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intraFont - A bitmap font library for PSP using the PSP's internal font (firmware pgf and bwfon files)

intraFont Version 0.31 by BenHur -

intraFont uses parts of pgeFont by InsertWittyName -
G-spec code by Geecko (2010)


The library loads a pgf or bwfon font from firmware and generates a 4-bit paletted bitmap font texture on the fly
when drawing text. It caches previously drawn characters and is accurate to 1/4 pixel.

Since version 0.30 intraFont supports regular, italic and/or bold Latin, Japanese, Korean, symbol and Chinese 
fonts: flash0:/font/ltn0.pgf, ltn1.pgf, ..., ltn15.pgf, jpn0.pgf, kr0.pgf, arib.pgf and gb3s1518.bwfon (kr0.pgf 
and arib.pgf might be missing/replaced by a dummy file depending on the CFW).

Known issues:
- if more than 100 different characters are drawn on the same screen (i.e. before the next sceGuSync statement) 
  using a medium size cache (default), graphical glitches might appear. Workaround: use a larger cache size 
- if you're using the graphics library then you may need to reset the sceGuTex* states to what they are defaulted
  to in the initGraphics() functions, after using the intraFont* functions 
- scrolling text can NOT be used with rotation


There are two samples included using the graphics library from Yeldarb's tutorials 

It should be easy enough to add to any other library.


libccc (included in the package)


Depending on the purpose one can optimize the use of intraFont for loadtime [ms], memory [kB] and speed 
[kiloCharacters Per Second] via the INTRAFONT_CACHE_??? flags.

Rule of thumb: 
- if you only need standard ASCII characters in your application:     use INTRAFONT_CACHE_ASCII
- if you need less than 100 different characters in your application: use INTRAFONT_CACHE_MED (default)
- if you use more than 100 different characters in your application: 
    use INTRAFONT_CACHE_LARGE for faster loadtime  OR
    use INTRAFONT_CACHE_ALL for lower memory consumption and steady fps       

The following table shows typical performance numbers:

ltn0-7  ¦   52ms,  114kB, 2.5kCPS(*)¦   52ms,  210kB, 2.5kCPS ¦  83ms, 33kB, 100kCPS  ¦  191ms, 119kB, 100kCPS
ltn8-15 ¦   36ms,   83kB, 4.1kCPS   ¦   36ms,  179kB, 4.1kCPS ¦  54ms, 20kB, 100kCPS  ¦   95ms,  64kB, 100kCPS
jpn0    ¦ 1020ms, 1763kB, 0.5kCPS   ¦ 1020ms, 1859kB, 0.5kCPS ¦ 997ms, 33kB, 100kCPS  ¦   - too many glyphs -
kr0     ¦  350ms,  625kB, 0.6kCPS   ¦  350ms,  721kB, 0.6kCPS ¦  - no ASCII glyphs -  ¦ 1936ms, 440kB, 67kCPS(**)
arib    ¦  177ms,  266kB, 1.9kCPS   ¦  177ms,  362kB, 1.9kCPS ¦  - no ASCII glyphs -  ¦   - too many glyphs -

(*)  Low speeds (<10kCPS) occur when characters are not cached. Printing the same characters a second time 
     results in 100 kCPS, i.e. the speed penalty is gone.
(**) kr0 is slower because one character can consist of up to three glyphs.


G-spec - added rotation support. The angle is specified by a new argument to intraFontSetStyle,
         (float value in degrees). The performance hit is up to 40% when angle is not equal to 0,
         because there is 6 vertices per char instead of 2. Rotation center specified by x and y.
       - very little cleanup of the code, converted tabulation to 2 spaces, for a better readability

0.31 - added option to set alternative font, which is used for characters that are not present in the current 
       font (e.g. if you want to print chars from two or more fonts in the same string)
     - added support for unpacking LZR streams in libccc:
       * libccc is able to unpack and load the firmwares own codepage conversion tables, thus its tables are no 
         longer needed (saves around 140kB of size/memory, -DLIBCCC_NO_CPxxx is now obsolete)
       * the routines for decoding and (limited) encoding of LZR streams are also seperately released: libLZR is
         available for download from
     - bug fixed where intraFontMeasureTextUCS2() could return a wrong value (bug introduced in version 0.30)

