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'StaticJsonDocument' was not declared in this scope #2782

s0170071 opened this issue Nov 25, 2019 · 18 comments

'StaticJsonDocument' was not declared in this scope #2782

s0170071 opened this issue Nov 25, 2019 · 18 comments
Category: Build Related to building/IDE/releases Type: Bug Considered a bug


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As soon as I add #define P016_P035_Extended_AC to custom.h, I get a compile error:

'StaticJsonDocument' was not declared in this scope

my Custom.h:


    To modify the stock configuration without changing the EspEasy.ino file :

    1) rename this file to "Custom.h" (It is ignored by Git)
    2) define your own settings below
    3) define USE_CUSTOM_H as a build flags. ie : export PLATFORMIO_BUILD_FLAGS="'-DUSE_CUSTOM_H'"


   Your Own Default Settings

    You can basically ovveride ALL macro defined in ESPEasy.ino.
    Don't forget to first #undef each existing #define that you add below.
    But since this Custom.h is included before other defines are made, you don't have to undef a lot of defines.

    Here are some examples:

#ifdef BUILD_GIT
# undef BUILD_GIT
#endif // ifdef BUILD_GIT

#define BUILD_GIT           "My Build: "  __DATE__ " "  __TIME__

#define DEFAULT_NAME        "MyEspEasyDevice"                        // Enter your device friendly name
#define UNIT                0                                        // Unit Number
#define DEFAULT_DELAY       60                                       // Sleep Delay in seconds

// --- Wifi AP Mode (when your Wifi Network is not reachable) ----------------------------------------
#define DEFAULT_AP_IP       192, 168, 1, 1                           // Enter IP address (comma separated) for AP (config) mode
#define DEFAULT_AP_SUBNET   255, 255, 255, 0                         // Enter IP address (comma separated) for AP (config) mode
#define DEFAULT_AP_KEY      "configesp"                              // Enter network WPA key for AP (config) mode

// --- Wifi Client Mode -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define DEFAULT_SSID                         ""            // Enter your network SSID
#define DEFAULT_KEY                          "" // Enter your network WPA key
#define DEFAULT_USE_STATIC_IP                false                   // (true|false) enabled or disabled static IP
#define DEFAULT_IP                           ""          // Enter your IP address
#define DEFAULT_DNS                          ""           // Enter your DNS
#define DEFAULT_GW                           ""           // Enter your Gateway
#define DEFAULT_SUBNET                       ""         // Enter your Subnet
#define DEFAULT_IPRANGE_LOW                  ""               // Allowed IP range to access webserver
#define DEFAULT_IPRANGE_HIGH                 ""       // Allowed IP range to access webserver
#define DEFAULT_IP_BLOCK_LEVEL               1                       // 0: ALL_ALLOWED  1: LOCAL_SUBNET_ALLOWED  2:
#define DEFAULT_ADMIN_USERNAME               "admin"

#define DEFAULT_WIFI_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT      10000 // minimum timeout in ms for WiFi to be connected.
#define DEFAULT_WIFI_FORCE_BG_MODE           false // when set, only allow to connect in 802.11B or G mode (not N)
#define DEFAULT_WIFI_RESTART_WIFI_CONN_LOST  false // Perform wifi off and on when connection was lost.
#define DEFAULT_ECO_MODE                     false // When set, make idle calls between executing tasks.
#define DEFAULT_WIFI_NONE_SLEEP              false // When set, the wifi will be set to no longer sleep (more power
// used and need reboot to reset mode)
#define DEFAULT_GRATUITOUS_ARP               false // When set, the node will send periodical gratuitous ARP
// packets to announce itself.

