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Markdown, HTML and Liquid

damios edited this page Feb 13, 2021 · 2 revisions

The pages of our site are primarily formatted via markdown and HTML.


Markdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for styling texts. Mostly, Markdown is just regular text with a few non-alphabetic characters thrown in, like # or *. GitHub offers a very concise guide for Markdown.

A more complete guide, which is also specifically oriented towards Kramdown (the Markdown processor our website uses), can be found here.


### Other notable changes:
- Updated to **MobiVM 2.3.11** (which supports the latest Apple devices, but not yet the [iOS 14 bindings](
- The audio backend on GWT was changed to the WebAudio API. When updating existing projects, you can remove the soundmanager JS files from your _webapp_ folder and the references to it from _index.html_.
- The GWT backend now supports resizable applications via the use of `GwtApplicationConfiguration`. The old resizing code from your HTMLLaunchers can be removed.


Behind the scenes Markdown is converted to HTML code. This allows us to use HTML in-between all the markdown. This is especially useful for flexible styling and more elaborate widgets (in particular, when involving Javascript).


<div class="notice--primary">
    Hey everybody! As announced in <a href="/news/2021/01/devlog_5_community_showcases">Status Report #5</a> we want to give creators of interesting community projects the opportunity to present their exciting libraries or tools on the official blog. This is the second of these <b>Community Showcases</b>, in which Gempukku Studio is going to present his <a href="">libGDX-graph tool</a>!
    If you are interested in other cool community projects, be sure to check out the <a href="">libGDX Awesome List</a> as well. To participate in future showcases, take a look <a href="">here</a>.


Liquid is Jekyll's templating language. It has support for variables (usually dealt with in two curly braces, e.g. {{ variable }}) and performing logic statements (e.g. {% if statement %}). Find out more in the Liquid documentation.


# Features
## Rendering pipeline definition
You can define the entire rendering pipeline workflow in your application, using nodes in a graph.

![](/assets/images/posts/2021-02-06/pipeline.png){: .align-center}


## Post-processors (blur, bloom, depth of field, etc)
LibGDX-graph contains a few built in post-processing effects that can be used out of the box in your projects. Those are
the most common and most useful ones - Gaussian Blur, Bloom, Depth of Field and Gamma Correction. For further
information, on those nodes - please refer to this video:

{% include video id="wRWVgO0aAlk?list=PLqpawGIg6Qj5CvjOaCbB536z862XhjPQi" provider="youtube" %}