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Golang client for API for libdns

Go Reference

This package implements the libdns interfaces for API, allowing you to manage DNS records.

Usage Example:

package examples

import (

var (
	provider = nicrudns.Provider{}
	zoneName string

func ExampleLibdnsProvider() error {
	ctx := context.TODO()
	var records = []libdns.Record{
			Type:  `A`,
			Name:  `www`,
			Value: ``,
			TTL:   time.Hour,
	if records, err := provider.AppendRecords(ctx, zoneName, records); err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, `append records error`)
	} else {
		for _, record := range records {
			fmt.Println(record.Name, record.TTL, record.TTL, record.Value)
		return nil

func ExampleNicruClient() error {
	client := nicrudns.NewClient(&provider)
	var names = []string{`www`}
	if response, err := client.AddA(zoneName, names, ``, `3600`); err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, `add records error`)
	} else {
		for _, rr := range response.Data.Zone[0].Rr {
			fmt.Println(rr.Name, rr.Type, rr.Ttl, rr.A.String())
		return nil