266 changes: 266 additions & 0 deletions bin/smolder_apachectl
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
use warnings;
use strict;

=head1 NAME
smolder_apachectl start
smolder_apachectl stop
smolder_apachectl restart
This script controls the Smolder Apache server. The usage of the script
is the same as the normal apache "apachectl" script but only "start",
"stop" and "restart" are supported. Also, "restart" performs a hard
stop and start since a SIGHUP isn't enough for mod_perl.
Usage information can be obtained by running the script with no arguments.
The apache config file is created from the template found at F<conf/httpd.conf.tmpl>.
All of the directives in your F<conf/PROEJCT.conf> are passed to the template
and as well as the following parameters:
=item InstallRoot
The InstallRoot directory.
=item ApacheRoot
Full directory path of the installed apache.
=item PidFile
Full path to the F<> file.
=item AccessRules
A TMPL_LOOP (array of hashes) that contains the C<< <AccessRule> >> directives
from your F<conf/smolder.conf>.


use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir catfile splitdir rel2abs);
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
use Config;
use Getopt::Long;
use Cwd;


# Find a SMOLDER_ROOT based on path to bin
my @dir = splitdir($RealBin);

#remove any blank elements on the end of the @dir
pop(@dir) while ( !$dir[$#dir] );
$ENV{SMOLDER_ROOT} ||= catdir( @dir[ 0 .. $#dir - 1 ] );

# use SMOLDER_ROOT/lib for modules
my $lib = catdir( $ENV{SMOLDER_ROOT}, "lib" );
? "$ENV{PERL5LIB}:${lib}"
: "${lib}";
unshift @INC, $lib, "$lib/" . $Config{archname};

eval { require Smolder::Conf };
warn << "END" and exit(1) if $@;
Cannot load Smolder.
Error message:

my $MAX_RESTART_WAIT = 20; # wait for stop on restart (in seconds)
my $CONFIG = Smolder::Conf->get_config();
my $ROOT = $CONFIG->get('InstallRoot');
my $APACHE_ROOT = catdir($ROOT, 'apache');
my $APACHE_BIN = catfile($APACHE_ROOT, 'bin', 'httpd');
my $HTTPD_CONF_TMPL = catfile($ROOT, 'conf', 'httpd.conf.tmpl');
my $HTTPD_CONF = catfile($ROOT, 'tmp', 'httpd.conf');
my $HTTPD_PID = catfile($ROOT, 'tmp', '');
my $SCRIPT_NAME = 'smolder_apachectl';

# get status from the pid file
my $running = 0;
my $pid;
if ( -e $HTTPD_PID ) {
$pid = `cat $HTTPD_PID`;
chomp $pid;
if ( $pid and kill( 0, $pid ) ) {
$running = 1;

# check for args
usage() unless @ARGV;

my $command = shift @ARGV;

if ( $command eq 'start' ) {
if ($running) {
die "$SCRIPT_NAME $command: httpd (pid $pid) already running\n";


print "$SCRIPT_NAME $command: starting httpd\n";
if ( system($HTTPD_CMD) == 0 ) {
print "$SCRIPT_NAME $command: httpd started\n";
} else {
die "$SCRIPT_NAME $command: httpd could not be started!", $!, "\n";

if ( $command eq 'stop' ) {
unless ($running) {
die "$SCRIPT_NAME $command: httpd not running\n";
if ( kill 15, $pid ) {
print "$SCRIPT_NAME $command: httpd stopped\n";
} else {
die "$SCRIPT_NAME $command: httpd could not be stopped\n";

if ( $command eq 'restart' ) {

# stop
if ($running) {
if ( kill 15, $pid ) {
print "$SCRIPT_NAME $command: waiting for httpd to stop";
} else {
die "$SCRIPT_NAME $command: httpd could not be stopped\n";

# wait for stop - check pid file for removal
my $stopped = 0;
for my $wait ( 0 .. $MAX_RESTART_WAIT ) {
if ( not -e $HTTPD_PID ) {
$stopped = 1;
print ".";
sleep 1;

if ($stopped) {
print "\n$SCRIPT_NAME $command: httpd stopped\n";
} else {
die "\n$SCRIPT_NAME $command: httpd not stopped in time\n";


# start

print "$SCRIPT_NAME $command: starting httpd\n";
unless ( system($HTTPD_CMD) ) {
print "$SCRIPT_NAME $command: httpd started\n";
} else {
die "$SCRIPT_NAME $command: httpd could not be started\n";


sub usage {
print <<END;
usage: $SCRIPT_NAME (start|stop|restart|debug)
start - start httpd
stop - stop httpd
restart - restart httpd if running


# make sure we can link against the swish-e libs
sub setup_env {
$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = catdir( $ROOT, 'swish-e', 'lib' );

# add all vars from conf/smolder.conf and also the following
# ApacheRoot, PidFile
sub write_conf {
require HTML::Template;

# create the httpd.conf by processing it as a template, using conf
# directives as params
my $template = HTML::Template->new(
filename => $HTTPD_CONF_TMPL,
global_vars => 1,
die_on_bad_params => 0,
loop_context_vars => 1

my @directives = $CONFIG->get();
my %tmpl_params = (
ApacheRoot => $APACHE_ROOT,
PidFile => $HTTPD_PID,
InstallRoot => rel2abs($ROOT),

# add each directive from the conf file
foreach my $directive (@directives) {
$tmpl_params{$directive} = $CONFIG->get($directive)
unless (exists $tmpl_params{$directive} );

# change our access rules into a TMPL_LOOP
my $access_rules = Smolder::Conf->access_rules;
my @access_loop = ();
foreach my $location ( keys %$access_rules ) {
my $rule = $access_rules->{$location};

# create a tmpl_loop of Tokens inside this loop
my @tokens = ();
push( @tokens, { Token => $_ } ) foreach ( @{ $rule->{Tokens} } );

my %tmp = (
Path => $location,
Tokens => \@tokens,
Expires => $rule->{Expires},
push( @access_loop, \%tmp );
$template->param( AccessRules => \@access_loop );

# write out the config
open( CONF, '>' . $HTTPD_CONF )
or die "Unable to open $HTTPD_CONF : $!";
print CONF $template->output();
close CONF;

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