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Starting points for future work

1 Key unix tools and languages

1.1 The shell

The unix shell is an extremely powerful environment that features many extremely handy tools, that do simple things, and that can be piped (|) together.

  • wc, grep, cut
  • tr, sed, awk

shell can also be used for scripting.

1.2 grep, sed, awk

  • All exploit regular expressions. See ItDT book (later).
  • grep: find matching lines
  • sed: stream-editor. Incredibly handy for one-liners:

sed 's/foo/bar/g'            # replaces ALL instances in line
# print section of file between two regular expressions
sed -n '/Iowa/,/Montana/p'             # case sensitive
  • awk: flexible pattern matching/ processing of text files.

# print the sums of the fields of every line
awk '{s=0; for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) s=s+$i; print s}'

1.3 diff: where do my files differ?

1.3.1 version1.dat


1.3.2 version2.dat


1.4 diff and patch

  • diff shows the differences between version1 and version 2.
diff nextsteps/version1.dat  nextsteps/version2.dat
  • patch: new file = old file + diff
  • patches are efficient ways of sending updates. Useful for syncing and version control.
diff version1.dat version2.dat > p
patch < p
diff version1.dat version2.dat

1.5 Perl: Practical Extraction and Report Language

  • Most unix tools (used to be) limited by length of lines. Perl removed those restrictions, combining features of awk, sh and C.
  • ‘duct tape’ programming language.
  • Useful in computational biology. See
  • Excellent Ensembl API,
  • G. Valiente. Combinatorial Pattern Matching Algorithms in Computational Biology using Perl and \R. Taylor & Francis/CRC Press (2009).
  • Verdict: yucky, but probably [essential | good to know].
  • Bidirectional \R/Perl interfaces

1.6 \R can also regexp

  • grep, sub, gsub, strsplit, nchar, substr, …
  • also \Rpackage{stringr} package

and for sequence data storing and manipulation

  • \Rpackage{Biostrings} package

1.7 Python

  • Modern programming language; less compact than perl:


while (<>) {             | import sys
    print if /perl/i;    | for line in sys.stdin.readlines():
}                        |     if line.lower().find("perl") > -1:
#                        |         print line,


  • Clean syntax
  • Properly object-oriented.
  • Not as much support in computational biology (yet). See
  • Verdict: More general programming language than \R; lacking (perhaps?) in core numerics and graphics – see NumPy and RPy(2).
  • Bidirectional \R/Python interface

1.8 Julia

  • Open-source project from MIT, “high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing”
  • Syntax similar to Matlab.
  • C like performance. Proper Macros, influenced by lisp. What’s not to like?
  • No version 1.0 yet. Still rapidly changing.
  • No consensus yet on default plotting engine (but Plots.jl is semi-unifying interface).
  • Small (compared to CRAN) list of packages, but growing. e.g. BioJulia is quite small currently.
  • BUT my hope is Julia will soon (1–2 years) be seen as more attractive than Matlab.

2 C and C++ from \R

2.1 C

  • Low-level programming language
  • Very fast, but takes a long time to write code.
  • You have to worry about memory allocation yourself.
  • All variables have predefined type.
  • Critical for numerical-intensive work. (FORTRAN less-popular.)

2.2 C from \R

  • \R has built-in \texttt{C} interfaces
    • Better know how to program in \texttt{C}.
    • Documentation is not always easy to follow: R-Ext, R Internals as well as \R and other package’s code.
  • .C Arguments and return values must be \textit{primitive} (vectors of doubles or integers)
  • .Call Accepts \R data structures as arguments and return values (\texttt{SEXP} and friends) (no type checking is done though).
  • Memory management: memory allocated for \R objects is garbage collected. Thus \R objects in \texttt{C} code must be explicitely \texttt{PROTECT}ed to avoid being \texttt{gc()}ed, and subsequently \texttt{UNPROTECT}ed.

2.3 Using .Call


2.4 Using our C code

  • Create a shared library: R CMD SHLIB gccount.c
  • Load the shared object: \Rfunction{dyn.load(“”)}
  • Create an \R function that uses it: \Rfunction{gccount <- function(inseq) .Call(“gccount”,inseq)}
  • Use the \texttt{C} code: \Rfunction{gccount(“GACAGCATCA”)}
table(strsplit(s, ""))
system.time(replicate(10000, gccount(s)))
system.time(replicate(10000, table(strsplit(s, ""))))  

2.5 \protect\Rpackage{Rcpp} for C++

  • \Rpackage{Rcpp} is a great package for writing both C and C++ code:
  • It comes with loads of documentation and examples.
  • No need to worry about garbage collection.
  • All basic \R types are implemented as C++ classes.
  • Easy to interface C++ classes (via modules)
  • With package \Rpackage{inline} code can be easily compiled in \R.


cppCode <- '
    Rcpp::NumericVector cx(x);
    Rcpp::NumericVector ret(1);
    ret[0] = cx[0] * cx[0];
squareOne <- cxxfunction(signature(x="numeric"), 
                      plugin="Rcpp", body=cppCode)

2.6 Rcpp example two

See following files: counting.cpp and counting.R


2.7 Rcpp example three


2.8 Rcpp further info

The tidyverse is a set of packages that work in harmony because they share common data representations and API design. The tidyverse package is designed to make it easy to install and load core packages from the tidyverse in a single command.

