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lgreenfiretail edited this page Aug 10, 2017 · 2 revisions

This is my first rails project. I wanted to try it out as part of a project that I'm working on for my auto glass website. Hopefully I can create something unique and special for this.

I'm new to this and not very experienced with rails, but I know a lot more about working with windshield replacement haverhill services clients. Writing about broken windshields is more in my wheelhouse. I know a lot of the different companies in the northern Mass area that are auto glass repair shops and provide mobile services for replacing windshields.

Normally I use weebly or wordpress, but hoping to get a bit more technical and advance my skills I wanted to try using rails this time. Also I wanted to see it's ability to rank and index a site. Working closely with people to do projects for them I need to utilize some tools that work fast and efficiently such as ruby on rails. I am excited to see how this project goes, fingers crossed that I can figure it out properly and follow all the guidelines and instructions on using this great tool.

Windshield Repair Haverhill - Importance of exact keywords

I've been working on this project website for a bit and notice how important it is that I use the correct keywords properly, such as the exact ones that people are searching for. I've been able to get a lot of online leads for my auto glass repair site just by implementing this simple technique. Working on narrowing down the right words through lots of research has helped me focus in on which ones are best to use to get the strongest results.

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