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replaced Matter.SAT with Matter.Collision
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liabru committed Dec 12, 2021
1 parent 8adf810 commit b9e7d9d
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Showing 5 changed files with 408 additions and 279 deletions.
378 changes: 375 additions & 3 deletions src/collision/Collision.js
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
* The `Matter.Collision` module contains methods for managing collision records.
* The `Matter.Collision` module contains methods for detecting collisions between a given pair of bodies.
* For efficient detection between a list of bodies, see `Matter.Detector` and `Matter.Query`.
* See `Matter.Engine` for collision events.
* @class Collision
Expand All @@ -8,13 +12,27 @@ var Collision = {};

module.exports = Collision;

var Vertices = require('../geometry/Vertices');
var Pair = require('./Pair');

(function() {
var _supports = [];

var _overlapAB = {
overlap: 0,
axis: null

var _overlapBA = {
overlap: 0,
axis: null

* Creates a new collision record.
* @method create
* @param {body} bodyA
* @param {body} bodyB
* @param {body} bodyA The first body part represented by the collision record
* @param {body} bodyB The second body part represented by the collision record
* @return {collision} A new collision record
Collision.create = function(bodyA, bodyB) {
Expand All @@ -33,4 +51,358 @@ module.exports = Collision;

* Detect collision between two bodies.
* @method collides
* @param {body} bodyA
* @param {body} bodyB
* @param {pairs} [pairs] Optionally reuse collision records from existing pairs.
* @return {collision|null} A collision record if detected, otherwise null
Collision.collides = function(bodyA, bodyB, pairs) {
Collision._overlapAxes(_overlapAB, bodyA.vertices, bodyB.vertices, bodyA.axes);

if (_overlapAB.overlap <= 0) {
return null;

Collision._overlapAxes(_overlapBA, bodyB.vertices, bodyA.vertices, bodyB.axes);

if (_overlapBA.overlap <= 0) {
return null;

// reuse collision records for gc efficiency
var pair = pairs && pairs.table[, bodyB)],

if (!pair) {
collision = Collision.create(bodyA, bodyB);
collision.collided = true;
collision.bodyA = < ? bodyA : bodyB;
collision.bodyB = < ? bodyB : bodyA;
collision.parentA = collision.bodyA.parent;
collision.parentB = collision.bodyB.parent;
} else {
collision = pair.collision;

bodyA = collision.bodyA;
bodyB = collision.bodyB;

var minOverlap;

if (_overlapAB.overlap < _overlapBA.overlap) {
minOverlap = _overlapAB;
} else {
minOverlap = _overlapBA;

var normal = collision.normal,
supports = collision.supports,
minAxis = minOverlap.axis,
minAxisX = minAxis.x,
minAxisY = minAxis.y;

// ensure normal is facing away from bodyA
if (minAxisX * (bodyB.position.x - bodyA.position.x) + minAxisY * (bodyB.position.y - bodyA.position.y) < 0) {
normal.x = minAxisX;
normal.y = minAxisY;
} else {
normal.x = -minAxisX;
normal.y = -minAxisY;

collision.tangent.x = -normal.y;
collision.tangent.y = normal.x;

collision.depth = minOverlap.overlap;

collision.penetration.x = normal.x * collision.depth;
collision.penetration.y = normal.y * collision.depth;

// find support points, there is always either exactly one or two
var supportsB = Collision._findSupports(bodyA, bodyB, normal, 1),
supportCount = 0;

// find the supports from bodyB that are inside bodyA
if (Vertices.contains(bodyA.vertices, supportsB[0])) {
supports[supportCount++] = supportsB[0];

if (Vertices.contains(bodyA.vertices, supportsB[1])) {
supports[supportCount++] = supportsB[1];

// find the supports from bodyA that are inside bodyB
if (supportCount < 2) {
var supportsA = Collision._findSupports(bodyB, bodyA, normal, -1);

if (Vertices.contains(bodyB.vertices, supportsA[0])) {
supports[supportCount++] = supportsA[0];

if (supportCount < 2 && Vertices.contains(bodyB.vertices, supportsA[1])) {
supports[supportCount++] = supportsA[1];

// account for the edge case of overlapping but no vertex containment
if (supportCount === 0) {
supports[supportCount++] = supportsB[0];

// update supports array size
supports.length = supportCount;

return collision;

