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  1. Log in with yahoo mailbox, create a weather application, click here to create
  2. Fill in the application name, Application Type choose Web Application, other parts can be left blank
  3. After successful creation, you will get yourApp ID, Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, and fill in these three in YahooWeahter.ino respectively.
  4. Upload the YahooWeahter.ino to the board and you will see the weather information output by the serial port
  5. For more usage, please see YahooWeahter.ino
  6. For more information, see Yahoo! Developer
  7. By default, cJSON is used for parsing. No other dependencies need to be installed on the ESP32 platform. If you need to change to ArduinoJSON, you need to comment ENABLE_CJSON in YahooWeatherAPI.h


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