0.30 - added support for Chinese (gb3s1518.bwfon): now all of the PSPs internal fonts are supported! (thanks to 
       Tong for his help)
     - added libccc (my Character Code Conversion library) for string parsing/conversion:
       * it currrently supports decoding of UTF-8 and the following codepages: 
         CP437 (US), CP850 (Multilingual Latin I), CP866 (Russian), CP932 (Japanese Shift-JIS), 
         CP936 (Simplified Chinese GBK), CP949 (Korean), CP950 (Traditional Chinese Big5), 
         CP1251 (Cyrillic) and CP1252 (Latin I)
       * it's required by intraFont 0.30+ (simply add libccc.o to the OBJS list in your makefile)
       * if you don't need any codepages: add -DLIBCCC_NO_CP to the CFLAGS in your makefile, which 
         saves around 140kB of size/memory.
       * finally, it can be used independantly from intraFont for your own character conversion needs

0.26 - bug fixed where text could be mis-aligned after newline character (thanks to Slasher)
     - bug fixed in multi-byte string parsing (thanks to xart)
     - in scrolling text newline characters are replaced by spaces (to prevent graphical glitches)

0.25 - added text scrolling in intraFontPrintColumn() (flags INTRAFONT_SCROLL_LEFT/RIGHT/SEESAW/THROUGH)

0.24 - added column printing with automatic linebreaks - no need to worry about overwriting parts of the screen 
       or printing outside the screen anymore (use intraFontPrintColumn()) 
     - added full justification (flush left&right) for column printing (flag INTRAFONT_ALIGN_FULL)
     - various optimizations related to UCS2 conversion (thanks to StrmnNrmn)
     - added functions to print/measure the first n chars of a string (intraFontPrintEx() and other ...Ex() 
       functions; thanks to StrmnNrmn)
     - bug fixed where intraFontMeasureText() could return a wrong value because multi-byte strings (S-JIS and 
       UTF-8) and codepages were not yet properly handled

0.23 - added support for UTF-8 string parsing: use flag INTRAFONT_STRING_UTF8 in intraFontLoad() (thanks to 
     - added support for codepages (conversion of extended ascii to unicode depending on source): use flag 
       INTRAFONT_STRING_CP??? in intraFontLoad(), where ??? is 437, 850 or 1252 (let me know if you need other 
       codepages; default conversion uses ISO-8859-1)
     - encoding type of text string (ASCII, UTF-8, S-JIS or codepages) can also be set with intraFontSetEncoding

0.22 - added support for S-JIS string parsing: use flag INTRAFONT_STRING_SJIS in intraFontLoad() (thanks to 
       psp-kaihatu-yotien - )
     - added pre-caching for ASCII characters: use flag INTRAFONT_CACHE_ASCII in intraFontLoad()
     - added support for extended ASCII in text strings (e.g. "\251" for the (c) copyright symbol)

0.21 - no new features, bugfix version only
     - bug fixed which could cause graphical glitches (thanks to StrmnNrmn)
     - bug fixed where intraFontMeasureText() could return a wrong value (thanks to StrmnNrmn)

0.2  - added support for Korean (kr0.pgf) and symbols (arib.pgf)
     - added cache options (cache size and pre-cache all)
     - added right and center alignments
     - improved fixed width appearance (width can be set by user or left as default)
     - fixed various bugs (mostly in glyph cache to prevent graphical glitches)
     - reduced memory required (variable-size texture, free unneeded stuff)
     - improved speed (optimizations, texture swizzling)

0.1  - initial release


Skylark and Freeplay: basic deciphering of the pgf format
InsertWittyName: pgeFont
CpuWhiz: "Hello World" in Japanese
J.F.: intraFontMeasureText()
psp-kaihatu-yotien: S-JIS to UCS-2 conversion
NexTOS: UTF-8 support
StrmnNrmn: bug fixes and optimizations
Slasher and xart: bug reports
Tong: unicode mapping of gb3s1518.bwfon


This is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.
See LICENSE for more information.


With accordance to the license, the following must be adhered to:

If you use the code in any way, shape or form you must attribute it in the following way:

'Uses intraFont by BenHur'

If you alter the code in any way, shape or form you must also release the updated code
under the same license.

See if you need more information.


BenHur's intraFont with rotation support.







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