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.NET 6 CodeQL Nuget (with prereleases)


A null-free optional value library for .NET.

  • An optional value is represented as the base type Opt<T>
  • Present values are represented as the derived type Opt<T>.Some
  • Missing values are represented as the static property Opt<T>.None

See the Examples Tests for more on how to use Opt.


.NET 6


  • NuGet packages are available on
    • Embedded debug symbols
    • Source Link enabled
  • NuGet packages from CI builds are available on the libanvl GitHub feed


  • Immutable
  • Use Opt<T> instead of T? for optional values
  • Implicit conversion from T to Opt<T>
  • Opts of IEnumerable<T> are iterable
  • Deep selection of properties in complex objects
  • SomeOrEmpty() for string and enumerables
  • SomeOrDefault() for any type
  • Change to a null with SomeOrNull()
  • Explicitly opt-in to exceptions with Unwrap()
  • Cast inner value to compatible type with Cast()


class Car
	public string Driver { get; set;}

public void AcceptOptionalValue(Opt<Car> optCar, Opt<string> optName)
	if (optCar is Opt<Car>.Some someCar)
		someCar.Value.Driver = optName.SomeOrDefault("Default Driver");

	if (optCar.IsNone)
		throw new Exception();

	// or use Unwrap() to throw for None

	Car bcar = optCar.Unwrap();

public void RunCarOperations()
	var acar = new Car();
	AcceptOptionalValue(acar, "Rick");

	Car? nocar = null;
	AcceptOptionalValue(nocar.WrapOpt(), None.String)

	// use Select to project to an Opt of an inner property
	Opt<string> driver = acar.Select(x => x.Driver);

public void OptsOfEnumerablesAreIterable<T>(Opt<List<T>> optList)
	// if optList is None, the enumerable is empty, not null
	foreach (T item in optList)

	// this is equivalent
	foreach (T item in optList.SomeOrEmpty())