// --- Default Controller ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define DEFAULT_CONTROLLER   true                                          // true or false enabled or disabled, set 1st controller
                                                                            // defaults

// using a default template, you also need to set a DEFAULT PROTOCOL to a suitable MQTT protocol !
#define DEFAULT_PUB         "sensors/%tskname%/%valname%" // Enter your pub
#define DEFAULT_SUB         "sensors/espeasy/%sysname%/#"                   // Enter your sub
#define DEFAULT_SERVER      ""                                   // Enter your Server IP address
#define DEFAULT_PORT        1883                                            // Enter your Server port value

#define DEFAULT_PROTOCOL    5                                               // Protocol used for controller communications
                                                                            //   0 = Stand-alone (no controller set)
                                                                            //   1 = Domoticz HTTP
                                                                            //   2 = Domoticz MQTT
                                                                            //   3 = Nodo Telnet
                                                                            //   4 = ThingSpeak
                                                                            //   5 = Home Assistant (openHAB) MQTT
                                                                            //   6 = PiDome MQTT
                                                                            //   7 = EmonCMS
                                                                            //   8 = Generic HTTP
                                                                            //   9 = FHEM HTTP

#define DEFAULT_PIN_I2C_SDA                     4
#define DEFAULT_PIN_I2C_SCL                     5

#define DEFAULT_PIN_STATUS_LED                  -1

#define DEFAULT_USE_RULES                       false             // (true|false) Enable Rules?
#define DEFAULT_RULES_OLDENGINE                 true

#define DEFAULT_MQTT_RETAIN                     false             // (true|false) Retain MQTT messages?
#define DEFAULT_MQTT_DELAY                      100               // Time in milliseconds to retain MQTT messages
#define DEFAULT_MQTT_LWT_TOPIC                  ""                // Default lwt topic
#define DEFAULT_MQTT_LWT_CONNECT_MESSAGE        "Connected"       // Default lwt message
#define DEFAULT_MQTT_LWT_DISCONNECT_MESSAGE     "Connection Lost" // Default lwt message

#define DEFAULT_USE_NTP                         true             // (true|false) Use NTP Server
#define DEFAULT_NTP_HOST                        ""                // NTP Server Hostname
#define DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE                       60                 // Time Offset (in minutes)
#define DEFAULT_USE_DST                         true             // (true|false) Use Daily Time Saving

#define DEFAULT_SYSLOG_IP                       ""                // Syslog IP Address
#define DEFAULT_SYSLOG_LEVEL                    0                 // Syslog Log Level
#define DEFAULT_SERIAL_LOG_LEVEL                LOG_LEVEL_INFO    // Serial Log Level
#define DEFAULT_WEB_LOG_LEVEL                   LOG_LEVEL_INFO    // Web Log Level
#define DEFAULT_SD_LOG_LEVEL                    0                 // SD Card Log Level
#define DEFAULT_USE_SD_LOG                      false             // (true|false) Enable Logging to the SD card

#define DEFAULT_USE_SERIAL                      true              // (true|false) Enable Logging to the Serial Port
#define DEFAULT_SERIAL_BAUD                     115200            // Serial Port Baud Rate
#define DEFAULT_SYSLOG_FACILITY                 0                 // kern

//#define BUILD_NO_DEBUG


   Special settings  (rendering settings incompatible with other builds)


   Your Own selection of plugins and controllers


 ###########     Plugins

//#define BUILD_MINIMAL_OTA    // zusätzlich #define FEATURE_ARDUINO_OTA in ESPEasyCommon.h Zeile 91 sonst linker error.
#define FEATURE_MDNS         // auch einschalten, sonst kein network port in der Arduino IDE

    // einfach in den Ordner legen:
    // vito 
    // MT681
    // SHT25     
    // SMA

    //#ifndef BUILD_NO_DEBUG
    //  #define BUILD_NO_DEBUG
    #ifndef PLUGIN_DESCR
        #define PLUGIN_DESCR  "S0170071"
    #endif // PLUGIN_DESCR

// #define USE_SERVO

   #define USES_P001   // Switch
   #define USES_P002   // ADC
   #define USES_P003   // Pulse
// #define USES_P004   // Dallas
// #define USES_P005   // DHT
 #define USES_P006   // BMP085
// #define USES_P007   // PCF8591
   #define USES_P008   // RFID
// #define USES_P009   // MCP

// #define USES_P010   // BH1750
// #define USES_P011   // PME
// #define USES_P012   // LCD
// #define USES_P013   // HCSR04
// #define USES_P014   // SI7021
// #define USES_P015   // TSL2561
// #define USES_P017   // PN532
// #define USES_P018   // Dust
// #define USES_P019   // PCF8574

