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Circuit Breaker - Eclipse Vert.x Booster

This runs best when deployed to OpenShift in order to use the circuit breaker functionality. For more details on using this booster with a single-node OpenShift cluster, CI/CD deployments, as well as the rest of the runtime, see the Eclipse Vert.x Runtime Guide.
As part of the process of creating this booster, set up a project with a CI/CD deployment of this booster. You can see the status of this deployment in your Single-node OpenShift Cluster or OpenShift Online Web Console.

Run this Booster on a Single-node OpenShift Cluster

If you have a single-node OpenShift cluster, such as Minishift or the Red Hat Container Development Kit, installed and running, you can also deploy your booster there. A single-node OpenShift cluster provides you with access to a cloud environment that is similar to a production environment.

To deploy your booster to a running single-node OpenShift cluster:

  1. Log in and create your project.

    $ git clone
    $ cd vertx-breaker-of-circuits
    $ oc login -u developer -p developer
    $ oc new-project MY_PROJECT_NAME
    $ mvn clean fabric8:deploy -Popenshift

Interact with this Booster on a Single-node OpenShift Cluster

To interact with your booster while it’s running on a Single-node OpenShift Cluster, you first need to obtain it’s URL:

$ oc get route greeting-service -o jsonpath={$}


$ oc get route name-service -o jsonpath={$}


You can use the form at your application’s url or you can use the curl command:

$ curl http://greeting-service-MY_PROJECT_NAME.LOCAL_OPENSHIFT_HOSTNAME/api/greeting
{"content":"Hello, World!"}

$ curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"state": "fail"}' http://name-service-MY_PROJECT_NAME.LOCAL_OPENSHIFT_HOSTNAME/api/state

$ curl http://greeting-service-MY_PROJECT_NAME.LOCAL_OPENSHIFT_HOSTNAME/api/greeting
{"content":"Hello, Fallback!"}

$ curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"state": "ok"}' http://name-service-MY_PROJECT_NAME.LOCAL_OPENSHIFT_HOSTNAME/api/state

$ curl http://greeting-service-MY_PROJECT_NAME.LOCAL_OPENSHIFT_HOSTNAME/api/greeting
{"content":"Hello, World!"}

More Information

You can learn more about this booster and rest of the Eclipse Vert.x runtime in the Eclipse Vert.x Runtime Guide.


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