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aspectj-logging Maven Central

This library helps to handle method logging in Java.


  • Java 1.8+
  • Spring Framework

How to Use

To start, add that Maven dependency:


or Gradle:

implementation ''

...configure a Spring Bean like this:

public LoggingAspect getLogging() {
  return new LoggingAspect();

then, in your method, add the @Logging annotation:

public class Foo {
  public String sayAny(String word) {
    return "Saying " + word;

The console shoud show something like this:

2023-04-29 14:53:23.611 DEBUG 25908 --- [      main]   : method=sayHello([word=Hello]) return=Saying Hello elapsedTime=1 ms


Specifying log levels for exceptions

It is possible to configure which log level should to use for a given exception class. For this, it is necessary configure the LoggingAspect like this:

public LoggingAspect getLogging() {
  LogginAspect loggingAspect = new LoggingAspect();
  loggingAspect.addExceptionLogLevel(MyException.class, Level.INFO);
  return loggingAspect;

Configurations for method

Logging annotation allows some configurations:

  • message | Set a custom log message | Default: ""
  • level | Set which log level shoud be used | Default: Level.DEBUG
  • excludeParams | Set the input parameters (index based) that shouldn't be logged. This is useful for not logging sensitive data, for example | Default: {}
  • logReturn | Define if return value should be logged | Default: true
  • logError | Define if errors should be logged | Default: true
  • logErrorTrace | Define if complete stack trace should be logged. This property works together logError property, what means that if logError is false, this property has no effect

Known Limitations

  • Currently, it works just with Spring Beans


  • Make it works without Spring
  • Create unit tests
  • Configure CI/CD pipeline

Your contribution is appreciated.