3 Not only local

3.1 Syncing your files

  • How do you keep two directories in synchrony, e.g. your home directory on laptop and desktop?
  • sftp, ssh, rsync
  • Unison gets Stephen’s vote since 2003 –
  • Modern services like Dropbox are useful and build upon these unix tools.


3.2 Version control / revision control system (RCS)

  • How to keep backup copies over time?
  • Just copy files, e.g. mycode.jan1.R, mycode.jan2.R, …
  • Leads to many large copies, with no trace of what you did over time.
  • more principled way is to use version control: every time you make significant changes, you commit a new version with a succint log file saying what you changed.
  • RCS: going since 1982… old and simple but stable. Typically single-user.
  • More modern approaches: cvs, svn, git, …

3.3 For packages, analysis projects, papers and slides

  • Github, google code, bitbucket, …
  • R-forge: svn and build system

Got 15 minutes and want to learn Git?

4 Handling large files / databases

4.1 Handling large data files.

  • Computational Biology requires access to large data files.
  • Reading them all into memory is difficult, when files are very large (> 1 Gb).
  • Some approaches:
    1. Compress files.
    2. Selectively use scan or connections.
    3. Use a database.

4.2 1. Compress files.

  • This produces typically x2 compression:
Rscript -e 'write(rnorm(99999), file="largefile.dat")'
ls -lh largefile.dat
gzip largefile.dat
ls -lh largefile.dat.gz
gunzip largefile.dat
  • \R can read in compressed files natively.
x <- scan('largefile.dat.gz')
  • Other compression options also recognised: xz, bzip2

4.3 2. Scan and Connections.

  • scan() is very flexible; e.g. read just 2nd column:


scan(file = "", what = double(0), nmax = -1, n = -1, sep = "",
     quote = if(identical(sep, "\n")) "" else "'\"", dec = ".",
     skip = 0, nlines = 0, na.strings = "NA",
     flush = FALSE, fill = FALSE, strip.white = FALSE,
     quiet = FALSE, blank.lines.skip = TRUE, multi.line = TRUE,
     comment.char = "", allowEscapes = FALSE,
     fileEncoding = "", encoding = "unknown")

x <- scan(file, what=list(NULL,"",NULL), skip=2, sep='\t')


  • connections allow you to maintain state between accesses to a file.


4.4 3. Relational databases

  • Relational database: data stored in tables, very similar in nature to \R’s data.frames.
  • Databases allow for multiple-accesses, locks for restricted changes, very scalable.
  • Many databases available: Oracle, Postgres, Access, MySQL.
  • SQL – Structured Query Language: language to interrogate databses.

4.5 What is SQLite?

  • Most databases run on remote server; SQLite is embedded into your program.
  • Embedding the database simplifies setup of server, but means your databases are not shared in the same way that others are. (You have to share the .sql files.)
  • Incredibly small (1/4 Mb) and useful. Widely used (e.g. mac, iOS, Firefox, Android). Not as fast as e.g. Oracle.
  • You compile your SQLite within your program.
  • All handled with you by \R, care of RSQLite package. (e.g. Bioconductor uses it for data files.)

4.6 Using databases in \R, a simple session (Gentleman, p239)

  • package DBI interfaces to all database platforms.
m = dbDriver("SQLite")

## Create a new database from an R data frame.
con = dbConnect(m, dbname = "arrest.db")
dbWriteTable(con, "USArrests", USArrests, overwrite=TRUE)

## Later, query the database.
rs = dbSendQuery(con, "select * from USArrests")
d1 = fetch(rs, n=5)      ## get first five
d1 = fetch(rs, n=-1)

4.7 Other uses for sqlite

  • sqldf Performs SQL selects on \R data frames.
  • supports SQLite backend database (by default), the H2 java db and PostgreSQL and MySQL.
  • avoid read.csv entirely

“See ?read.csv.sql in sqldf. It uses RSQLite and SQLite to read the file into an sqlite database (which it sets up for you) completely bypassing \R and from there grabs it into \R removing the database it created at the end.” (G. Grothendieck, r-help mailing list).

  • Good book: ^((HT|X)M|SQ)L|R$

    Introduction to Data Technologies (Paul Murrell).

4.8 ff: back to the future?

  • ff package stores objects on disk, but looks like they are in memory.
  • “back to the future”: S used to store objects in disk.
  • Sorting a single column of 81e6 entries. Time-taken in seconds.

Oct 2010 results from.


(ram=in-memory, optimized for speed, not ram; ff=on disk).

