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Small fix in RSA (more resilient C constant time pattern in paddings). #66

Small fix in RSA (more resilient C constant time pattern in paddings).

Small fix in RSA (more resilient C constant time pattern in paddings). #66

name: libecc
# Run this workflow every time a new commit pushed to your repository
on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
#max-parallel: 10
cc: [gcc, clang, g++, clang++]
blinding: [0, 1]
complete: [0, 1]
ladder: [0, 1]
cryptofuzz: [0, 1]
optflags: ["-O3", "-O2", "-O1"]
# Checkout repository
- name: checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Run actions
# libecc compilation tests
- name: libecc compilation tests
CC: ${{ }}
BLINDING: ${{ matrix.blinding }}
COMPLETE: ${{ matrix.complete }}
LADDER: ${{ matrix.ladder }}
CRYPTOFUZZ: ${{ matrix.cryptofuzz }}
EXTRA_LIB_CFLAGS: ${{ matrix.optflags }}
EXTRA_BIN_CFLAGS: ${{ matrix.optflags }}
shell: bash
run: |
# Compilation tests of all cases
make && cd src/arithmetic_tests/ && make clean && make bin && make clean && cd -;
cd src/examples/ && make clean && make && cd - && make clean;
make 16;
cd src/examples/ && make clean && make 16 && cd - && make clean;
make 32;
cd src/examples/ && make clean && make 32 && cd - && make clean;
make 64;
cd src/examples/ && make clean && make 64 && cd - && make clean;
# We perform one test with the sanitizers
cd src/examples/ && make clean && USE_SANITIZERS=1 make && cd - && make clean;
make debug;
cd src/examples/ && make clean && make debug && cd - && make clean;
make debug16;
cd src/examples/ && make clean && make debug16 && cd - && make clean;
make debug32;
cd src/examples/ && make clean && make debug32 && cd - && make clean;
make debug64;
cd src/examples/ && make clean && make debug64 && cd - && make clean;
continue-on-error: false