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Lexer Schemas

This repository contains schemas for Lexer public data ingestion API's

Build status Pydantic v1


Install by running pip install git+ in the command line.

Or you can add lexer_schemas @ git+ to your requirements.txt file.


from lexer_schemas.commerce_api.product_entity import ProductRecord

ProductRecord(product_id="123", name="Real Cool Hat")


A web version of the schemas is available here:


In /examples, there are a few scripts that use the Lexer Schema package and also some example data files.

Use Lexer Schemas to convert a file from csv to ndjson, by mapping the CSV header line to fields in the lexer schema.

Some examples of data files that match Lexer Schemas

Use Lexer Schemas to validate an ndjson file against a given record type, then optionally use Lexer's File Upload API to upload that file into a Lexer Dataset.



You can run tests by first building the test docker image docker-compose build test then running docker-compose run test


Generate documentation by first building the docs docker image docker-compose build docs then running docker-compose run docs


For now the package is installed from github, we use tags to denote different versions of the package, we follow the major.minor[.patch][sub] format as recommended by python. The process of deploying changes should be:

  1. Open a PR for your changes
    • Increment the `VERSION`` file to reflect your changes
  2. Once approved merge your PR
  3. Tag the latest main commit with the same version, either through the UI or the cli git tag -a 0.0.0 -m "first release" --force && git push origin --tags --force