\note{see text in nextsteps/ff-oct2010.txt}

4.9 Other approaches to large files

  • The bigmemory package by Kane and Emerson permits storing large objects such as matrices in memory (as well as via files) and uses external pointer objects to refer to them.
  • netCDF data files: ncdf and RNetCDF packages.
  • hdf5 format: rhdf5 package
  • XML package to parse xml data
  • Rhadoop package for very large files.

5 Parallel processing

5.1 Introduction

  • Applicable when repeating \textit{independent} computations a certain number of times; results are combined after parallel executions are done.
  • A cluster of nodes: generate multiple workers listening to the master; these workers are new processes that can run on the current machine or a similar one with an identical R installation. Should work on all \R platforms (as in package \Rpackage{snow}).
  • The \R process is \textit{forked} to create new \R processes by taking a complete copy of the masters process, including workspace (pioneered by package \Rpackage{multicore}). Does not work on Windows.
  • Grid computing.

5.2 Packages

  • Package \Rpackage{parallel}, first included in \R 2.14.0 builds on CRAN packages \Rpackage{multicore} and \Rpackage{snow}.
mclapply(X, FUN, ...) (adapted from multicore).
parLapply(cl, X, FUN, ...) (adapted from snow ).
  • Package \Rpackage{foreach}, introducing a new looping construct supporting parallel execution. Natural choice to parallelise a \texttt{for} loop.
foreach(i = ll) %dopar% f(i)
foreach(i = ll) %do% f(i) ## serial version
llply(ll, f, .parallel=TRUE)

5.3 High performance computing

6 A few more words about about \R

6.1 Pass by …

  • value is the default in \R
  • reference using S4 ReferenceClasses (OO)
  • can emulate pass by ref using an environment
e <- new.env()
e$x <- 1
f <- function(myenv) myenv$x <- 2

6.2 Profiling

m <- matrix(rnorm(1e6), ncol=100)
res <- apply(m,1,mean,trim=.3)                

6.3 Benchmarking

m <- matrix(rnorm(1e6), ncol=100)
f1 <- function(x, t = 0.3) {
  xx <- 0
  for (i in 1:nrow(x)) {
    xx <- c(xx, sum(m[i, ]))
  mean(xx, trim = t)
f2 <- function(x, t = 0.3) mean(rowSums(x), trim = t)

benchmark(f1(m), f2(m),
          columns=c("test", "replications", 
            "elapsed", "relative"),
          order = "relative", replications = 10)

7 Differential equations and phase plane analysis

7.1 Lotka–Volterra equations

Describe simple models of populations dynamics of species competing for some common resource. When two species are not interacting, their population evolve according to the logistic equations and the rate of reproduction is proportional to both the existing population and the amount of available resources

\begin{align*} \deriv{x}{t} &= r1 x ~ (1 - \frac{x}{k1} )
\deriv{y}{t} &= r2 y ~ (1 - \frac{y}{k2} ) \end{align*}

where the constant $ri$ defines the growth rate and $ki$ is the carrying capacity of the environment.

7.2 Competitive Lotka–Volterra equations

When competing for the same resource, the animals have a negative influence on their competitors growth.

\begin{align*} \deriv{x}{t} &= r1 x ~ (1 - \frac{x}{k1} ) - axy
\deriv{y}{t} &= r2 y ~ (1 - \frac{y}{k2} ) - bxy \end{align*}

7.3 Rabbits vs sheep (Strogatz, p155)

Here is an example with $r1 = 3$, $k1 = 3$, $a = 2$, $r2 = 2$, $k2 = 2$, $b = 1$, which simplifies to

\begin{align*} \deriv{r}{t} &= r( 3 - r - 2s)
\deriv{s}{t} &= s( 2 - r - s) \end{align*}

7.4 Computing a trajectory over time

i.e. use numerical integration, with $r_0 = 1$ and $s_0 = 1.2$

Sheep <- function(t, y, parms) {
  r=y[1]; s=y[2]
  drdt = r * (3 - r - (2*s))
  dsdt = s * (2 - r - s)
  list(c(drdt, dsdt))

x0 <- c(1, 1.2)
times <- seq(0, 30, by=0.2)
parms <- 0
out <- rk4(x0, times, Sheep, parms)

7.5 Plotting population growth


7.6 Phase plane analysis


7.7 Starting points

  • deSolve package
  • phase planes and nullclines (DMBpplane.r from DMB site, modified from Daniel Kaplan)
  • integrate() – quadrature
  • D() – symbolic differentiation
  • optimize() (1d) and optim() (n-d)
  • Steven Strogatz. Nonlinear dynamics and chaos.
  • NR: William Press et al. Numerical Recipes in C/C++
  • More slides about DE and phase plane – \url{de.pdf}

8 Conclusions

8.1 Conclusions

  • Reproducibility is crucial
  • Have several tools at hand
    • editor, programming languages, shell, …
  • Practice to keep learning
  • Have fun! ☺