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SaidIt Chat Installation

Install unreal irc server

$ sudo apt-get install make gcc build-essential openssl libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev zlibc libgcrypt11 libgcrypt11-dev
# UPDATE to the latest stable release
$ wget
$ tar xzvf unrealircd-4.2.3.tar.gz
$ cd unrealircd-4.2.3/
$ ./Config
# Press [Enter] a bunch of times, press space to read the license, wait for configuration tasks
# For "Do you want to generate an SSL certificate for the IRCd?" respond "No"
$ make
$ make install

Configure unreal:

$ cd ~/unrealircd
$ cp conf/examples/example.conf conf/unrealircd.conf
$ nano conf/unrealircd.conf
  # change 'oper bobsmith' to `oper ircoperator`
  # change 'password "test";' to a unique password
  # add 2 more keys to section 'cloak-keys'
  # set 'kline-address' to a valid email address
  # set 'maxchannelsperuser' t0 50
  # in 'allow' block for ip '*@*' change 'maxperip' to 10

Also add a new allow block (after the '@' block):

allow { ip *@; class clients; maxperip 50000; };

in the final 'set' block 'Server specific configuration', near the end of , add:

ssl {
    certificate "/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem";
    key "/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key";

Also add the following before ulines for anope services:

link services.reddit.local
    incoming {
            mask *@;
    outgoing {
            bind-ip *; /* or explicitly an IP */
            hostname services.reddit.local;
            port 6900;
            options { ssl; };
    password "my-services-password-1234";
    class servers;

Also change ulines to:

ulines {

Setup SSL cert permissions, start unreal, and cleanup:

$ sudo usermod -aG ssl-cert reddit
$ sudo usermod -aG ssl-cert irc
$ ./unrealircd start
$ rm -rf ~/unrealircd-4.2.3*

Install anope IRC services

This provides ListServ, ChanServ, etc.

$ cd ~
$ sudo apt-get install cmake build-essential
# update version number to the latest stable release:
$ wget
$ tar xzvf anope-2.0.6-source.tar.gz
$ cd anope-2.0.6-source
$ ./Config
# press [Enter] a bunch, accept defaults
$ cd build/
$ make
$ make install

Configure anope:

$ cd ~/services/conf/
$ cp nickserv.example.conf nickserv.conf
$ nano nickserv.conf
  # set guestnickprefix = "guest" (for The Lounge autconnect feature)
$ cp operserv.example.conf operserv.conf
$ nano operserv.conf
  # NOTE: insecure if you allow outside access to IRC/6667, instead just change maxsessionlimit only and later run:
  #    /msg OperServ exception add +0 50000 Allow many localhost TheLounge clients
  # set defaultsessionlimit = 50000, maxsessionlimit = 50000 (since everyone connects from localhost)
$ cp example.conf services.conf
$ nano services.conf
  # note: not using SSL since connecting to localhost
  # set uplink::port to 6667
  # set uplink::password to 'my-services-password-1234'
  # set serverinfo::name to services.reddit.local
  # comment out the botserv include, search for `botserv.example.conf`
  # change `nickserv.example.conf` to `nickserv.conf`
  # change `operserv.example.conf` to `operserv.conf`
  # change `inspircd20` (in `module`) to `unreal4`

add this oper section near the existing disabled ones:

    name = "ircoperator"
    type = "Services Root"
    require_oper = yes

start anope and cleanup:

$ cd ~/services/bin
$ ./services
$ rm -rf ~/anope-2.0.6*

Install TheLounge web IRC client

$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd lounge-autoconnect
# update to the latest autoconnect branch
$ git checkout v2.4.0-autoconnect
$ npm install
$ NODE_ENV=production npm run build
$ node index config
# [ESC] : q to quit

configure TheLounge, SSL cert paths may need to be adjusted:

$ nano ~/.lounge/config.js
# edit to match:
#   public: false,
#   port: 2053,
#   theme: "themes/zenburn.css",
#   prefetch: true,
#   prefetchStorage: true,
#   prefetchMaxImageSize: 2048,
#   lockNetwork: true,
#   defaults { name: "saiditDEV", host: "", nick: "guest", username: "guest", realname: "Guest", join: "#home" }
#   https: { enable: true, key: "/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key", certificate: "/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem" }

add an intial user so the server will start:

$ cd ~/lounge-autoconnect
$ node index add firstuser
# use a throwaway password, don't log to disk

start TheLounge:

$ cd ~/lounge-autoconnect
$ nohup npm start ./ > thelounge.log 2>&1 &
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