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Update NEWS file for 1.3.0 release.
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Refs #1593.
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jwpeterson committed Feb 16, 2018
1 parent 02d7623 commit 39d1580
Showing 1 changed file with 154 additions and 0 deletions.
154 changes: 154 additions & 0 deletions NEWS
@@ -1,3 +1,157 @@
1.2.1 -> 1.3.0
* Weaken copy_node_and_elements partition assertion.
* Switch to "diagnostic push/pop" calls for GCC to ignore warnings.
* Fix performance issue and bugs in CouplingMatrix row iterators.
* Add --with-thread-model=openmp option, default to pthreads instead of TBB.
* Cache dof indices when computing sparsity (optimization).
* Temporarily skip running fem_system_ex2 due to changes in 3b4b2fb.
* Install the gzstream.h header along with the rest of libmesh.
* Update to latest nanoflann (pre-1.3.0).
* PetscNonlinearSolver:
- Allow user to provid separate fd and mffd evaluation functions.
- Use MatSNESMFSetReuseBase() API.
* Remove libmesh_experimental() from dg_fem_context.C.
* Make nested Parameters::Value public to allow use of the begin()/end() API.
* Remove update() call from FEMSystem::assembly(), call beforehand as necessary.
* Update LICENSE.txt file distributed with Metis.
* Add new shape quality metrics for QUAD4 elements.
* Remove many libmesh_error_msg("We'll never get here.") sections.
* Deprecate raw memory returning Preconditioner::build().
* Drop support for older compilers from DETERMINE_CXX_BRAND.
* JumpErrorEstimator fix for non-zero-norm SCALAR.
* Make LinearPartitioner DistributedMesh-compatible.
* Add System::projection_matrix() which uses MetaPhysicL.
* Add MetaPhysicL 0.2.0 to contrib.
* Avoid repeated function calls in old_dof_indices().
* Add support for detecting Intel 18.
* Break EquationSystems::reinit() into solutions and systems parts.
* Fix check in PetscVector<Complex>::localize_to_one().
* TypeNTensor:
- Add add_scaled() method.
- Add _coords data member.
* Add FEInterface::n_dofs_at_node_function().
* Add the as_range() utility for working with std:: multi containers.
* Fix unit test of writing vector and scalar variables in parallel.
* Infinite Elements:
- Enable second order infinite elements.
- Optimize contains_point() by avoiding inverse_map() calls.
- Change type of "current frequency" to Number.
- Add support for System::point_value().
- DistributedMesh fixes.
- Add miscellaneous_ex14 demonstrating infinite element use with complex frequencies.
* Use node_ref_range(), neighbor_ptr_range(), side_index_range(), etc. in loops.
* EigenSolver: don't always close() matrix before solve.
* Add --disable-deprecated configure option.
* Add support for SHELL8 elements, which are basically treated as QUAD8s.
* Avoid n_children() calls in for-loop bodies, use range-based loops.
* Add potential early return from refine_and_coarsen_elements().
* Add SparseMatrix::flux() API.
* Fix bug with XDR output of 64-bit int, long.
* Move libmesh library PATH to beginning of 'libmesh-config --libs'.
* Fix many documentation typos, spelling errors, etc.
* Add backward-compatible support for [[fallthrough]] attribute.
* Add Parallel::allgather(vector<string>) overload.
* TetGenIO: Update code for reading .ele files.
* Use the base class version of greedy_termination_test in RBEIMConstruction.
* Pass sanitizer flags when both compiling and linking.
* DofMap:
- Add dof_owner() search.
- Add semilocal_index().
- Add check for cyclic constraints.
* Disable dlopen(), getpwuid() when doing all-static linking.
* Mesh:
- Add is_serial_on_zero().
- Add set_distributed().
- Optimizations/bug fixes in stitch_meshes().
- Add various element_ptr_range(), node_ptr_range() to facilitate range-based for-loops.
- Fix constructor bug where _count_lower_dim_elems_in_point_locator was uninitialized.
* Add constructor to FEMContext for specifying extra_quadrature_order.
* Build system changes for compiling on Windows with MSys2.
