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AeroGear iOS Differential Synchronization Client

This project represents a client side implementation for AeroGear Differential Synchronization (DS) Server.

This client uses the communication with the backend server implementation. The iOS SyncEngine performs the actual work of the DiffSync protocol, please refer to it's for more details.


This project requires Xcode 6.0 to run.

This project used CocoaPods to managed its dependencies. The following command must be run prior to building:

sudo gem install cocoapods --pre
pod install

This project is also a Cocoapod and can be pushed to the Cocoapods specs repository. Currently we are using a private/local Cocoapods repo before publishing the real ones. This is only for testing. Please follow the instructions here to set up a local repo.

pod spec lint AeroGearSyncClient.podspec --sources='' --verbose --allow-warnings


Building can be done by opening the project in Xcode:

open AeroGearSyncClient.xcworkspace

or you can use the command line:

xcodebuild -workspace AeroGearSyncClient.xcworkspace/ -scheme AeroGearSyncClient -sdk iphonesimulator ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO


Tests can be run from with in Xcode using Product->Test menu option (CMD+U).
You can also run test from the command:

xcodebuild -workspace AeroGearSyncClient.xcworkspace/ -scheme AeroGearSyncClient -sdk iphonesimulator ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO test

Note At the moment the test require that the AeroGear Differential Synchronization (DS) Server. is running. If it is not en error message simliar to this will be displayed:

aerogear-ios-sync-client/AeroGearSyncClientTests/SyncClientTests.swift:44: error: -[AeroGearSyncClientTests.SyncClientTests testDiffAndSync] : Asynchronous wait failed: Exceeded timeout of 3 seconds, with unfulfilled expectations: "Callback should be invoked. Is the Sync Server running?".


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