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DX7 Sysex Dump Analyzer

A command-line-tool to display Yamaha DX7 sysex files as human readable text

This tool creates DX7 patchlists and voice data lists in Unicode or plain ASCII text.

This is a fork of Ted Felix dx7dump

Based on info from sysex-format.txt. Archived from the original on July 7, 2017.


  • Voice name listings of banks in long and compact form
  • Voice data listings in tabular form
  • Shows DX7 algorithms as ASCII-art
  • Show voice names and table frames in Unicode or plain ASCII
  • Show voice data in hexadecimal
  • Report errors in sysex files
  • Fix sysex checksum errors and convert headerless files to regular DX7 sysex files
  • Scan folders recursively and list all voice names or voice parameters

Build and install

Linux: run make as regular user:

cd src

this will install two programs in the user's ~/.local/bin directory:

  • dx7dump: a utility to print sound parameter of all sounds in a bank.
  • dx7dumpall: a dx7dump wrapper to print list of all sound banks recursively in the given search directory.

Usage of dx7dump

Usage: dx7dump [OPTIONS] FILE

  -d, --voicedata     show voice data lists
  -l, --long          long listing format (one line per name or parameter)
  -p NUM, --patch NUM show voice data list of patch number NUM
  -f, --formfeed      use form-feed instead of patch separator line
  --fix               try to fix corrupt files
                        creates a backup of the original file (*.ORIG)
  --no-backup         don't create backups when fixing files
                        WARNING: This option might result in data-loss!
                        make sure you already have a backup of the sysex-file
  -n, --plain-names   print plain filenames
  -y, --yes           no questions asked. Answer everything with YES for '--fix'
  -e, --errors        report only files with errors
  -x, --hex           show voice names also as HEX and print single voice data in HEX
  -a, --ascii         use ASCII characters for voice-names, algorithms, and tables
                        (default = Unicode)
  -v, --version       version info
  -h, --help          this help

NOTE: some command line options have changed with release v1.03.

Usage of dx7dumpall

dx7dump wrapper: Print lists of all sound banks recursively.

Usage: dx7dumpall [OPTIONS for dx7dump] [PATH]
    An argument WITHOUT a leading '-' or '--' is interpreted as the path where the recursive search will start.
    All other arguments are passed to the dx7dump utility.


List sound names of rom1a.syx in compact form:

$ dx7dump rom1a.syx 
File: "rom1a.syx"
 1 |BRASS   1 |           9 |PIANO   2 |          17 |E.ORGAN 1 |          25 |ORCH-CHIME| 
 2 |BRASS   2 |          10 |PIANO   3 |          18 |PIPES   1 |          26 |TUB BELLS | 
 3 |BRASS   3 |          11 |E.PIANO 1 |          19 |HARPSICH 1|          27 |STEEL DRUM| 
 4 |STRINGS 1 |          12 |GUITAR  1 |          20 |CLAV    1 |          28 |TIMPANI   | 
 5 |STRINGS 2 |          13 |GUITAR  2 |          21 |VIBE    1 |          29 |REFS WHISL| 
 6 |STRINGS 3 |          14 |SYN-LEAD 1|          22 |MARIMBA   |          30 |VOICE   1 | 
 7 |ORCHESTRA |          15 |BASS    1 |          23 |KOTO      |          31 |TRAIN     | 
 8 |PIANO   1 |          16 |BASS    2 |          24 |FLUTE   1 |          32 |TAKE OFF  | 

Complete voice data list of patch number 12 of rom1a.syx in Unicode:

$ dx7dump -p 12 rom1a.syx 

File: "rom1a.syx"
Voice-#: 12
Name: "GUITAR  1 "

Algorithm: 8

     ┌──┐   │
[2]  │ [4] [5]
 │   └──┤ ╱
[1]    [3]

│            │ Algo- │ Feed- │ Oscillator │ Trans- │
│ Voice Name │ rithm │ back  │ Key Sync   │ pose   │
│ GUITAR  1  │     8 │     7 │        Off │      0 │

│                                  LFO                                │   Pitch Envelope Generator    │
│          │       │       │ Pitch     │ Amplitude │ Key   │ Pitch    │       │       │       │       │
│ Wave     │ Speed │ Delay │ Mod Depth │ Mod Depth │ Sync  │ Mod Sens │ R1:L1 │ R2:L2 │ R3:L3 │ R4:L4 │
│     Sine │    35 │     0 │         1 │         3 │   Off │        3 │ 75:50 │ 80:50 │ 75:50 │ 60:50 │