* Write version to reduced basis Xdr headers.
* Avoid redundant init of old, older System vectors.
* Make SparseMatrix::close() non-const, avoid calling it on const objects.
* Set LIBMESH_HAVE_EXTERNAL_BOOST if an external boost is found.
* PerfLog:
- Add getter for underlying PerfLog data structure.
- Use const char * instead of std::string for speed.
- Add PerfData::pause_for().
* Fixes for coarsening of adaptively-refined DistributedMeshes.
* Add DenseVector(N, value) constructor.
* Improvements to src/apps/meshdiff.C
* Doxygen:
- Use \deprecated and \returns flags in documentation.
- Add client-side search boxes on Doxygen pages.
* Disallow renumbering when plotting ErrorVector.
* Fixes to AdjointRefinementErrorEstimator in FEMSystem with lift function.
* Add adjoints_ex6.
* Fixes in UnstructuredMesh::find_neighbors().
* Use new APIs in fem_system_ex1.
* Fparser
- Add support for "erf" in parsed function strings.
- Avoid race condition on asynchronous networked filesystems.
- Close file descriptors returned by mkstemp.
- Add registered derivatives to hash.
* Miscellaneous fixes for non-standard configurations.
- --disable-exodus
- --disable-amr
- --disable-fparser
- --disable-mpi
- --disable-optional
- --disable-exceptions
* C++11:
- LibMesh now requires a C++11-conforming compiler.
- The last C++03 commit is 613c152f0, tag:cpp03_final.
- Add configure test for std::erf().
- Add test for noexcept keyword.
- LIBMESH_BEST_UNORDERED_XYZ macros now required to be std::unordered_map,set etc.
- No space between nested closing template angle brackets.
- Replace UniquePtr with std::unique_ptr everywhere.
- Use libmesh_make_unique instead of 'new' where possible.
- Use containers of std::unique_ptrs where possible.
* Add StreamRedirector class to handle stream resetting with RAII, use in WhichNodeAmITest.
* Make build_cube() use ordered element ids for DistributedMesh.
* Fix BoundaryMesh unit test in parallel.
* Fix ReferenceCountedObject::operator=().
* Add ifdef'd move constructor to ReferenceCounter.
* Remove old, unused scripts from contrib/bin.
* Respect subdomains_relative_to set in BoundaryInfo::sync().
* Store string passed to libmesh_error_msg inside exception object.
* Disallow remote element removal during Mesh copy.
* Remove -Wunused-parameter from our CFLAGS list.
* Add optional Exodus file output to adjoints_ex*
* PetscDiffSolver: enforce constraints on current_local_solution to avoid PETSc locking issue.
* BoundingBox
- Add union_with(Point).
- MeshTools::create_nodal_bounding_box().
- Add MeshTools::create_local_bounding_box().
- Use nodal bounding box for Hilbert transformations.
* ExodusII_IO:
- Fix single-precision bug in write_timestep().
- Batch writing of subdomain, block, and sideset data to file.
- Fix copy_elemental_solution() in parallel.
- Add write_timestep_discontinuous().
- Turn off verbose output by default in debug mode.
- Add read_elemental_variable(), read_global_variable() interfaces.
- Add optional system_names arguments to write_timestep() methods.
* CheckpointIO:
- DistributedMesh fixes and additonal unit testing.
- Fix remote_elem child link handling.
- More robust extra_ghost_elem handling.
- The splitter unit tests require XDR.
- Put sideset/nodeset names in header.
- Fix read_remote_elem() in N->M case.
- Store integer data type in CheckpointIO files.
- Support changing the number of ghosted layers in Splitter.
- Changes to CheckpointIO filenaming scheme.
- Refactor mesh splitter app into a function.
* AbaqusIO: support more element types, optionally skip sideset generation.
* Elem:
- Add more total_family_tree_* methods.
- Add remove_links_to_me().
- Add which_node_am_i().
- Add raw_child_ptr() accessor.
* Fix assert in reduced_basis_ex4.

1.2.0 -> 1.2.1
* Bugfix/compatibility release.
* Update bundled NetCDF from 4.3.1 ->
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