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FreeBSD ezjail flavours

Ezjail is a FreeBSD wrapper for managing jails in a convenient way. Linux people could identify it as a Docker-ish deployment technology for FreeBSD zero-overhead virtualization.

ezjail main website

How ezjail flavours do work?

When creating a new jail using ezjail, a jail template can be specified. The jail template is composed by a set of files which will overwrite the instelled ones on the freshly created jail.

The main ezjail shell script is located at /usr/local/bin/ezjail-admin. By examining the shell stantences starting at line 780 the customisation of the jail installation process can be easily spotted:

 781       # if the packages are links and not files we have to copy them now
 782       find "${ezjail_rootdir}/pkg/" -type l -exec cp -r -f {} {}.ezjail \; -exec mv {}.ezjail {} \;
 784       # If an old style flavour config is found, make it auto run on jails startup
 785       if [ -f "${ezjail_rootdir}/ezjail.flavour" ]; then
 786         chmod 0755 "${ezjail_rootdir}/ezjail.flavour"
 787         mv "${ezjail_rootdir}/ezjail.flavour" "${ezjail_rootdir}/ezjail.flavour".`printf %04d ${installed_flavours}`
 788         [ $(( installed_flavours+=1 )) == 1 ] && echo "Note: Shell scripts for flavour ${ezjail_flavour} installed, flavourizing on jails first startup."
 790       cat > "${ezjail_rootdir}/etc/rc.d/ezjail-config" <<"EOF"
 791 #!/bin/sh
 792 #
 794 # PROVIDE: ezjail-config
 795 #
 796 name=ezjail-config
 797 start_cmd=flavour_setup
 799 flavour_setup() {
 800   # N.B.: Do NOT rm $0, it points to /etc/rc
 801   rm -f "/etc/rc.d/ezjail-config"
 802   for ezjail_flavour in /ezjail.flavour.*; do
 803     [ -x "${ezjail_flavour}" ] && "${ezjail_flavour}"
 804     rm -f "${ezjail_flavour}"
 805   done
 806 }
 807 run_rc_command "$1"
 808 EOF
 809       chmod 0755 "${ezjail_rootdir}/etc/rc.d/ezjail-config"
 810       fi
 811     done
 812   fi

As can be seen on /usr/local/bin/ezjail-admin:788, the script checks for the existence of the directory ${ezjail_rootdir}/pkg and the script file ezjail.flavour on the freshly created jail filesystem. If the directory ${ezjail_rootdir}/pkg exists, all packages contained on it will be installed automatically; If the file ${ezjail_rootdir}/etc/rc.d/ezjail.flavour is also present, it will be executed.

If the file ${ezjail_rootdir}/ezjail.flavour exists, ezjail-admin understand that its a "old-style jail" and it will be also executed. The same applies to every script named with the form ezjail.flavour.*. The execution of this scripts is carried out with a helper rc-script which is located on the jail's filesystem (${ezjail_rootdir}/etc/rc.d/ezjail-config). The helper rc-script (as well the rest of the ezjail.flavour.* scripts if present) will be deleted after the jail's first boot. Note that the original flavour script included at ${ezjail_rootdir}/etc/rc.d/ezjail.flavour won't be deleted from the freshly installed jail.

So, in order to customise a jail using a specifig flavour the following requeriments must be met:

  1. The default flavour must exist at /usr/jails/flavour/default. If it doesn't, ezjail-admin will create an example jail flavour.
  2. The jail flavour must contain a customisation script located at the flavour's filesystem ${ezjail_rootdir}/etc/rc.d/ezjail.flavour
  3. Customisation code must be implemented on the shell function flavour_setup inside ${ezjail_rootdir}/etc/rc.d/ezjail.flavour. This can be also customised by modifying the variable start_cmd=flavour_setup in the flavour script.

Creating a new ezjail flavour

  1. Copy the base default flavour

    cp -r /usr/jails/flavours/default /usr/jails/flavours/myflavour
  2. Rename the ezjail post-installation script and variables

    mv /usr/jails/flavours/myflavour/etc/rc.d/ezjail.flavour.default \
    sed -i '' -s 's/default/myflavour/g' \
  3. Implement the post-install inside the flavour_setup shell function

    vim /usr/jails/flavours/myflavour/etc/rc.d/ezjail.flavour.myflavour
  4. Deploy a jail using the newly created flavour

    ezjail-admin create -f myflavour mynewjail 'lo1|'
  5. Start the jail (first boot, so be patiente)

    ezjail-admin start mynewjail
  6. Connect to the flavoured jail

    ezjail-admin console mynewjail


FreeBSD ezjail flavours






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