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Releases: liamdebeasi/contrast


12 Apr 02:25
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.1...v1.1.1


12 Apr 02:03
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Introducing the Auto Adjust tool!

Contrast can now assist in suggesting more accessible colors. Click the wand icon to adjust the background color if necessary to bring the color contrast ratio up to at least 4.5:1 (AA).

What's Changed

  • feat: automatically adjust background color to meet or exceed AA contrast by @liamdebeasi in #63

Full Changelog: v1.0...v1.1


28 Feb 00:02
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Introducing Contrast, a cross-platform tool for checking if foreground and background colors pass accessibility guidelines as defined by the W3C. This first release brings the following features:

  • Basic Mode: Basic mode is the simplest mode and gives you a color contrast ratio and a rating of "Fail", "Pass", or "Great" based on the color contrast value. This is the default experience and is the most direct way of understanding the contrast of your color choices.
  • Developer Mode: Developer mode expands upon the Basic mode by giving you more detail about the color contrast. More specifically, it tells you precisely if a color meets A, AA, or AAA (if applicable) guidelines for small text, large text, and UI components. Developer mode can be enabled by clicking the hammer icon.
  • Eye Dropper Tool: The eyedropper tool can be used to select a specific color anywhere on your screen, even if the color is displayed outside of Contrast.
  • Color Palette Tool: The color palette tool can be used to bring up the browser's native color picker for more advanced color selection.
  • Text Input Tool: The text input tool allows you to enter in any valid hex color for either the foreground and background colors.
  • PWA Support: Contrast can be installed as a progressive web app (PWA) and added to your dock or start menu.
  • Offline Support: Contrast can be accessed even if you are not connected to the internet.