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Like Haskell's interact function but for Elm.

To quote from the Haskell docs:

The interact function takes a function of type String->String as its argument. The entire input from the standard input device is passed to this function as its argument, and the resulting string is output on the standard output device.

The elm part is easy, e.g. to create a program that converts it's input to upper case:

module Upper exposing (main)

import Interact exposing (Args)
import String

main : Program Args
main =
    Interact.interact String.toUpper

If you want to use command line arguments you can use interactArgs.

TODO: Example of interactArgs

You should use the template.js included in the project or something like it to bootstrap your program from javascript.

The MakeIndex example is actually an Interact program that builds an index.js for you. I plain to update it to make an executable she-bang script out of your program soon.

You can see a more complicated example in Examples/Multi.elm which is a program that allows you to compose a pipeline of the Elm String functions.

It can be used like so:

% node index.js reverse toUpper
foo bar
baz bif

TODO: document interactR and interactWithArgsR.

Known Issues / Limitations

  • Assumes utf-8 encoding
  • Reads entire file into memory at once


elm-interact is made available under the BSD3 open source license.

Copyright (c) 2016 John Evans.