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File metadata and controls

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Amundsen Project Proposal

Name of project: Amundsen

Requested project maturity level: Incubation

Project description Amundsen is open-sourced by Lyft in 2019. It is a metadata driven application for improving the productivity of data analysts, data scientists and engineers when interacting with data. It does that by indexing data resources (tables, dashboards, streams, etc.) and powering a page-rank style search based on usage patterns (e.g. highly queried tables show up earlier than less queried tables).

Statement on alignment with LF AI’s mission: Amundsen collects and aggregates various system metadata and provides visibility into data entities context. This provides trust in data and powers users to make data-driven decisions.

Have you identified possible collaboration opportunities with current LF AI hosted projects (

  • Horovod

  • Ludwig

  • Marquez

License name

  • Apache License 2.0

Source control (GitHub, etc.)

Issue tracker (GitHub, JIRA, etc)

Collaboration tools (mailing lists, wiki, IRC, Slack, Glitter, etc.)

  • slack.

External dependencies including licenses (name and version) of those dependencies

Major External Dependencies:

  • Neo4j (GPL)

  • Apache Atlas (Apache-2)

  • Elasticsearch (Apache-2)

Amundsen connects to the major system through different drivers. Here are the list of driver dependencies:

  • neo4j-python-driver (Apache-2)

  • pyatlasclient (Apache-2)

  • elasticsearch-py (Apache-2)

The actual dependencies with its license for different components could be found in the following places:

Initial committers (name, email, organization) and how long have they been working on project

Have the project defined the roles of contributor, committer, maintainer, etc

We don’t have this doc yet, but will add the in the future.

Total number of contributors to the project including their affiliations

Does the project have a release methodology

We will document the release cadence in in the future.

Does the project have a code of conduct

Do you have any specific infrastructure requests needed as part of hosting the project in the LF AI?

Travis-ci testing (or similar) with at least 10 concurrent jobs.

Project website

Project governance

Social media accounts

Existing sponsorship

Lyft started the project. Now the project is officially used by 20 companies with more than 700+ people in the community slack channel.