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AutoMigrate from Boot Loopback Component

This loopback component enables you to migrate the database and import datas automatcally for the loopback application.

Original Author: Riceball Lee

Node version used for development: v10.13.0


💥 In case you are making a commit for this package repository, MAKE SURE TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE FOLLOWING TOPICS:

1. Every commit that runs on the master branch runs through the Publish Github Package Workflow on Github Actions. So be sure to check if your code is well written and tested, since it'll be published if the code passes the Continuous Integration (CI) unit tests.

2. If the commit passes through the Github Actions workflow, the module will be released as a package in the Github Packages Registry. This workflow has an underlying command that increments/bumps the version from the latest release based on commit messages, such as:

  • If the string "BREAKING CHANGE" or "major" is found anywhere in any of the commit messages or descriptions, the major version will be incremented (i.e. 1.X.X).

  • If a commit message begins with the string "feat" or includes "minor" then the minor version will be increased (i.e. X.1.X). This works for most common commit metadata for feature additions: "feat: new API" and "feature: new API".

  • All other changes will increment the patch version (i.e. X.X.1).

3. Furthermore, the workflow has also an underlying command that deploys automatically a new release when a success test/deployment takes places. These releases can be found here.


  1. Install in you loopback project:
$ npm install @letsfullstack/loopback-automigrate-component
  1. Create a component-config.json file in your server folder (if you don't already have one)

  2. Configure options inside component-config.json:

  "loopback-component-auto-migrate": {
    "enabled": true,
    "raiseError": false,
    "migration": "auto-migrate-data",
    "models": ["Role"],
    "fixtures": "./test/fixtures/"
  • enabled [Boolean]: whether enable this component. defaults: true
  • raiseError [Boolean]: whether raise error. defaults: false
    • it wont stop to import data if not raise error.
  • migration [String] : the migration ways:
    • "auto-migrate": drop and recreate the tables of the database.
    • "auto-migrate-data": drop and recreate the tables, load datas from fixtures folder.
    • "auto-update" defaults: update the tables of the databse.
    • "auto-update-data": update the tables, load datas from fixtures folder.
    • "auto-load-data": load datas from fixtures folder.
  • models [array of String]: the models to process. defaults to the all models in the model-config.json
    • a JSON file location can be used instead of passing all list inside component-config.json: "./test/models/model-list.json"
  • fixtures [String]: the datas folder to import.
    • the file base name is the lowercase model name with dash seperated if any.
    • the file extension name is the data file format, the following format is supported:
      • cson
      • yaml
      • json


Automatically use it:

Just enable it on component-config.json.

or run node_modules/.bin/slc-migrate directly.

set DEBUG=loopback:component:autoMigrate:* env variable to show debug info.

When it runs through component-config.json, it is attaching the autoMigrate promise at app.get('loopback-component-auto-migrate-done') that you can use to know when all migrations, data importing etc have finished.

Also the loopback-component-auto-migrate-status will be set for convenience:

  • 'loaded': autoMigrate loaded.
  • 'failed': autoMigrate failed.
  • 'done': autoMigrate successful.

Manually use it:

autoMigrate = require('loopback-component-auto-migrate/lib/auto-migrate');
autoMigrate(app, {models:['Role'], fixtures: 'yourDataFolder'}).then()