// #define USES_P020   // Ser2Net
// #define USES_P021   // Level
// #define USES_P022   // PCA9685
   #define USES_P023   // OLED
// #define USES_P024   // MLX90614
// #define USES_P025   // ADS1115
   #define USES_P026   // SysInfo
// #define USES_P027   // INA219
// #define USES_P028   // BME280
   #define USES_P029   // Output

// #define USES_P031   // SHT1X
// #define USES_P032   // MS5611
   #define USES_P033   // Dummy
// #define USES_P034   // DHT12
// #define USES_P036   // FrameOLED
   #define USES_P037   // MQTTImport
// #define USES_P038   // NeoPixel
// #define USES_P039   // Environment - Thermocouple

   #define USES_P040   // RFID - ID12LA/RDM6300
// #define USES_P041   // NeoClock
// #define USES_P042   // Candle
   #define USES_P043   // ClkOutput
// #define USES_P044   // P1WifiGateway
// #define USES_P045   // MPU6050
// #define USES_P046   // VentusW266
// #define USES_P047   // I2C_soil_misture
// #define USES_P048   // Motoshield_v2
// #define USES_P049   // MHZ19

// #define USES_P050   // TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor with IR filter and White LED
// #define USES_P051   // AM2320
// #define USES_P052   // SenseAir
// #define USES_P053   // PMSx003
// #define USES_P054   // DMX512
// #define USES_P055   // Chiming
// #define USES_P056   // SDS011-Dust
// #define USES_P057   // HT16K33_LED
// #define USES_P058   // HT16K33_KeyPad
// #define USES_P059   // Encoder

// #define USES_P060   // MCP3221
// #define USES_P061   // Keypad
// #define USES_P062   // MPR121_KeyPad
// #define USES_P063   // TTP229_KeyPad
// #define USES_P064   // APDS9960 Gesture
// #define USES_P065   // DRF0299
// #define USES_P066   // VEML6040
// #define USES_P067   // HX711_Load_Cell
// #define USES_P068   // SHT3x
// #define USES_P069   // LM75A

// #define USES_P070   // NeoPixel_Clock
// #define USES_P071   // Kamstrup401
// #define USES_P072   // HDC1080
// #define USES_P073   // 7DG
// #define USES_P074   // TSL2561
// #define USES_P075   // Nextion
// #define USES_P076   // HWL8012   in POW r1
// #define USES_P077   // CSE7766   in POW R2
// #define USES_P078   // Eastron Modbus Energy meters
// #define USES_P079   // Wemos Motoshield

// #define USES_P080   // iButton Sensor  DS1990A
// #define USES_P081   // Cron
// #define USES_P082   // GPS
// #define USES_P083   // SGP30
// #define USES_P084   // VEML6070
// #define USES_P085   // AcuDC24x
   #define USES_P086   // Receiving values according Homie convention. Works together with C014 Homie controller
// #define USES_P087   // Serial Proxy

// Special plugins needing IR library
// #define USES_P016   // IR
   #define USES_P035   // IRTX
   #define P016_P035_Extended_AC // The following define is needed for extended decoding of A/C Messages and or using standardised 
                                 //common arguments for controlling all deeply supported A/C units
 #define P016_P035_USE_RAW_RAW2 //Use the RAW and RAW2 encodings, disabling it saves 3.7Kb
// #define USES_P088   // Heatpump IR

 ###########     Controllers

// #define USES_C001   // Domoticz HTTP
// #define USES_C002   // Domoticz MQTT
// #define USES_C003   // Nodo telnet
   #define USES_C004   // ThingSpeak
   #define USES_C005   // Home Assistant (openHAB) MQTT
// #define USES_C006   // PiDome MQTT
// #define USES_C007   // Emoncms
// #define USES_C008   // Generic HTTP
// #define USES_C009   // FHEM HTTP
// #define USES_C010   // Generic UDP
   #define USES_C011   // Generic HTTP Advanced
// #define USES_C012   // Blynk HTTP
   #define USES_C013   // ESPEasy P2P network
   #define USES_C014   // homie 3 & 4dev MQTT
// #define USES_C015   // Blynk
// #define USES_C016   // Cache controller
// #define USES_C017   // Zabbix
// #define USES_C018   // TTN/RN2483

 ###########     Notifiers

// #define USES_N001   // Email
// #define USES_N002   // Buzzer


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resolved it by adding
#include "ArduinoJson.h"
to P035_IRTX.ino
Still, this should not happen...

