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lhazlewood edited this page Sep 9, 2011 · 6 revisions

JEAV: Java Email Address Validator

I have been frustrated for a really, really, really long time that there are so many interpretations of a standard on the web of how to validate an email address. It is a STANDARD - there is only one way.

Because of my frustration, I created what I understand is the only valid regular-expression-based email validator for Java a while ago. It works well - but only when the email address string is relatively small; the community discovered that Java's Regular Expression parser chokes miserably for fairly complicated address strings.

So, instead of continuing to improve and paste my code in a blog article, I'm creating an open-source effort for all to contribute to in order to create the fastest RFC-compliant email address validator possible. This means that we might not have a regular-expression based validator, or maybe we use regular expressions for only part of the address token, but the idea is to have a single place for programmers worldwide to use, evaluate and contribute to an honest-to-goodness, fast yet correct email validation mechanism.

So, all of you developers, programmers, computer scientists, and hobbyists, please contribute! If you find an error, create a pull request. If you have an improvement, create a pull request. Help out!

Happy validating,

Les Hazlewood

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