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Factorio Build Status Updater status Docker Version Docker Pulls Docker Stars Microbadger Layers

Tag descriptions

  • latest - most up-to-date version (may be experimental).
  • stable - version declared stable on
  • 0.x - latest version in a branch.
  • 0.x.y - a specific version.
  • 0.x-z - incremental fix for that version.

What is Factorio?

Factorio is a game in which you build and maintain factories.

You will be mining resources, researching technologies, building infrastructure, automating production and fighting enemies. Use your imagination to design your factory, combine simple elements into ingenious structures, apply management skills to keep it working and finally protect it from the creatures who don't really like you.

The game is very stable and optimized for building massive factories. You can create your own maps, write mods in Lua or play with friends via Multiplayer.

NOTE: This is only the server. The full game is available at, Steam, and Humble Bundle.


Quick Start

Run the server to create the necessary folder structure and configuration files. For this example data is stored in /opt/factorio.

sudo mkdir -p /opt/factorio
sudo chown 845:845 /opt/factorio
sudo docker run -d \
  -p 34197:34197/udp \
  -p 27015:27015/tcp \
  -v /opt/factorio:/factorio \
  --name factorio \
  --restart=always \

For those new to Docker, here is an explanation of the options:

  • -d - Run as a daemon ("detached").
  • -p - Expose ports.
  • -v - Mount /opt/factorio on the local file system to /factorio in the container.
  • --restart - Restart the server if it crashes and at system start
  • --name - Name the container "factorio" (otherwise it has a funny random name).

The chown command is needed because in 0.16+, we no longer run the game server as root for security reasons, but rather as a 'factorio' user with user id 845. The host must therefore allow these files to be written by that user.

Check the logs to see what happened:

docker logs factorio

Stop the server:

docker stop factorio

Now there's a server-settings.json file in the folder /opt/factorio/config. Modify this to your liking and restart the server:

docker start factorio

Try to connect to the server. Check the logs if it isn't working.


To issue console commands to the server, start the server in interactive mode with -it. Open the console with docker attach and then type commands.

docker run -d -it  \
      --name factorio \
docker attach factorio


Before upgrading backup the save. It's easy to make a save in the client.

Ensure -v was used to run the server so the save is outside of the Docker container. The docker rm command completely destroys the container, which includes the save if it isn't stored in an data volume.

Delete the container and refresh the image:

docker stop factorio
docker rm factorio
docker pull factoriotools/factorio

Now run the server as before. In about a minute the new version of Factorio should be up and running, complete with saves and config!


A new map named is generated the first time the server is started. The map-gen-settings.json and map-settings.json files in /opt/factorio/config are used for the map settings. On subsequent runs the newest save is used.

To load an old save stop the server and run the command touch This resets the date. Then restart the server. Another option is to delete all saves except one.

To generate a new map stop the server, delete all of the saves and restart the server.

Specify a save directly (0.17.79-2+)

You can specify a specific save to load by configuring the server through a set of environment variables:

To load an existing save set SAVE_NAME to the name of your existing save file located within the saves directory, without the .zip extension:

sudo docker run -d \
  -p 34197:34197/udp \
  -p 27015:27015/tcp \
  -v /opt/factorio:/factorio \
  -e LOAD_LATEST_SAVE=false \
  -e SAVE_NAME=replaceme \
  --name factorio \
  --restart=always \

To generate a new map set GENERATE_NEW_SAVE=true and specify SAVE_NAME:

sudo docker run -d \
  -p 34197:34197/udp \
  -p 27015:27015/tcp \
  -v /opt/factorio:/factorio \
  -e LOAD_LATEST_SAVE=false \
  -e SAVE_NAME=replaceme \
  --name factorio \
  --restart=always \


Copy mods into the mods folder and restart the server.

As of 0.17 a new environment variable was added UPDATE_MODS_ON_START which if set to true will cause the mods get to updated on server start. If set a valid Factorio Username and Token must be supplied or else the server will not start. They can either be set as docker secrets, environment variables, or pulled from the server-settings.json file.


If you want to launch a scenario from a clean start (not from a saved map) you'll need to start the docker image from an alternate entrypoint. To do this, use the example entrypoint file stored in the /factorio/entrypoints directory in the volume, and launch the image with the following syntax. Note that this is the normal syntax with the addition of the --entrypoint setting AND the additional argument at the end, which is the name of the Scenario in the Scenarios folder.

docker run -d \
  -p 34197:34197/udp \
  -p 27015:27015/tcp \
  -v /opt/factorio:/factorio \
  --name factorio \
  --restart=always  \
  --entrypoint "/" \
  factoriotools/factorio \

Converting Scenarios to Regular Maps

If you would like to export your scenario to a saved map, you can use the example entrypoint similar to the Scenario usage above. Factorio will run once, converting the Scenario to a saved Map in your saves directory. A restart of the docker image using the standard options will then load that map, just as if the scenario were just started by the Scenarios example noted above.

docker run -d \
  -p 34197:34197/udp \
  -p 27015:27015/tcp \
  -v /opt/factorio:/factorio \
  --name factorio \
  --restart=always  \
  --entrypoint "/" \


Set the RCON password in the rconpw file. A random password is generated if rconpw doesn't exist.

To change the password, stop the server, modify rconpw, and restart the server.