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TD-er commented Nov 25, 2019

I think this include is also needed for _P016_IR.ino as the same class is used in there.

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TD-er commented Nov 25, 2019

Can you make a PR for the addition of both includes?

@TD-er TD-er added Category: Build Related to building/IDE/releases Type: Bug Considered a bug labels Nov 25, 2019
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hmm. Now it compiles but gives me an error in the log.
Deserialize Json failed: NoMemory

Other than that, I am having a hard time copying that line from the weblog as it jumps away then I try to do so. Yes, I have unchecked Autoscroll. Try strg+f "failed". You see it but you cannot grab it :-o

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TD-er commented Nov 25, 2019

There is a copy button on the web page. Then you can copy/paste it into notepad or something similar.

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Deserialize Json failed: NoMemory

what is the command you are giving it? I suppose is an irsendAC command

In line 210 of P035.ino StaticJsonDocument<300> doc;
Make it bigger StaticJsonDocument<320> doc;
or even 350 if this doesnt work for you.
But i am curious how big is your command

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TD-er commented Nov 26, 2019

Is it possible there to include the needed size in the log?

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I dont think so

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TD-er commented Nov 26, 2019

Well if you know how much the message is you want to encode, you can give a rough estimate since you know the JSON structure and thus have a fixed offset.

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well I have done this and I had concluded that 300 would be enought

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The command that I send is:
IRSENDAC,{"power":"OFF","temp":"16","protocol":"FUJITSU_AC","model":"ARREB1E","mode":"AUTO", "swingv":"OFF", "swingh":"OFF", "turbo":"OFF", "econo":"OFF", "fanspeed":"AUTO"}
Thats 174 characters. Sounds like it should have worked. In fact, the ESPEasy log error is gone although I did not touch anything since.

The log shows now:

110256038: IRTX: JSON received: {'power':'OFF','temp':'16','protocol':'FUJITSU_AC','model':'ARREB1E','mode':'AUTO', 'swingv':'OFF', 'swing
110256115: IRTX: IR Code Sent: {'power':'OFF'

Btw, this does compile of of the box:

//StaticJsonDocument<300> doc;
        DynamicJsonDocument doc(string.length());

Cant't test it right now, its too early in the morning to wake everyone by playing with the AC. Will report back.

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Encapsulate the whole JSON inbetween '

IRSENDAC,' {"power":"OFF","temp":"16","protocol":"FUJITSU_AC","model":"ARREB1E","mode":"AUTO", "swingv":"OFF", "swingh":"OFF", "turbo":"OFF", "econo":"OFF", "fanspeed":"AUTO"}'

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TD-er commented Nov 27, 2019

Cant't test it right now, its too early in the morning to wake everyone by playing with the AC. Will report back.

You don't have a 'testing' and 'production' environment for that? ;)

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TD-er commented Nov 27, 2019

Encapsulate the whole JSON inbetween '

Yep, see also #2724

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You don't have a 'testing' and 'production' environment for that? ;)

I wish I had. Whenever I do a
git clone MyHouse; rm -s /tmp/wife
I get an access denied error 👎

Encapsulate the whole JSON inbetween '

I'll try but I am pretty sure it worked without. The command comes from OpenHAB via MQTT and I did not touch that part of my setup. I just updated the ESP.

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recent changes regarding more strict parsing of parameters.

Ah, I get it.

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Check also
I have updated the posts to reflect this change also

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This seems to have been fixed now, so can be closed.

@TD-er TD-er closed this as completed Sep 2, 2023
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Category: Build Related to building/IDE/releases Type: Bug Considered a bug
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4 participants