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Christian Egli edited this page Mar 4, 2024 · 21 revisions

Time based releases

Liblouis is using a time based release schedule. There is a release four times a year namely always on Monday of ISO week 10, 23, 36 and 49.

The next few releases will be according to the following table:

Release Date
3.29 March 4 2024
3.30 June 3 2024
3.31 September 2 2024
3.32 December 2 2024

What will be in the next release?

Generally whatever is ready will be included in the release. For the next release have a look at the pending pull requests (

In particular there are a number of table improvements that we would like to include. For table improvements we also want test data to ensure quality. So if you want your table included in the release please provide test data.

Will my improvements be in the next release?

If there is a pull request and all the tests pass then it is safe to say that it will be in the next release. If you send a patch to the mailing list give some extra time, as we have to run the tests ourselves and might have some questions before including it. So make sure to give us enough time before a release date.

Is this coordinated with NVDA, Orca, etc?

Yes, we try to accommodate the release schedule of other projects. Picking dates however is always a balancing act.