To "disable" RCON don't expose port 27015, i.e. start the server without -p 27015:27015/tcp. RCON is still running, but nobody can to connect to it.

Whitelisting (0.15.3+)

Create file config/server-whitelist.json and add the whitelisted users.


Banlisting (0.17.1+)

Create file config/server-banlist.json and add the banlisted users.


Adminlisting (0.17.1+)

Create file config/server-adminlist.json and add the adminlisted users.


Customize configuration files (0.17.x+)

Out-of-the box, factorio does not support environment variables inside the configuration files. A workaround is the usage of envsubst which generates the configuration files dynamically during startup from environment variables set in docker-compose:

Example which replaces the server-settings.json:

  image: factoriotools/factorio
    - "34197:34197/udp"
   - /opt/factorio:/factorio
   - ./server-settings.json:/server-settings.json
    - INSTANCE_NAME=Your Instance's Name
    - INSTANCE_DESC=Your Instance's Description
  entrypoint: /bin/sh -c "mkdir -p /factorio/config && envsubst < /server-settings.json > /factorio/config/server-settings.json && exec /"

The server-settings.json file may then contain the variable references like this:

"name": "${INSTANCE_NAME}",
"description": "${INSTANCE_DESC}",

Container Details

The philosophy is to keep it simple.

  • The server should bootstrap itself.
  • Prefer configuration files over environment variables.
  • Use one volume for data.


To keep things simple, the container uses a single volume mounted at /factorio. This volume stores configuration, mods, and saves.

The files in this volume should be owned by the factorio user, uid 845.

  |-- config
  |   |-- map-gen-settings.json
  |   |-- map-settings.json
  |   |-- rconpw
  |   |-- server-adminlist.json
  |   |-- server-banlist.json
  |   |-- server-settings.json
  |   `-- server-whitelist.json
  |-- mods
  |   `--
  `-- saves

Docker Compose

Docker Compose is an easy way to run Docker containers.

First get a docker-compose.yml file. To get it from this repository:

git clone
cd docker_factorio_server/0.17

Or make your own:

version: '2'
    image: factoriotools/factorio
     - "34197:34197/udp"
     - "27015:27015/tcp"
     - /opt/factorio:/factorio

Now cd to the directory with docker-compose.yml and run:

sudo mkdir -p /opt/factorio
sudo chown 845:845 /opt/factorio
sudo docker-compose up -d


  • 34197/udp - Game server (required). This can be changed with the PORT environment variable.
  • 27015/tcp - RCON (optional).

LAN Games

Ensure the lan setting in server-settings.json is true.

    "public": false,
    "lan": true

Start the container with the --network=host option so clients can automatically find LAN games. Refer to the Quick Start to create the /opt/factorio directory.

sudo docker run -d \
  --network=host \
  -p 34197:34197/udp \
  -p 27015:27015/tcp \
  -v /opt/factorio:/factorio \
  --name factorio \
  --restart=always  \

Deploy to other plaforms


Vagrant is a easy way to setup a virtual machine (VM) to run Docker. The Factorio Vagrant box repository contains a sample Vagrantfile.

For LAN games the VM needs an internal IP in order for clients to connect. One way to do this is with a public network. The VM uses DHCP to acquire an IP address. The VM must also forward port 34197. "public_network" "forwarded_port", guest: 34197, host: 34197

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Deployment

If you're looking for a simple way to deploy this to the Amazon Web Services Cloud, check out the Factorio Server Deployment (CloudFormation) repository. This repository contains a CloudFormation template that will get you up and running in AWS in a matter of minutes. Optionally it uses Spot Pricing so the server is very cheap, and you can easily turn it off when not in use.


My server is listed in the server browser, but nobody can connect

Check the logs. If there is the line Own address is RIGHT IP:WRONG PORT, then this could be caused by the Docker proxy. If the the IP and port is correct it's probably a port forwarding or firewall issue instead.

By default, Docker routes traffic through a proxy. The proxy changes the source UDP port, so the wrong port is detected. See the forum post Incorrect port detected for docker hosted server for details.

To fix the incorrect port, start the Docker service with the --userland-proxy=false switch. Docker will route traffic with iptables rules instead of a proxy. Add the switch to the DOCKER_OPTS environment variable or ExecStart in the Docker systemd service definition. The specifics vary by operating system.

When I run a server on a port besides 34197 nobody can connect from the server browser

Use the PORT environment variable to start the server on the a different port, .e.g. docker run -e "PORT=34198". This changes the source port on the packets used for port detection. -p 34198:34197 works fine for private servers, but the server browser detects the wrong port.


  • dtandersen - Maintainer
  • Fank - Programmer of the Factorio watchdog that keeps the version up-to-date.
  • SuperSandro2000 - CI Guy, Maintainer and runner of the Factorio watchdog. Contributed version updates and wrote the Travis scripts.
  • DBendit - Coded admin list, ban list support and contributed version updates
  • Zopanix - Original Author
  • Rfvgyhn - Coded randomly generated RCON password
  • gnomus - Coded wite listing support
  • bplein - Coded scenario support
  • jaredledvina - Contributed version updates
  • carlbennett - Contributed version updates and bugfixes


Factorio headless server in a Docker container







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  • Shell 81.5%
  • Dockerfile 18.5%