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Anastasiia Beliakova Library

The repository contains sources of the Anastasiia Beliakova Library website (the mkdocs project). You can build and run the website from this repository locally. If you have Docker installed, there's no need to install and configure mkdocs.

Build Docker image

Build the lib-beliakova Docker image from the Containerfile:

docker build -t lib-beliakova -f Containerfile .

You may need to rebuild the image if you have changes in the Containerfile or requirements.txt files.

Use development server for preview and editing

Start the local preview of the documentation:

  1. Build the content and start the development server within the container:

    docker run --rm -itp 8000:8000 -v "$(pwd):/d" lib-beliakova
  2. Navigate to http://localhost:8000/ in your web browser.

You can edit markdown files from the docs folder and the website content will be rebuilt each time you save changes. When you are done, press Ctrl+C to stop the container with the development server.

Build web site for publishing

To publish the documentation:

  1. Build the content:

    docker run --rm -itp 8000:8000 -v "$(pwd):/d" lib-beliakova build
  2. Copy the site directory content to a production web server.

DOCX files

To build DOCX files together with HTML, add -e ENABLE_PANDOC='1' to the docker run command:

docker run -e ENABLE_PANDOC='1' --rm -itp 8000:8000 -v "$(pwd):/d" lib-beliakova


docker run -e ENABLE_PANDOC='1' --rm -itp 8000:8000 -v "$(pwd):/d" lib-beliakova build

Links to DOCX files will be added at the bottom of each page.