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damios edited this page Sep 11, 2020 · 29 revisions

A post is a blog post associated with a specific date. See the Pages entry for some general introduction into how Jekyll sites are structured.

The date, when a post is to be published, is set via the file name of a new post. Setting a date in the future allows scheduling posts.


title: "libGDX 1.9.11"
classes: wide2
  overlay_color: "#000"
  overlay_filter: "0.5"
  overlay_image: /assets/images/update.jpeg
  caption: "Photo credit: [**Markus Winkler**]("
excerpt: "The time has come - libGDX 1.9.11 has been released!"

show_author: true
author_username: "crykn"
author_displayname: "damios"

categories: news

The time has come - libGDX 1.9.11 has been released! It contains various different fixes and improvements. Furthermore, we're now also supporting to deploy Linux ARM builds, so Raspberry Pi: here we are!


The latest version of dependencies can, as always, be found [here](/dev/versions/).
{: .notice--primary}

### A few notable changes:
- Update to [MobiVM 2.3.8](
- Update to [LWJGL 3.2.3](

This is basically the same as for pages. In additon:

  • Tags can be added, to group different articles (so far only used for changelogs)
  • The categoriy should be set as "news", so the generated links all have /news/ in front of them.
  • Authors can be added:
    1. Set show_author: true
    2. Specify the author's GitHub username: author_username: "crykn"
    3. Specify the name to display: author_displayname: "damios"

Specific Types of Posts


If you're adding a new changelog post, please don't forget to update the link in the frontmatter of index.html:

  - image_path: /assets/images/update.jpeg
    alt: "Latest version"
    title: "libGDX 1.9.11"
    excerpt: 'The latest version of libGDX, 1.9.11, has been released on 22 July 2020. Among various fixes and improvements it contains support for Linux ARM builds, which allows libGDX apps to be deployed on Rasperry Pis.'
    url: "/news/2020/07/gdx_1_9_11"
    btn_label: "See the full changelog"
    btn_class: "btn--primary"

Game Jam Announcements

If you're adding a new game jam announcement, please don't forget to also update the community/jams/ page.