│                       │ Operator 1 │ Operator 2 │ Operator 3 │ Operator 4 │ Operator 5 │ Operator 6 │
│ Oscillator Freq. Mode │      Ratio │      Ratio │      Ratio │      Ratio │      Ratio │      Ratio │
│ Frequency             │          1 │          3 │          1 │          3 │          3 │         12 │
│ Detune                │         +0 │         +0 │         +0 │         +0 │         +0 │         +0 │
│ Envelope Generator    │            │            │            │            │            │            │
│   Rate 1 : Level 1    │   74 : 99  │   91 : 99  │   78 : 99  │   81 : 99  │   81 : 99  │   99 : 99  │
│   Rate 2 : Level 2    │   85 : 95  │   25 : 86  │   87 : 92  │   87 : 92  │   87 : 92  │   57 : 0   │
│   Rate 3 : Level 3    │   27 : 0   │   39 : 0   │   22 : 0   │   22 : 0   │   22 : 0   │   99 : 0   │
│   Rate 4 : Level 4    │   70 : 0   │   60 : 0   │   75 : 0   │   75 : 0   │   75 : 0   │   75 : 0   │
│ Keybd. Level Scaling  │            │            │            │            │            │            │
│   Breakpoint          │        A-1 │        A-1 │         G2 │        A-1 │        A-1 │         C3 │
│   Left Curve          │       -LIN │       -LIN │       -LIN │       -LIN │       -LIN │       -LIN │
│   Right Curve         │       -LIN │       -LIN │       -LIN │       -LIN │       -LIN │       -LIN │
│   Left Depth          │          0 │          0 │          9 │          0 │          0 │         53 │
│   Right Depth         │          0 │         65 │          0 │         14 │         15 │         20 │
│ Keyboard Rate Scaling │          4 │          2 │          3 │          4 │          4 │          0 │
│ Amplitude Mod. Sens.  │          0 │          0 │          0 │          0 │          0 │          3 │
│ Key Velocity Sens.    │          5 │          7 │          7 │          4 │          7 │          6 │
│ Output Level          │         99 │         93 │         99 │         89 │         99 │         57 │

And the same patch in ASCII format:

$ dx7dump -a -p12 rom1a.syx 
File: "rom1a.syx"
Voice-#: 12
Name: "GUITAR  1 "

Algorithm: 8

     +--+   |
[2]  | [4] [5]
 |   +--| /
[1]    [3]
 |      | 

|            | Algo- | Feed- | Oscillator | Trans- |
| Voice Name | rithm | back  | Key Sync   | pose   |
| GUITAR  1  |     8 |     7 |        Off |      0 |

|                                  LFO                                |   Pitch Envelope Generator    |
|          |       |       | Pitch     | Amplitude | Key   | Pitch    |       |       |       |       |
| Wave     | Speed | Delay | Mod Depth | Mod Depth | Sync  | Mod Sens | R1:L1 | R2:L2 | R3:L3 | R4:L4 |
|     Sine |    35 |     0 |         1 |         3 |   Off |        3 | 75:50 | 80:50 | 75:50 | 60:50 |

|                       | Operator 1 | Operator 2 | Operator 3 | Operator 4 | Operator 5 | Operator 6 |
| Oscillator Freq. Mode |      Ratio |      Ratio |      Ratio |      Ratio |      Ratio |      Ratio |
| Frequency             |          1 |          3 |          1 |          3 |          3 |         12 |
| Detune                |         +0 |         +0 |         +0 |         +0 |         +0 |         +0 |
| Envelope Generator    |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|   Rate 1 : Level 1    |   74 : 99  |   91 : 99  |   78 : 99  |   81 : 99  |   81 : 99  |   99 : 99  |
|   Rate 2 : Level 2    |   85 : 95  |   25 : 86  |   87 : 92  |   87 : 92  |   87 : 92  |   57 : 0   |
|   Rate 3 : Level 3    |   27 : 0   |   39 : 0   |   22 : 0   |   22 : 0   |   22 : 0   |   99 : 0   |
|   Rate 4 : Level 4    |   70 : 0   |   60 : 0   |   75 : 0   |   75 : 0   |   75 : 0   |   75 : 0   |
| Keybd. Level Scaling  |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|   Breakpoint          |        A-1 |        A-1 |         G2 |        A-1 |        A-1 |         C3 |
|   Left Curve          |       -LIN |       -LIN |       -LIN |       -LIN |       -LIN |       -LIN |
|   Right Curve         |       -LIN |       -LIN |       -LIN |       -LIN |       -LIN |       -LIN |
|   Left Depth          |          0 |          0 |          9 |          0 |          0 |         53 |
|   Right Depth         |          0 |         65 |          0 |         14 |         15 |         20 |
| Keyboard Rate Scaling |          4 |          2 |          3 |          4 |          4 |          0 |
| Amplitude Mod. Sens.  |          0 |          0 |          0 |          0 |          0 |          3 |
| Key Velocity Sens.    |          5 |          7 |          7 |          4 |          7 |          6 |
| Output Level          |         99 |         93 |         99 |         89 |         99 |         57 |

List only files with sysex errors and single voice files:

$ dx7dumpall -e
File: "Ajay/dx7ii-bank-B.syx"
File too small (4103 Bytes)

File: "Single Voice/001.syx"
File is a Single Voice Dump: "GET FUNKY "

File: "unknown-data/BELLTEL.SYX"
WARNING: file seems to be a headerless dump (4096 Bytes)

File: "unknown-data/CLAUDE_3.SYX"
CHECKSUM FAILED: Should have been 0x39