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Lettercrap · version npm jsDelivr GitHub

Lettercrap is a JavaScript library that uses an image mask to generate dynamic ASCII art on the web. It looks like this:

GIF showing the animated library name


To use the library in the browser, include both lettercrap.min.js and lettercrap.min.css as follows:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <title />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
    <script type="module">
      import * as Lettercrap from '';

The JS file exports some functions you can use to generate ASCII art. You can define the data holders (and subsequent rendering sections) in your HTML in one of two ways:

  1. Create a <div> with the data-lettercrap attribute and set the value to the source of a black-and-white image.

    <div data-lettercrap="example.png"></div>
  2. Create a <div> with the data-lettercrap-text attribute and set the value to the text you want to generate the ASCII art from.

    <div data-lettercrap-text="LETTERCRAP"></div>

For initializing elements on the page, you can use one of three functions:

  1. Initialize a single element by passing its Node to the initElement function of Lettercrap:

    <script type="module">
      import * as Lettercrap from '';
      const element = document.getElementById('...');
  2. Initialize multiple elements by passing a NodeList to the initElements function of Lettercrap:

    <script type="module">
      import * as Lettercrap from '';
      const elements = document.querySelectorAll('...');
  3. Initialize all elements on the page by calling the init function of Lettercrap:

    <script type="module">
      import * as Lettercrap from '';

For resetting initialized elements, you can use one of three functions:

  1. Reset a single element by passing its Node to the resetElement function of Lettercrap:

    <script type="module">
      import * as Lettercrap from '';
      const element = document.getElementById('...');
  2. Reset multiple elements by passing a NodeList to the resetElements function of Lettercrap:

    <script type="module">
      import * as Lettercrap from '';
      const elements = document.querySelectorAll('...');
  3. Reset all elements on the page by calling the reset function of Lettercrap:

    <script type="module">
      import * as Lettercrap from '';

Although the library comes pre-configured with a set of default settings, we provide further means for customizing the output on a per-element basis:

  • By default, 0 and 1 are used to fill in the shape of your image or text. You can change the set of symbols used with the data-lettercrap-letters attribute:

    <div data-lettercrap="example.png" data-lettercrap-letters="ABC"></div>
  • To throw in the occasional full word into the mix, you can specify a space-delimited string of words to choose from using the data-lettercrap-words attribute:

    <div data-lettercrap="example.png" data-lettercrap-words="APPLE BANANA CHERRY"></div>
  • You can change the time interval in milliseconds between updates to the ASCII art with the data-lettercrap-update-interval attribute (default is 150):

    <div data-lettercrap="example.png" data-lettercrap-interval="200"></div>
  • When using data-lettercrap-text, you can set the font of the generated ASCII art with the data-lettercrap-font-family attribute (default is monospace):

    <div data-lettercrap-text="LETTERCRAP" data-lettercrap-font-family="times"></div>
  • When using data-lettercrap-text, you can set the font weight of the generated ASCII art with the data-lettercrap-font-weight attribute (default is normal):

    <div data-lettercrap-text="LETTERCRAP" data-lettercrap-font-weight="bold"></div>

You can also configure how the library behaves by using the exported configure function to overwrite the default options:

<script type="module">
  import * as Lettercrap from '';
  Lettercrap.configure({ letters: 'AB' });

The following table shows the correspondence between the global Config properties and the per-instance data equivalents:

Global Config property Per-instance data equivalent Accepted values
content data-lettercrap Non-blank string
letters data-lettercrap-letters Non-blank string
words data-lettercrap-words Non-blank string array
font_family data-lettercrap-font-family font-family
font_weight data-lettercrap-font-weight font-weight
update_interval data-lettercrap-interval Positive integer or zero

Please note that changes to default options will not propagate to instances that have already been rendered. To synchronize the rendered instances that rely on default settings, you can call the refresh function:

<script type="module">
  import * as Lettercrap from '';
  Lettercrap.init().then(async () => {
    Lettercrap.configure({ letters: 'AB' });
    return Lettercrap.refresh();

Check out the example to see how this all fits together.


To get the example working locally, you can run:

npm run dev

This will start a local HTTP server on port 8080.


How can I request a feature or ask a question?

If you have ideas for a feature you would like to see implemented or if you have any questions, we encourage you to create a new discussion. By initiating a discussion, you can engage with the community and our team, and we'll respond promptly to address your queries or consider your feature requests.

How can I report a bug?

To report any issues or bugs you encounter, please create a new issue. Providing detailed information about the problem you're facing will help us understand and address it more effectively. Rest assured, we are committed to promptly reviewing and responding to the issues you raise, working collaboratively to resolve any bugs and improve the overall user experience.

How do I contribute to the project?

Please refer to for more information.