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Starting point project for those wishing to use FreeRTOS on an ESP8266.

Setup Option 1: From Sources

  1. Linux OS required. I used a couple symlinks, so windows users are likely out of luck.
  2. Get esp-open-sdk, and compile it as instructed.
  3. Make the toolchain path match what is in the setenv file by either:
  • Copying esp-open-sdk's xtensa-lx106-elf and esptool folders to /opt/espressif/.
  • Changing the path inside setenv.
  1. Clone ESP_RTOS_SDK to /opt/espressif/ESP_RTOS_SDK.
  2. If you plan on using C++ then:
  3. Clone ESP_RTOS_SDK to /opt/espressif/ESP_RTOS_SDK_CPP.
  4. Enter the folder ESP_RTOS_SDK_CPP and run (from the other_tools folder) to see what files need patching.
  5. If it seems right (only files under /opt/espressif/ESP_RTOS_SDK) then run --fix to patch.
  6. Fix setenv to point to the SDK path you just created.

Setup Option 2: Preconfigured Package

  1. Ubuntu 16.04 xenial required. The toolchain was compiled on it, and may fail dependencies elsewhere.
  2. Download the tarball here or here (ignore the bad SSL certificate).
  3. cd to /opt and untar.

Developing, Compiling and Burning

  1. Enter the project folder esp_rtos_zero.
  2. Source the setenv scritpt with: . setenv
  3. Edit the files at will.
  4. Run make clean && make && ./flash when you are ready to try.