* Find the overlap between two sets of vertices.
* @method _overlapAxes
* @private
* @param {object} result
* @param {vertices} verticesA
* @param {vertices} verticesB
* @param {axes} axes
Collision._overlapAxes = function(result, verticesA, verticesB, axes) {
var verticesALength = verticesA.length,
verticesBLength = verticesB.length,
verticesAX = verticesA[0].x,
verticesAY = verticesA[0].y,
verticesBX = verticesB[0].x,
verticesBY = verticesB[0].y,
axesLength = axes.length,
overlapMin = Number.MAX_VALUE,
overlapAxisNumber = 0,

for (i = 0; i < axesLength; i++) {
var axis = axes[i],
axisX = axis.x,
axisY = axis.y,
minA = verticesAX * axisX + verticesAY * axisY,
minB = verticesBX * axisX + verticesBY * axisY,
maxA = minA,
maxB = minB;

for (j = 1; j < verticesALength; j += 1) {
dot = verticesA[j].x * axisX + verticesA[j].y * axisY;

if (dot > maxA) {
maxA = dot;
} else if (dot < minA) {
minA = dot;

for (j = 1; j < verticesBLength; j += 1) {
dot = verticesB[j].x * axisX + verticesB[j].y * axisY;

if (dot > maxB) {
maxB = dot;
} else if (dot < minB) {
minB = dot;

overlapAB = maxA - minB;
overlapBA = maxB - minA;
overlap = overlapAB < overlapBA ? overlapAB : overlapBA;

if (overlap < overlapMin) {
overlapMin = overlap;
overlapAxisNumber = i;

if (overlap <= 0) {
// can not be intersecting

result.axis = axes[overlapAxisNumber];
result.overlap = overlapMin;

* Projects vertices on an axis and returns an interval.
* @method _projectToAxis
* @private
* @param {} projection
* @param {} vertices
* @param {} axis
Collision._projectToAxis = function(projection, vertices, axis) {
var min = vertices[0].x * axis.x + vertices[0].y * axis.y,
max = min;

for (var i = 1; i < vertices.length; i += 1) {
var dot = vertices[i].x * axis.x + vertices[i].y * axis.y;

if (dot > max) {
max = dot;
} else if (dot < min) {
min = dot;

projection.min = min;
projection.max = max;

* Finds supporting vertices given two bodies along a given direction using hill-climbing.
* @method _findSupports
* @private
* @param {body} bodyA
* @param {body} bodyB
* @param {vector} normal
* @param {number} direction
* @return [vector]
Collision._findSupports = function(bodyA, bodyB, normal, direction) {
var vertices = bodyB.vertices,
verticesLength = vertices.length,
bodyAPositionX = bodyA.position.x,
bodyAPositionY = bodyA.position.y,
normalX = normal.x * direction,
normalY = normal.y * direction,
nearestDistance = Number.MAX_VALUE,

// find deepest vertex relative to the axis
for (j = 0; j < verticesLength; j += 1) {
vertexB = vertices[j];
distance = normalX * (bodyAPositionX - vertexB.x) + normalY * (bodyAPositionY - vertexB.y);

// convex hill-climbing
if (distance < nearestDistance) {
nearestDistance = distance;
vertexA = vertexB;

// measure next vertex
vertexC = vertices[(verticesLength + vertexA.index - 1) % verticesLength];
nearestDistance = normalX * (bodyAPositionX - vertexC.x) + normalY * (bodyAPositionY - vertexC.y);

// compare with previous vertex
vertexB = vertices[(vertexA.index + 1) % verticesLength];
if (normalX * (bodyAPositionX - vertexB.x) + normalY * (bodyAPositionY - vertexB.y) < nearestDistance) {
_supports[0] = vertexA;
_supports[1] = vertexB;

return _supports;

_supports[0] = vertexA;
_supports[1] = vertexC;

return _supports;

* Properties Documentation

* A reference to the pair using this collision record, if there is one.
* @property pair
* @type {pair|null}
* @default null

* A flag that indicates if the bodies were colliding when the collision was last updated.
* @property collided
* @type boolean
* @default false

* The first body part represented by the collision (see also `collision.parentA`).
* @property bodyA
* @type body

* The second body part represented by the collision (see also `collision.parentB`).
* @property bodyB
* @type body

* The first body represented by the collision (i.e. `collision.bodyA.parent`).
* @property parentA
* @type body

* The second body represented by the collision (i.e. `collision.bodyB.parent`).
* @property parentB
* @type body

* A `Number` that represents the minimum separating distance between the bodies along the collision normal.
* @readOnly
* @property depth
* @type number
* @default 0

* A normalised `Vector` that represents the direction between the bodies that provides the minimum separating distance.
* @property normal
* @type vector
* @default { x: 0, y: 0 }

* A normalised `Vector` that is the tangent direction to the collision normal.
* @property tangent
* @type vector
* @default { x: 0, y: 0 }

* A `Vector` that represents the direction and depth of the collision.
* @property penetration
* @type vector
* @default { x: 0, y: 0 }

* An array of body vertices that represent the support points in the collision.
* These are the deepest vertices (along the collision normal) of each body that are contained by the other body's vertices.
* @property supports
* @type vector[]
* @default []


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